BeautyQuests icon

BeautyQuests -----

Quest system with a simple graphical interface. Compatible with SQL databases.

Version: 1.0.4
This plugin demonstrates how years of passion and hard work can bring people to create amazing and well structured projects. Great support and a very kind developer, someone to admire in my opinion.

Version: 1.0.4
I created an interaction mission with a block, the condition was an item in hand and I got this error in 1.12.2:
[17:59:26 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to BeautyQuests v1.0.4
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory.getItem(Lorg/bukkit/inventory/EquipmentSlot;)Lorg/bukkit/inventory/ItemStack;
at fr.skytasul.quests.requirements.EquipmentRequirement.test( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.requirements.RequirementList.allMatch( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.stages.AbstractStage.canUpdate( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.stages.AbstractStage.canUpdate( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.stages.StageInteractLocation.onInteract( ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor964.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[EventExecutor.class:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[TimedEventExecutor.class:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[RegisteredListener.class:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[SimplePluginManager.class:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( ~[CraftEventFactory.class:?]
at ~[or.class:?]
at ~[pa.class:?]
at ~[ma.class:?]
at ~[ma.class:?]
at$checkThreadAndEnqueue$0( ~[hv.class:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_422]
at [?:1.8.0_422]
at net.minecraft.util.Util.func_181617_a(SourceFile:46) [h.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( [nz.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at [?:1.8.0_422]
Author's response
Ah, it's probably a 1.12.2 bug. Sorry :/

Version: 1.0.4
Плагин классный
Но спустя два года, так и не разобрался с настройкой и созданием конфигураций...
Да, это моя проблема, но...
Кажется будто конфигурации можно было бы составить намного проще!
Пришло время для создания квестов и я воспользуюсь функциями minecraft:execute, кажется что это сложно и имеет некоторые минусы
Но это всё ещё легче чем создавать кучу конфигураций BetonQuest по огромной непонятной документации(будто ищу одну фразу, по слову из каждой книги в библиотеке на 5000 книг)
Author's response
I tried to use a translation service to understand your message but I'm not sure it's been translated correctly. I don't understand what you didn't succeed. Could you come on Discord so we can discuss further?

Version: 1.0.4
Thanks for supporting old versions as last as you have. I recently got this but have been enjoying its functionality, especially when combined with a couple other plugins.

Version: 1.0.3
When update for 1.21 ??? couse is wroking but i have erros in console, so good will be if you update your plugin
Author's response
There are dev builds available at that support 1.21.1. I'll soon release on SpigotMC.

Version: 1.0.3
[BeautyQuests] Loaded talk particles: VILLAGER_HAPPY in shape BAR
[09:56:46 WARN]: [BeautyQuests] Loading of next particles failed: Invalid particle, color or shape.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.Particle.SMOKE
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf( ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.Particle.valueOf( ~[paper-api-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.utils.ParticleEffect.deserialize( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.QuestsConfigurationImplementation.loadParticles( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.QuestsConfigurationImplementation.init( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.BeautyQuests.loadConfigParameters( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.BeautyQuests.performReload( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.commands.CommandsAdmin.reload( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeWithArguments( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeWithArguments( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.commands.revxrsal.core.reflect.MethodHandlesCallerFactory$ ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.commands.revxrsal.core.reflect.MethodCaller.lambda$bindTo$0( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.commands.revxrsal.core.BaseCommandDispatcher.execute( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.commands.revxrsal.core.BaseCommandDispatcher.searchCategory( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.commands.revxrsal.core.BaseCommandDispatcher.eval( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.commands.revxrsal.core.BaseCommandHandler.dispatch( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.api.commands.revxrsal.bukkit.core.BukkitCommandExecutor.onCommand( ~[beautyquests-1.0.3.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[paper-api-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[paper-api-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-496]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-496]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.handleConsoleInputs( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-496]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-496]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-496]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-496]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-496]
at ~[?:?]
Author's response
I guess this happened after updating to 1.20.4. This is due to Spigot renaming all the particle names.
You can fix that by replacing the particles section of your config.yml by the new one:
If you still have issues, come on Discord I will help you :)

Version: 1.0.3
Le plugin est vraiment tres bien fait ! Même en 1.8, il reste au TOP des plugins de quêtes !
Skytasul est très réactif et à l'écoute des personnes qui télécharge ses plugins, je recommande à 100%
Gros merci et bravo pour ton travail !

Version: 1.0.3
I think the plugin is great, I might have a few suggestions. It would be nice if more plugins were supported, for example: AuraSkills, SaberFactions. Or other requirements, such as time, weather.

Version: 1.0.3
This is an amazing plugin, I've had no issues with it. I would love to see what new features come later on down the line.

Version: 1.0.3
I can easily make an enjoyable storyline for my players, without many code complications.

Version: 1.0.3
Absolutely stellar plugin. Had a lot of fun turning my survival server into a semi-RPG server with this plugin alone. Easy to use with the very in-depth GUI. Wiki could be better, yes, but use your brain and you'll be fine. This plugin is mostly about getting creative anyway.
Shoutout to SkytAsul for being a fantastic plugin author and giving quick support in multiple languages. This plugin could honestly be premium.
Author's response
Thank you very much <3

Version: 1.0.2
This great plugin...... Please fix error for add beautyquest addon with bossmania

Version: 1.0.2
Après plusieurs mois de test, je trouve que le plugin est bien mais le seul truc qu'il manque ça serait de faire des dialogues ou on peut dire oui/non ou faire 1 choix sur 2

Version: 1.0.2
[10:17:50 WARN]: [BeautyQuests] An error occurred while parsing palceholder started_ordered for Mychengqqq
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Account does not have quest datas for quest 1
at fr.skytasul.quests.structure.QuestImplementation.getDescriptionLine( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.integrations.placeholders.QuestsPlaceholders.onRequest( ~[?:?]
at me.clip.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders( ~[?:?]
at me.clip.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders( ~[?:?]
at me.jasperjh.animatedscoreboard.core.PlaceholderHandler.replacePlaceholderAPI( ~[?:?]
at me.jasperjh.animatedscoreboard.core.PlaceholderHandler.replaceBoth( ~[?:?]
at me.jasperjh.animatedscoreboard.core.PlaceholderHandler.replacePlaceholdersThrows( ~[?:?]
at me.jasperjh.animatedscoreboard.objects.PlayerScoreboardLine.update( ~[?:?]
at me.jasperjh.animatedscoreboard.objects.PlayerScoreboard.update( ~[?:?]
at me.jasperjh.animatedscoreboard.objects.ScoreboardPlayer.tickScoreboards( ~[?:?]
at me.jasperjh.animatedscoreboard.core.PlayerScoreboardHandler.lambda$init$2( ~[?:?]
at [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-dcd1643-e60fc34]
at [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-dcd1643-e60fc34]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_311]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:1.8.0_311]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_311]
Author's response
What is your placeholder refresh rate?
Please come on Discord or open a conversation so we can talk about this bug

Version: 1.0.2
Unfortunately, I'm not giving 5 stars as the plugin has reset my color edits in the en_us.yaml file 5 TIMES already!

