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MMOItems -----

A great item solution for your RPG server. Over 200 Unique Item Options!

[4.5 Beta] Abilities Update, SOULBOUND
  • Slightly changed the default lore format. Stats should be easier to see since some colors were removed (atk damage/speed).
  • Fixed an issue with crossbows.
  • Abilities Update
    • Every item can now have up to 7 abilities.
    • New abilites: Tactical Grenade, Magma Fissure, Targeted Fireball, Contamination, Chicken Wraith, Blizzard, Regen Ally, Corrosion, Eggpocalypse, Ignite, Freeze, Minor Explosion, Weaken Target
    • Casting Modes: every item ability has a casting mode which determines what the player needs to do in order to cast the ability:
      • Shift + Left/Right Click
      • Left/Right Click
      • When Hit (when being attacked by other mobs)
      • On Hit (when attacking other mobs)
    • New GUI to edit your item abilities.
    • Slight changes to Freezing Curse
    • You will have to edit your previous item abilities to make them work again.
  • Fixed an issue with the drop chance with /mi drop.
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs when hit.
  • The item options in the edition menu no longer displays /mi crreload which has been replaced by /mi reload adv-recipes a few updates ago.
  • Players without enough perms won't see the advanced recipes they can't use.
  • Added a consumable option to make items only consumed when they are actually eaten (via the vanilla eating animation).
  • Fixed an issue with regeneration.
  • Bows can now display particles around their arrows
    • MMOItems no longer hooks on MoarBows. You can recreate these bows using this new stat & on-hit abilities which gives you way more configurability.
  • Added more default items.
  • Added a drop table option to disable drops when a block is being mined with a Silk Touch pickaxe.
  • Added support for Residence.
  • Soulbound
    • Items can be linked to players. Other players can't use soulbound items.
    • Consumables can be used onto other items to bind them to you. Other consumables can break soulbounds from other items.
    • Soulbounds are displayed on the item lore.
    • Soulbounds have levels which are determined by the consumable you used to bind the item. When you try to break a soulbound, the soulbound breaking consumable must at least have the same level.
    • Soulbound items don't drop on death.
    • Added /soulbound (info on the item you are holding, with a perm node).
  • Fixed an issue with furnace recipes.
  • Permanent effects no longer display particles at all. Much nicer
  • Fixed an issue with armors. They no longer give you stats even when you try to wear them although you don't meet the requirements (they used to give you the vanilla armor attributes because of an issue introduced in 4.4).
  • /mi load now supports item lore.
  • Fixed the item sets default lores.
You need to add these lines to your current stats.yml language file
Code (Text):
# Soulbound
soulbinding-chance: '&7■ Has a &a#%&7 chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&7■ Has a &a#%&7 chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&7■ Level &e# &7Soulbound'

----------, Jan 29, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,002
First Release: Apr 19, 2017
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
336 ratings
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