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MMOItems -----

A great item solution for your RPG server. Over 200 Unique Item Options!

[6.3.1] Bug Fixes and a Few features [READ CHANGELOG]
First of all we want to apologize for the slow support and development recently, things are really busy and rough with the team right now and we are trying to figure things out. Enjoy this small update that will hopefully appease some issues for awhile. Fixes should be picking back up soon.

- Fixed the /checktag command
- Added the ability to specify individual lore-formats for each time, this goes in the language/lore-formats folder and follows the same format as the default. If an item does not have a specified lore-format it will use the default.
- Added Smithing Table Recipes
- Fixed amount displays
- Added the "Deskin" consumable option (lets a player take their skin back from the items that have skins applied.)

Lore format may need updated with `-#can-deskin#` and stats.yml needs can-deskin: '&7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'

- fix consumable on consume sound not working correctly
- Adds back using "%player%" in the command trigger string in stations.
- fix custom sounds not playing correcly
- Permanent Potion Effects no longer override better effects of the same type
- Adds custom font support in items. More examples will be added to the wiki soon. <font=uniform>Hello
- MASSIVE optimization update: Decreased memory usage. Improved calculation times, and more... - Improved Item Set stat entry

Added a config update system. You will now be notified if you use an outdated 'config.yml' file
- Added an auto-soulbind stat which let's you automatically soulbind items when acquired.
- Fixed ingredient displays showing up as "INVALID"
- Empty dynamic lores will now be ignored
----------, Nov 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,002
First Release: Apr 19, 2017
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
336 ratings
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