Please update the plugin. We need an overwrite file that BeautyQuest doesn't touch. I'm at a TOTAL loss here. There is seriously 20 hours down the drain...
Author's response
I am sorry to hear that, we had this problem previously but I thought it would be fixed now.
You must have done syntax errors which have prevented the plugin from loading the file. There must have been errors in your console.
You can come in DM or on Discord so I can help you with that.
Besides, in the future (and it is worth for every plugin), you should make a backup of your edited file before loading it! It would save you time in the case of similar issues.

Version: 1.0.2
good, but there is no "item get" stage type :(
this is the basics :(

everything else is very good
Author's response
There is, just more specific: get item via crafting, get item via melting...

Version: 1.0.2
The support is reactif and the plugin is Beautiful the Gui, QUEST, The compatibility and possibility

Version: 1.0.2
C'est bien mais comment je fais pour faire une quête où il faut casser des plantes quand elles ont totalment pousser

Version: 1.0.2
The plugin delivers what it promises. With one exception: there is no longer a quest with which the player is supposed to bring items or blocks to an NPC, although it is listed in the features. I would have liked to have seen that here. In general, the option to interact with NPCs is missing. For example, to view the available quests by right-clicking on an NPC.
Author's response
The feature is still there, it's most likely a bug (because your NPC plugin is not supported I guess?)
Come see me on Discord on in private conversation

Version: 1.0.1
After translating it, it became much easier to use. I created a Japanese ja-JP.yml, but I don't know how to pass it. do you need that?

Also, if possible, it would be nice to be able to share quests between servers instead of player quest data.
Author's response
You can send me the Japanese file on Discord if you want!

Version: 1.0.1
i want the npc to glow so please can anyone help me who to add this glowing effect to the npc (whom we have to meet. not all mission npc)

Version: 1.0
The best lightweight quest addon I could find, I found no bugs or lag, Keep releasing more addons like this :)!

Version: 1.0 build #383
An excellent plugin, it works great, of all the plugins I tried it is the best, the only problem I see is that once you complete the mission it removes the server's default scoreboard, since with the missions it gives you another scoreboard. Despite that, it doesn't have any faults, and the owner is a great person, and he helps with problems. 10/10
Author's response
Thank you! For the scoreboard problem, you should disable BeautyQuests' integrated scoreboard through config.yml and only use your main scoreboard plugin :)

Version: 1.0 build #383
The plugin works correctly, the only problem is that being from Spain, I don't understand things, and when I translate it I get an error message, poor in other languages, and it works in all of them. I hope they can fix that.

Version: 1.0 build #383
Absolutely one of the best free quests plugins that one can found around, arguably much better than most paid options too, easy to use, clear and simple. I highly recommend to all.

Version: 1.0 build #383
This plugin is very very good, arguably in the top 5 best plugins that i have came across. But i cant seem to get one function to work properly- The Kill/hurt mobs function. When i click on the NPC i want to select, nothing happens, no message, nothing in the console, and thats kinda sad. I have 2 aternos servers, and on my previous one this function did actually work, and i copied the same Citizens 2 version, i copied the software and the quest version. On my previous server i used 0.20.1 which actually worked at the time, but when i tried it on my most recent server, all of the information was corrupt, and nothing worked properly. Please DM me if you know how to fix this. Discord: nagukaza
Author's response
Known problem, it will be resolved in the next update.

Version: 1.0 build #383
Editing quests is hell. There is gui, but i need to click over sooooo much stuff to make even a simple quest. Steps sistem is unintuitive, and in general too complicated
Author's response
That's the price to be able to make more complicated quests than just "fetch 10 sticks and get 1 diamond".
Besides, you're the only one to have ever said the system is unintuitive. Maybe you'd benefit reading the wiki or watching a tutorial video? :)

Version: 0.20.1
Nothing to say, but just 1 question:
Will there be a possibility to link 2 servers with quests?
For example:
Server 1 (main server) has a quest: kill Witherstorm acquire block<insert block name>
Travel to said server via portal
Server 2 Kill the said mob and return to server 1 to finish the quest

I am asking this, because I own a unmodded server, and I want to make another server for certain challenges, like boss battle, which will be modded.
Author's response
No this isn't possible, you can only link servers that are mirrors of each other like in MMORPGs.
By the way, modded servers are unsupported.

Version: 0.20.1
Hello, when can we expect an update to Minecraft 1.20? I find this plugin very interesting and could imagine using it on my server. My server runs via Aternos.
Author's response
I have one but it's not stable enough to be uploaded to SpigotMC. There are dev builds available, but as you're on Aternos... I cannot do anything.

Version: 0.20.1
Hi! I really liked the plugin, but there is one problem. I choose PLAY_TIME and quest just doesn't work, it appears at everyone, but when pressed, nothing works

Version: 0.20.1
Can you add feature reward exp to plugin heroes and in quest can bring back mythic mobs items

Version: 0.20.1
Great and Awesome Plugin, Please can you update it to 1.20.1 and it doesn't support ZNPCS latest version. Most of my servers are on Aternos so I can't really use Dev Builds. Minehut always go down so it's the only way.

Version: 0.20.1
this plugin is great i use it on my rpg server and everyone loves it! 1.20.1 update?
Author's response
See dev builds on the Discord server :)

Version: 0.20.1
W quest, easy setup and fast in-game, i like it, 100000000000000000000000000000000/10

Version: 0.20.1
Good plugin! Some problems when you make a write in chat quest and have colorchat but otherwise good. Please add 1.20 support too!
Author's response
1.20 is available on the dev builds:
You can report your bugs about "write in chat" stages on my Discord server :)

Version: 0.20.1
Hi :) , can you update to the new versions please? ............... 1.20............

Version: 0.20.1
this is a very cool plugin easy to use gui support mythic mobs, but plsssss add support for oraxen

Version: 0.20.1
it says you added support for 1.19.3, my server is 1.19.3 but it still doesnt work....
Author's response
You are probably not running a working version of Citizens for 1.19.3. Send me your logs in DM or on Discord.
Btw, review section is not for reporting bugs.

Version: 0.20.1
Nice plugin! btw, how to put quest progress in boss bar?
can you show me the tutorial T_T
Author's response
Just enable the "mobsProgressBar" option in config.yml.
Come on Discord if you want further support :)

Version: 0.20.0
It is easier to understand and use..

I hope it can support "GPS'
Author's response
GPS is supported by BeautyQuests natively :)

Version: 0.20.0
What i didnt like about the plugin. its not counting progress. .
Author's response
Yes it is. You can see progress using placeholders, using integrated scoreboard, using boss bar, or using the "/quests" menu.

Version: 0.20.0
Very splendid. While using this quest system, I find it may be neccessary to order existing quests. For example, I made a newbie quest for starter players but the quest ID is 1000, it's strange to see a former quest with a back position. I recommend a sort function to order quests with ID.
Just like:
- '2'
- '1'
- '10'
- '5'
change the order

Version: 0.20.0
Very good plugin! but I do have 1 problem I use Znpcs because my server is 1.19, which citizens does not support dose it work with znpcs
Author's response
Yes it works with znpcs, and yes there is a Citizens build for 1.19.

Version: 0.20.0
Awesome plugin, responsive developer. If you are looking for a great quest plugin look no further. Regular updates and bugfixes along with new features. The expansion is well worth purchasing as well!

Version: 0.20.0
The best Quest plugin! But is it possible to disable the scoreboard? Because I want to use the Placeholder api and put it on my own Scoreboard.
Author's response
In config.yml, set the "scoreboard" option to "false".

Version: 0.20.0
The best plugin of quest on spigot,
nice updates nice api nice gui
work perfectly

Version: 0.20.0
Love it! But would be perfect if I could assign a specific world with xyz/dxdydz coordinates instead of a worldguard region
Author's response
It is possible for a stage, using a "find location" stage with a custom radius.

Version: 0.20.0
It's a verry good plugin, really! But i'm having a problem arranging quest in a pool.

I've got 5 quests in a pool, (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) . and the order they're set themselves in the pool are (1, 2 , 5, 4, 3)
Is there any way to change the order of the quests in the pool?
Author's response
Answered you on Discord :)

Version: 0.19.7
This plugin always be the best quest plugin!! Don't pay attention to bad reviews!

Version: 0.19.7
Sadly not working in 1.8.8 :(
Author's response
Yes it is. If something is not working, please post your issue in the discussion section or in my Discord server.

Version: 0.19.7
I really like this plugin! Thank you a lot. However, I can not use 1.19 items as quest items. For example, it is not possible to create a quests where you need to gather a stack of frog lights, sculk sensors, etc. Is this a bug or do I do anything wrong?
Author's response

Version: 0.19.7
THE BEST QUEST PLUGIN EVER... JUST IT! YOU ARE THE BEST !!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Version: 0.19.7
I love this plugin, in the future this plugin can have much new systems, Thanks for put this plugin Free ♥

Version: 0.19.6
This plugin is absolutely phenomenal. The developer is very active and addresses issues QUICKLY. I've tested multiple quest plugins on my server and this is by far the most well built. If you're looking for a versatile quest plugin from a developer who cares, this is the best option available BY FAR!

Version: 0.19.6
This is a great quest, would like to ask if the NPC can have a dialogue with the player at the end of the quest?

Version: 0.19.3
It is a very nice plugin. Even you would have a paid version of it, i would buy that. Thanks for all the work!
Author's response
Thank you! you can donate if you wanna help me :)

Version: 0.19.2
I've been looking for a plugin that is easy to use and can do a lot.

This plugin does everything. I've tried every advanced quest plugins, this was the one. Super easy, super friendly. I've made my first test quest under 2 minutes (basic one).

Keep it up!
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 0.19.1
Most convenient and easy to learn quest plugin of all the time.
Also very functional

Version: 0.19 release
great plugin with a lot of possibilities; easy to use. i like very mutch its options (pools tested et highly approuved!!). I recommand it surely!

Version: 0.19 release
Le meilleur plugin de quêtes en général, facile à utiliser.
Support plus qu'actif sur le discord avec des mises à jours fréquentes.

The best quest plugin in general, easy to use.
More than active support on the discord with frequent updates.

Version: 0.19 release
Excellent plugin, support is reactive and very helpfull.

Best quest plugin in my opinion (i test some other and this one is the easiest to use and there is a lot of options)

Version: 0.19 build #268
Excellent plugin and support!! even if you have any problem, it will be solved quickly by SkytAsul :)

Version: 0.19 build #268
Insane plugin, a lot of features and very customizable. Love it, best Quests plugin for RolePlay servers.

Et en plus le développeur est français... Belle image de la France ça fait plaisir continue le développement mon reuf tu gères!

Version: 0.19 build #268
This plugin is great! Love to see new Quests such as Brewing and Consuming items... Also togglable scoreboard for players.

Version: 0.19 build #268
Not work MythicMobs ..............................................................
Author's response
The review section is not for reporting issue.
Please remove your review, try to use latest BeautyQuests with latest MythicMobs version and if it STILL does not work, come talk to me on Discord or in the "discussion" section.

Version: 0.19 build #268
Author's response

Version: 0.19 build #268
WOW! Incredible plugin, super customizable, and the latest update is awesome. Thanks for your hard work on this, SkytAsul. My entire server loves you!

Version: 0.18.5
By far the best quests plugin. The developer is very friendly and Support is very good. Thanks for this masterpiece.

Version: 0.18.5
Simple, propre et efficace.

Il permet de créer des quêtes très facilement. De plus il est possible de changer le langage facilement et c'est très pratique !

Version: 0.18.5
làm sao để thêm nhiều dòng mô tả hơn


Version: 0.18.5
I love the plugin so much please add znpc or any other npc plugin support im using aternos ;(

Version: 0.18.5
Very simple and intuitive, so my rating is excelent. I think this plugin is better than Quests

Version: 0.18.5
Très bon plugin gratuit et service d'aide très réactif et professionnel ! Je recommande ;)

Version: 0.18.5
Simple d'utilisation et extrêmement bien fait ! Merci Pour cette pépite!!!!!!!!!

Version: 0.18.5
Awesome plugin! Never had any issues with it whatsoever. Amazing Developer. keep at it!

Version: 0.18.5
it very very cool thanks

Version: 0.18.5
This Plugins is so awesome, and helper very friendly help me and my friend to create a server, very easy to use

Version: 0.18.5
Fantastic and very easy plugin to use!
I had Quest plugin before and made about 50 quests in 1 year, remade them i beautyquest in 2 days! thanks for a great plugin!

Version: 0.18.5
Very good plugin it works perfectly, and when you have some issues the support is always there for help you faster as they can !

Version: 0.18.5
awesome plugin everything works great but one thing is the plugin is free which is fantastic but it requires Citizens and Citizens are paid plugin (1.13+) and that kinda breaks the fact that this plugin is free so I was wondering if you could add support for zNPCs or some other free NPC plugin :)
Author's response
You can download Citizens for free on their dev build website.

Version: 0.18.5
Very good plugin, but i have 1.16.1 version and plugin didnt load to the server. I have plugins on the server, but beautyquest didnt load :( What can i do ?
Author's response
You probably do not have installed Citizens!

Version: 0.18.5
I wish i can create a quest where requires/or can do in party... so i can create a quest that need 3 or 4 players interact with different NPCs to get access to next phase...

Version: 0.18.5
can i make players choose their answer in a dialog with npc ? anyway, great plugin

Version: 0.18.5
One of the best Quest plugins pls finish the 1.17 update and thanks a lot for your work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Author's response
The 1.17 update is available with the BQ 0.19 dev builds ;-)

Version: 0.18.5
Very good plugin. Just wondering, is it possible to change the ID of a quest? I want to make a quest that is meant to be before one i have already made. Is this possible?
Author's response
You can do it manually, but you'll have to change every occurrence of the ID everywhere.

Version: 0.18.5
Excellent plugin! The best no question quest creator! I mean you get an in game GUI editor in a free plugin, dont think twice just go for this

Version: 0.18.5
Please update to 1.17 we really need this update for our servers to work fine and do not lose players
Author's response
As stated on the resource page, you can download BQ 0.19 dev builds which supports 1.17 here:
I do not push the update to SpigotMC because it is not finalized, but you can safely use it on your server.
Please change your review.

Version: 0.18.5
Very good plugin first of all, but is there anyway to organize the quests and like move them?
Author's response
Quests are sorted by ID!

Version: 0.18.5
It's a great plugin, but I'm sorry I'm giving it 3 stars because it doesn't support Turkish language.
Author's response
WTH? How is it my fault? If you want to help contribute to translate the plugin into Turkish, just join the Crowdin project:

Version: 0.18.5
very good and enjoy plugin yes good haha good work good well done plugin, yes i type yes good plugin. very good dev

Version: 0.18.5
So i download this plugin on Aternos Minecraft Server Software and when i see the plugin installed but when i run the command theres nothing happen and when i see on the plugin file. only the jar file that download but the yml file is not downloaded. please tell me how to fix this
Author's response
You probably have not installed Citizens, which is required for this plugin to work, as stated on the plugin page...
Free dev builds of Citizens are available here:

Version: 0.18.5
Very good plugin! I love it!
Have good chinese language. Thankyou create it~~~~~

Version: 0.18.5
Very good quest plugin! Easy to understand and use. I hope the dev still updates this quest plugin!

Version: 0.18.5
This is the best free quest plugin available, it is very easy to use and understand and has a lot of features. Is there a documentation for devs or a wiki?
Author's response
Thank you!
There is a small wiki here:

Version: 0.18.5
The plugin is really good! But there is one thing that is missing for me. There should be an option to put as reward thing you already made like enchanted swords with few customizations. That thing should also be for bringing items etc.
Author's response
This is already possible. Just pick and drop the item you want in the GUIs where you can select the items you want for the reward/the stage.

Version: 0.18.5
Need any conditions to use this %beautyrequests_started_ordered%?
I took the quests, but it shows 'No quests in progress'.
Author's response
I suggest you to use the latest dev build ( as I reworked this placeholder behavior to fix some issues like this one.
Come to my Discord server if you want further informations (

Version: 0.18.5
Great plugin! Question: Is there a way to track the progress of players quests? I have the scoreboard enabled but when a quest like: "Kill 10 Zombies" is active, I can't track how many zombies I have killed
Author's response
By default, the scoreboard is tracking how much you already killed and shows the amount of mobs left to kill. Maybe you have edited the stage description? Open a discussion or come on my Discord server to get more help.

Version: 0.18.5
Your plugin is great, but No Placeholder API supporting other scoreboards? I want to use it in other scoreboard plugin.

Version: 0.18.5
I think it is one of the best Quests plugins, Free and has a lot of possibilities, you just have to be creative! It is very easy to use it has a menu for everything.

My only suggest: Add support for parties quests so we can make quests for certain amount of people required for RPG servers with guilds/parties.

Version: 0.18.5
Hey, your plugin is great. Can i suggest some improvements? What you think about categories and posibility to make NPCs are optional?
Author's response
Usage of NPCs is already optional, though you still need to have Citizens installed.
The categories is being added in 0.19.

Version: 0.18.5
a very good plugin but you need to know that if you have a scoreboard plugin you going to broke it because this plugin have a scoreboard too and they cant stay togheter...
Author's response
Then just disable the BeautyQuests scoreboard system?
In config.yml, set to "false" the option "scoreboards" near line 30 and voilà.

Version: 0.18.5
Excellent plugin mais... Pas moyen d'ajouter dans les objets a récolter pour les quetes des items moddés comme des minerais par exemple
Author's response
Comme tu peux t'en rendre compte ici c'est le forum SpigotMC, or Spigot n'est pas fait pour supporter des mods. Tu peux donc comprendre pourquoi ça ne marche pas. Si tu veux faire tourner un serveur stable avec des mods il va falloir te tourner du côté de Sponge :/

Version: 0.18.5
Great Plugin! Super intuitive. Devs are amazing! They don't just know their stuff but will even help you with other things. And make sure there is no conflicts between plugins.
This plugin offers amazing perks. The GUI simplifies everything. Can literally create a very complicated and in-depth quest in like 2 minutes.

Version: 0.18.5
Merci de prendre de votre temps un samedi matin pour améliorer un plugin qui est déja et de loin le plus parfait, complet et intuitif que je connaisse !!!!

Version: 0.18.5
Un super plugin ! Un support très réactif et compétent qui n'hésite pas à faire des correctifs en cas de soucis ! Le créateur et très sympa et prend lui même de son temps pour vous aidé quand c'est nécessaire ! En clair je recommande ce plugin a tous ceux qui veulent faire des quête sur leur serveur de façon simple et intuitive et pourtant très complète dans les possibilité ! Pour moi LE MEILLEUR plugin de quêtes !

Version: 0.18.5
Si vous recherchez un plugins de quête complète : c'est celui-ci !
Le dev est super réactif, et à l'écoute.
Et le plugin en lui-même est complet (il existe même un addon qui ajoute du contenu), et en plus il est très agréable et le GUI est facile d'utilisation.
Merci !

Version: 0.18.5
I decided to build an RPG server with more than 200 quests on this plugin and I must objectively say that it is one of the most pleasant plugins to use on the server. You don't need to interfere with the configuration file and you can do everything from the game. The GUI menu is clear and easy to understand. I can only recommend this plugin. The developer has fast support. In the future, I hope that more options will be added for quest creators and their creativity, but the function of dialogues is simply amazing.

Thank you for such an amazing plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the kind review ^^ I do plan on adding more and more options to give full liberty of create whatever you can think of!

Version: 0.18.5
I don’t know but lastest version have errors with npc creating like version 0.18.2 hope you fix it and do you have link Discord to support
Author's response
Try with the latest BQ dev build (link on the SpigotMC page) and also with the latest Citizens update.
You can access the Discord support server here:

Version: 0.18.5
the best quest plugin without a doubt

super easy and comfortable to use, allowing you to create endless missions quickly

and a developer who updates and answers any questions very quickly

very good plugin

Version: 0.18.5
Best Quest Plugin!

Version: 0.18.5


Version: 0.18.5
Amazing plugin! You cannot go wrong with all the detail put into it. Has all the features a question plugin should have and more :)

Version: 0.18.5
how to Disabled /quest stars For Player I have a problem, the player uses the above command and it doesn't get any delay even though I have put the wait time.

Version: 0.18.5
Maybe add some Kill progress while doing kill mob quest can fill the star to 5 star xD.

overall perfect plugin quest with GUI. Keep it up.

Version: 0.18.5
Super great plugin and easy to set up using a GUI! Questions for support sometimes don't get answered, possibly because of timezone differences. Maybe a ticket system would be useful

Version: 0.18.5
I have translated to Thai. Who wants to use this plugin, Thai version Contact me now

Version: 0.18.5
I just spent a lot of time making a quest with 50+ lines of dialogue. I reloaded the plugin cause i kept getting an error. After reloading the plugin the quest just disseapeared.
Author's response
I'm sorry :/ you can still look through your logs to retrieve your work.
Can you send me the errors in PM so that I can fix this?

Version: 0.18.5

is it possible for me to set a quest limit per day or start a given quest on a given day?
Author's response
You can test the dev builds, I have implemented a quest pools system.

Version: 0.18.5
Wonderful plugin, my only problem is it doesn't show the quest progress. Like for example, how many mobs left I need to slay or which npc I need to talk to.
Author's response
You can enable the scoreboard, bossbars, use placeholders or see progress in /quests.

Version: 0.18.5
Por ahora, es uno de los mejores q encontré gratis, muy buena gui para armar las misiones. Tuve problemas por un error mío al principio y supieron ayudarme muy coordialmente :)

Version: 0.18.5
I have to play with version 1.17.4, because in versions 1.18. * the LOCALES folder does not appear, and "NOT LOADED" appears in the game. Help me :c

Minecraft 1.12.2
Author's response
Reviews section if not for reporting issues. Come talk to me on my Discord server or in the Discussions section.
I need the server log.

Version: 0.18.5
The only issue im having is the text "Quest NPC" is too low. its clipping the npc's head.
Author's response
I made a config.yml option for this issue: "hologramsHeight". Set it to 0.5 and see if it's enough.
Btw, reviews section is not for reporting problems, use the Discussions section or my Discord server to do so. Thanks ^^

Version: 0.18.5
El plugin es una maravilla, está bien traducido y cada vez a más idiomas y lo actualiza varias veces a la semana
A veces doy con algún pequeño bug y al día siguiente me encuentro el parche sin haberlo pedido
Lo dicho, así da gusto
Author's response

Version: 0.18
This is the best plugin for quests, I'm just thrilled, I wish the developer to promote their plugin to incredible heights.

Version: 0.18
Very Simple and Good Plugin, but there is a Problem: how do i repeat a quest? in the GUI It says, that i can restart the quest, but if i click on it, it whouldn't let me
Author's response
Have you changed the timer value? By default you have to wait 5 minutes before you can redo the quest.

Version: 0.18
Très bon plugin, je l'utilise depuis des années. Le dev est très à l'écoute et règle vos soucis rapidement (quelques heures max.) en plus d'être très sympa ! -Gorderok
Author's response
Merci mec ;-) meilleur chasseur de bug

Version: 0.18 - Pre-release 2
Just Awesome plugin.

I'm making my server experience better with this. Including tutorial quests for the players.

Thanks for this great plugin on this version! :D
Author's response
Thanks ^^

Version: 0.17.4
100/100 Best ever plugin quest and its free, if you have any question or what just go to discord server, the author is very nice.

Version: 0.17.4
Hello, first of all, thank you very much for your plug-in. The server of 1.16.2 cannot use this plug-in. The server is updated to 1.16.2, but this plug-in is also updated and can not be used. I hope the author can update 1.16.2.
Author's response
Thanks for your review ^^
1.16.2 is supported in the latest dev build of BeautyQuests:

Version: 0.17.4
First of all, thank the author!

I have tried many plug-ins of this kind, but they don't have this great! The operation is easy to understand, but there are many bugs in 0.17.4 version. I downloaded the development version, and the development version is very good!

Thanks to the author, hope you come on!

Baidu Translate

Version: 0.17.4
Over all terrible. Extremely buggy. Will random quit you out of quest creator and force you to remake it all. If you are in text editor and something goes wrong gotta restart there too. Some features dont even work and NPC ID's are a bitch and half for the plugin. It has no quick reload so if you wanna edit a quest through config better be ready to restart the server. Oh and it glitches the player quest if you try to reload it with its internal reload. Also if people change their name even if this plugin uses UUID, it completely wipes their quests.
Author's response
Most of your issues have already been reported and fixed in the dev builds. Also, review section is not to report problems. There is the "Discussion" section or even private Discord servers for that. Leaving a bad review for things that you have not even discussed with the developers is absolutely awful. You are the users gangrening SpigotMC, congrats!

Version: 0.17.4
easy and very good support i love !
I'm a noob and they help me a lot, even with other plugin

Version: 0.17.4
After I use /bq edit, click NPC, and then click the OK button, an error will occur

Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to BeautyQuests v0.17.4
org.bukkit.event.EventException: null
at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:33) [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10) [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:1.8.0_211]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_211]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at [spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_211]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at fr.skytasul.quests.gui.ItemUtils.lore( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.gui.creation.FinishGUI.setFromQuest( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.gui.Inventories.create( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.gui.creation.stages.StagesGUI.finish( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.gui.creation.stages.StagesGUI.onClick( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.gui.Inventories.onClick( ~[?:?]
at fr.skytasul.quests.QuestsListener.onClick( ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1648.jar:git-Spigot-642f6d2-57ab4cf]
... 15 more
Author's response

Version: 0.17.4
The plugin does not work, it says i need to install citizens but I already have citizens installed, I tried reinstalling and fully restarting my server 3 times and still got the same error, even tried an older version nothing worked.
Author's response
This section is not for reporting issues. You have not even come talk to me in PM or on the Discord, wtf
Oh and btw, if it does not work, that's surely because Citizens have not loaded properly. Check your console for errors from Citizens.

Version: 0.17.3
Best quest plugin out there, everything and anything you can do easy in GUI, sometimes when creating a quest with multiple stages it won’t work right. It is not broken! Restart your server instead of reloading quests and it will work.

Version: 0.17.3
Great plugin I'm creating an RPG server and it will be there >;v


Version: 0.17.3
Nice plugin, but edit Requirements for quests where? pls help ...............................

Version: 0.17.3
This plugin offers a better experience for administrators who make quests and players who use/take them compared to other free plugins.

The support from the developer (SkytAsul) is quick and fantastic.

There are a few bugs here and there that I will address below and features I would possibly like added.

- Item duplication glitch in some menus (mainly due to bukkit)
- No feedback from NPCs when the quest is already in progress
- Quest deleted after NPC deletion ( I deleted the NPC because I tried to put multiple quests on one, but the quest was also deleted with it)
- Quest list does not show stages despite them existing?

Feature Requests
- An automatic list of quests where you can also accept/take them
- The ability for quests to ramp up the requirements (more kills, more blocks mined, ...) after each completion

Otherwise, this plugin is great, I really want to give it 5 stars but I have to be realistic. I do belive that these issues will get ironed out soon, I won't complain about them as you are providing us great stuff for free.

Thank you and bonne chance
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback! I'm already fixing some of your bugs and I take note of your suggestions ^^

Version: 0.17.3
Consider updating a system task in the future? The tasks that have been set will appear randomly in the system tasks, which is very interesting!
Author's response
Random quests? It is in my to-do list ^^

Version: 0.17.3
Making quests is easy, and single quests work fine but if you create quests with several steps, it not only breaks that quest but also all other quests created previously. I spent 6 hours creating quests yesterday and this morning, only to have all of my work go to waste simply because I tried to make a quest with multiple steps. Great plugin if you want simplicity, but it can't handle complex quests at all.

Version: 0.17.3
Great Greate and one more Great plugin! Big thank you to support (SkytAsul) really quick support! Recomend this plugin to download and setup!
One more great plugin!

One more BIG THANK YOU SkytAsul!

Version: 0.17.2
Greate plugin! It can really add many new features.
If you can, add please to crowdin Russian language please.
One more, grate plugin.
Author's response
I just added Russian to the crowdin project ;-)

Version: 0.17
i recommend this plugin.... may i add some request for dependencies for MMOItems?

Version: 0.17 - Pre-release 2
It was working fine but after editing a quest it broke the scoreboard does not update when you kill a mob and the quest also does not finish even to i already killed 10 zombies which was the goal of the plugin, thought it would be a good plugin but just no
Author's response
Could you maybe ask on a proper discussion section before posting here? It is not the point of the review section.

Version: 0.17 - Pre-release 2
By far the most straight-forward Quest plugin I've tried! I had been testing Quest plugins for countless hours, sifting through code, and It was all very intimidating. I usually don't mind a little coding, but most plugins I've tried feels like you're programing a game from scratch. (which to some degree you kind of are)

I watched half of a 5 min tutorial on this plugin and everything was so simple how it worked just clicked before I even got through it.

The GUI is what really makes this plugin worth a try. I can't express enough how simple it makes everything.

I'd pay for this plugin if I could, definitely going to be donating to this developer, excellent job! I look forward to using the hell out of this plugin. :)
Author's response
Hey thanks dude! I'm pleased that so many users love the GUI system, that's really the main goal of the plugin ^^

Version: 0.17 - Pre-release
me gusto este plugin... corregi tu archivo de traduccion es_Es ya que tenia errores que no permitian su uso. deseas que te lo pase?
Author's response
You can give the corrected file to me, or directly translate on the Crowdin page of BeautyQuests, as you prefer ^^

Version: 0.17 - Pre-release
Ce plugin est juste trop génial. Tellement simple d'utilisation avec le GUI.

This plugin is fantastic. The GUI is awesome and creating a quest is soooo easy.

Version: 0.17 - Pre-release
Really great plugin! I love the simple gui and how it's easy to use :D Only problem is it should have an end message for when you talk back to the NPC after finishing their quest, but that isn't a big problem.

Version: 0.17 - Pre-release
This is an incredible plugin! I can't believe it's free, it adds an easy way to implement in-depth quests. Great job and thanks!

Version: 0.17 - Pre-release
Great plugin! Works fantasticly well.
Q: Is there any way to make the items that the player has gotten from the quest dissapear if they cancel the quest?

Version: 0.16.2
The definition of a strong fantastic plugin! This plugin is fantastic its setup is so simple and quick, the developer is really active and an overall really nice guy, always ready to help you!

- Thankyou SkyAsul
Author's response

Version: 0.16.2
Its a great plugin. But mythic mobs is not working at the moment? I have tried for about 2 hours but haven't been able too. Throws errors on console.
Author's response
There has been a few errors with newer versions of MythicMobs that I've fixed in my latest dev builds. Go try it!

Version: 0.16.2
I love the Plugin! Its so great! I just wish there were more little features that can build it better.

- Add the option to add a trail pathfinding to a NPC or Block
- Floating items that u can pick up "Finding an item on the ground"
Author's response
You can hook into the GPS plugin to do the pathfinding thing ^^

Version: 0.16.2
Très bon plugin avec un support hyper réactif et très patient. Tout ce qu'il faut pour faire de belles quêtes sur son serveur !

Version: 0.16.2
nice Plugin , but i search a permission for Useres to take a glass bollte for sign a build plot on freebuild

Version: 0.16.2
Bravo super plugin nous venons de le mettre en test sur notre serveur. Pour le moment tout va bien.

Version: 0.16.2
It is a very good designed rpg styled easy to configure quest plugin. I really liked it. I want a time task to quest's finish. I mean play time quests. I prevented all kind of afks in my server and I want timed quest feature just like mob killing.

Version: 0.16.2
Excellent plugin, very simple to use and very powerful! The best part its that is FREE!

Version: 0.16
Great plug-in, want to add some variables to "customtext" (like {0} variables in locales file)
Author's response
I don't understand what you mean by "customtext". Could you please come talk on my Discord server, or in a conversation? Thanks!

Version: 0.16
Plugins de quête vraiment excellent, hyper complet !

Un peu compliqué à utiliser au début lors de quêtes avec beaucoup d'étapes, on se perd assez rapidement, mais ça vaut carrément la peine de se creuser la tête.

Le développeur est sympas et réactif pour les problèmes !

Version: 0.16 PRE-RELEASE
Exactly what I was searching for! Perfect plugin! :D

Version: 0.15.2
qui buen plugin me gustaria que tengan una parte en spañol alguien lo tiene porfa
Author's response
La traducción en español viene por la versión 0.16

Version: 0.15.2
As the name indicates its Beautiful and FREE! Seen no bugs in my 1 week of use, it's so easy to use that even my dummy friend could easily use it and help me make quests :D

Version: 0.15.2
Good plugin! !

Version: 0.15.2
Awesome plugin! Is there anyway to hide the quest id in the quest list?
I mean like "test #0",I wish it only displays as "test".
Author's response
It is automatically hidden for players who don't have the permission "beautyquests.seeId" (it is only given to operators by default)

Version: 0.15.2
nice plugin, but can u update this to 1.15.5 ;u

k i was joking hehehe nice job for the author and friend's for making this plugin

Version: 0.15.2
Very easy and useful. I'm using it to create a Western RPG-style server, and it's literally what I've been looking for since I started. Thank you!
Author's response
Thanks to you!
I hope the feature that will be added in the next version will help you to create a more amazing RPG server ^^ (I'm creating some hype)

Version: 0.15
The Plugin is Awesome !! Working very well , Good Gui Design , very intuitive Love it !! Recommended 100% !! The dev is also very Nice !!

Version: 0.15
nice plugin but can you add quest quit for leaving quest .... me give 5 star for this plugin if you can add quest quit
Author's response
This command already exists: /quests cancel
And you can even enable the "allowPlayerCancelQuest" option in config.yml to allow players to quit their quests from the menu.

Version: 0.15
Vraiment parfait ! Comme Quests, mais en plus beau, plus pratique, plus configurable aussi.
Il manquerait juste l'ajout de l'exécution d'une commande dans un dialogue avec les NPC (comme le addsound [id] [sound] mais avec une commande).
Author's response
Merci beaucoup !
Je rajouterais ça dans la prochaine version ;-)

Version: 0.15
Excellent plugin, je ne fais que le recommander ! :3


Awesome Plugin, I just recommend it !

Version: 0.15
Plugin parfait pour créer des quêtes très facilement ! Je le recommande toujours autant !

Perfect plugin to create quests very easily ! I always recommend it as much !

Version: 0.14.1
Can you support Denizen :) .

Version: 0.14.1
I'm working on a MMO-Server with 500+ Quests for a while and I used Quests until now. Quests brings nice functions and has a Ingame Editor but is hard to handle and to maintain. Beauty Quests is easier to handle and has integration for Mythic Mobs out of the Box ! And organizing Quests is even easier because every quest is saved into a single file and the ingame editor is so easy even my 8 year old Daughter can handle it. In short ... I love it ! Please Excuse my bad english ... I'm German :D

Version: 0.14.1
good plugin but, move items at end reward doesnt work, and can u make start reward gone if we finish the quest
Author's response
Could you come talk to me via Discord or on a private conversation ? ;-)

Version: 0.13.2
Nice Plugin!
Would u mind adding Mysql support for sharing completet Quests and needed quests over a network?
Author's response
Well I think it would be hard to save all datas in a database, so maybe but not immediately.

Version: 0.13.2
Dommage qu'il est pas compatible pour la 1.9.4 esce que sa serrais possible qu'il le sois ?
Author's response
Il l'est normalement... Contacte-moi en MP avec les erreurs qui arrivent en 1.9.4 !

Version: 0.13.2
Excellent plugin, je ne fais que le recommander ! :3


Awesome Plugin, I just recommend it !

Version: 0.13.2
good quests plugin but can I edit the quest in data.yml ?

my server using 200+ quest and the most of quests have same funtion

:( when I edit quests in confit and reload it remove to same data :(

sry for my bad English
Author's response
It's highly not recommended to edit quests from files, it's better to use the edit command. But, if you really want to do through yaml, you need to unload the plugin (stop the server) before editing quest.

Version: 0.13.1
good plugin file traducion
español si??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Version: 0.13
Salut, super plugin.

Pourrais-tu mettre une dépendance avec CustomBoss afin de pouvoir faire des quêtes en rapport avec des boss? Merci d'avance ! :)
Author's response
Je comptais attendre la version 3.0 de CustomBosses, mais au vu de la demande et du temps d'attente je pense que je vais commencer à travailler sur une compatibilité EpicBosses 2 dès maintenant !

Version: 0.13
Amazing support, and decent response time for bugs/issues. Dev took my suggestions and implemented them to my amazement!

Version: 0.12.2
Dev à fond dans ce qu'il fait ! Plugins très souvent mis à jour ! facile à utiliser, et simple comme bonjour ! Meilleur plugins pour créer des quêtes !

Version: 0.12.2
This quest plugin is fantastic! Once you get the hang of how it works you'll be impressed by how easy it is to make a quest and how smooth it runs.
A + for sure. I can not wait to see what else you add. :)


My server uses this plugin: GreenGem.MC.GG

Version: 0.12
Excellent plugin, I'm surprised it's free very good support. Recommended for RPG servers and not RPG. Fairly easy to use.

Version: 0.12
Toujours aussi génial !
Très facile de faire des quêtes grâce au menu GUI, et énormément de possibilités grâce aux nombreuses compatibilités et fonctionnalités ! Je recommande encore ! :)
Author's response
Merci beaucoup ^^

Version: 0.11
J'adore ce plugin !!! merci pour ce bon travail !!! par contre il serais encore meilleurs si on pouvez faire exécuter plusieurs commandes et la possibilité de pouvoir caché certaines des quêtes du menu avec dans la config de la quête un bouton "hidden" caché quête du menu joueur pour en rendre certaine rare :)
Author's response
Ce n'est pas une mauvaise idée ! Je vais essayer de le faire !

Version: 0.11
Pour commencer très bon plugin je m'en suis beaucoup servi en 1.12 mais j'ai un petit problème en 1.13:
Quand j'essaye de mettre la quête en répétable ça ne fonctionne pas, quand je veux éditer la quête ça remet le colorant gris.

Bonne journée :)
Author's response
C'est fixé ! Merci pour le report ;-)

Version: 0.11
Absolutely perfect plugin, doesn't even exist for that long, yet I'd say it exceeds any other ones.
I think this plugin deserves much more traction than it has, deserves to be much more popular than it is.
One thing I noticed is that once you set one of ending messages, there is no way, or at least I don't know of any way, to reset and remove them. The only way to remove already set messages is to delete the whole stage, set it up again and without the message you wanted to delete. But with this plugins GUI it's super simple to re-create stages and I don't mind it at all.
Developer is super friendly and helpful to answer any of your questions or help you solve any problems you might have.

Version: 0.10
Salut, très bon plugin, félicitation ! Juste je n'est pas la langue fr.yml dans le fichier c'est normal ? Je doit tous traduire ? Merci beaucoup.
Author's response
Dans le fichier de config il faut directement spécifier "lang: fr", cela va créer le fichier fr.yml avec la traduction directement dedans ;-)
Si ça ne marche pas, contacte-moi en mp ou sur Discord !

Version: 0.10
Great update! Thanks for quick fix of anoying bug. Now i see no reason in looking for a new Quests plugin. Prefect!
Next thing i qould like to see: wynncraft-like dialogues, which appear after some time OR by Right click.
Author's response
Héhé thanks ^^
Yes I'll add the auto-text ;-)

Version: 0.9
will you let us make more step? .
Author's response
I have many ideas with me to create more steps types, and if you speak about the limit of 6 steps (because of the inventory size) I'll work on a pages system !

Version: 0.9
Excellent plugin!. Would be good if you open source it, so people can contribute to it and make it better.
Author's response
I could yes, but I have many problems with Git on Eclipse yet, so I'll need to do a clear installation of a new eclipse, and... laziness is with me !
Maybe later ;-)

Version: 0.9
Très bon plugin, simple d'utilisation. J'aimerai juste savoir si c'était possible de rajouter dans les mobs à tuer, que l'on puisse sélectionner des boss du plugin "CustomBosses"? De plus, je me suis permis de te send une demande d'ami sur discord afin de pouvoir en parler plus amplement.
Author's response
Reçu ;-)

Version: 0.9
If not the most powerful, then certainly the most user-friendly plugin for creating quests. Like for me BetonQuests is too complicated, Quests looks like it hasn't been updated for 3 years, but BeautyQuests is beautiful. It has a great, user-friendly interface, MythicMobs integration and the thing i needed the most: completely easy to use dialogues and stage rewards!
Well, iths plugin inspired me to create a separate quests world on my server!
Love it!
( 12 satisfied Questing NPCs out of 10 )
Author's response
Thanks ^^

Version: 0.9
Vraiment un travail parfait, en plus d'être à l’écoute, vraiment réactif, vraiment du beau boulot!

Version: 0.8.1
Hi. I have a small problem. When I set a "bring back" quest, after I set the item, it still says "bring me back 1 [item]" tho I have it in my hand. Is this a bug? Thank you!
Author's response
Maybe it's not the right item... BeautyQuests checks EVERYTHING about the item needed : his name, his lore, his color (if it's a leather armor)... So try to see in the data file of your quest if you have the same item that the needed !

Version: 0.8.1
Best plugin quest! Works on paperspigot 1.8!!!! NICE THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Version: 0.8.1
Nice Quest Plugin, the GUI is very useful and friendly.
Recommended Quest Plugin.

There are possible to create daily Quest? Or Cooldown for Quest?

Version: 0.8.1
Bonjour, tres bon plugin ! Mais j'ai un soucis TRES TRES TRES chiant, lorsqu'un on met un texte de fin d'étape, si un joueur a le malheur de se déconnecter, peu importe le texte que nous tapons il seras envoyé dans le chat et pas pris en compte, mais après IMPOSSIBLE de retourner dans l'édition de la quête, on doit TOUT recommencer... 2e bugs, Quand les joueurs rapportes les items nécessaire a un PNJ, si ont le fait dialoguer avec les joueurs, alors le joueur peut ramener les items, commencer le dialogue puis enlever les items de son inventaire ( dans un coffre ou autre ) Et donc il font la quête sans perdre 1 seul item . . .

Petite derniere question: J'ai ma quete principale qui est a usage multiple, le probleme c'est que dans cette quetes chaques PNJ t'echange un item contre autre et cet autre contre encore un autre

Mon cas:
- 1er PNJ te donne l'objet "Magma"
- 2e PNJ t'echange l'objet "Magma" contre "rubi"
- 3e t'echange "rubi" contre saphyr"
- etc

Mais en faisant la quete une autre fois, le PNJ ne donne plus ces items, seul la récompense de quete est donné a chaque fois.

( Désolé pour ce roman tres peu clair )

Peux tu m'éclairer stp ?
Author's response
Je pourrais te contacter sur Discord si possible ? Merci !
(mon ID Discord : SkytAsul#2478)

Version: 0.8.1
Très bon plugin, une facilité bluffante à créer ses quêtes par rapport à certain autres plugins. Mais je me demandais si il était possible de rajouter d'autres manières de commencer une quête, par exemple, la réception d'un objet ou l'entrée dans une région :) Pour moi, il manque un peu de ça, sinon c'est parfait ! :)
Author's response
Merci beaucoup ;-)
Oui j'ai déjà reçu des demandes à propos de ça, et je compte déjà rajouter par exemple un panneau qui permettrait de lancer une quête. Mais une zone WorldGuard peut aussi être utilisée, bien sûr ! J'essayerai d'y penser !

Version: 0.8.1
simple à utiliser, plein de combinaisons à faire, je ne maîtrise pas tout encore mais j'adore ce plugin !!!!
bravo, simple et efficace

Version: 0.8.1
Very good functioning plugin, easy to set up.
I'm missing a placeholder for showing how much money you gain by completing a quest and also a player command for cancelling a quest that you have already taken. If you add this, it would be even more awesome!
Author's response
Thank you ! I added these ideas to my list, but currently I have a looot of hard things to do so it will wait a bit ;-)

Version: 0.8.1
Plugin toujours mis à jour avec des updates de plus en plus intéressante et développeur très a l'écoute encore merci pour ce magnifique plugin ^^

Version: 0.8.1
Super plugin :)
Je continue de commenter pour monter la note du plugin qui mérite un 5 étoiles.
Je recommande ce plugin de quête ! Facile, gratuit, efficace et activement mis à jour avec les recommandations de ces utilisateurs !
Merci pour ce plugin ;)

Version: 0.8
Grave Cool ton plugin Continue comme on attend les autres, update du plugin Merci encore !

Version: 0.7
Great quest addon! Easy to understand even if you don't speak french!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 0.6.2
super bon plugin merciiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 0.6.2
Ce plugin est génial! Il possède toutes les fonctionnalités requises et c’est le plus facile d’utilisation dans ce domaine. Avec des updates régulières et avec de la motivation ce plugin peut atteindre la perfection. Bravo!

Version: 0.6.2
I do like this plugin verry much! But can you add a cooldown for using a quest? And i can't create my custom lang. When i chance something the lang wil change to france.

Author's response
What do you mean by a cooldown ? And I will see what's the problem with the language file ;-)

Super plugin. Bon travail. J'aimerais savoir où trouver la traduction française svp car j'ai installé le plugin et je n'ai que eu la version anglaise. Merci vous êtes genial !!
Author's response
La traduction française est intégrée de base au plugin. Il suffit de changer la ligne "lang: en" par "lang: fr" dans le fichier de configuration ;-)

Ce plugin est génial! Il possède toutes les fonctionnalités requises et c’est le plus facile d’utilisation dans ce domaine. Avec des updates régulières et avec de la motivation ce plugin peut atteindre la perfection. Bravo!

PS: Pense à ajouter de nouvelles quêtes.
Author's response
De nouvelles quêtes ? Tu veux parler d'objectifs je pense. J'y travaille ! ^^
Merci pour la review :-)

Juste , Excellent rien à dire et le dev est réactif c'est parfait . Idéale pour les personnes souhaitant se lancer dans le développement de MMO RPG
ou autre .

Version: 0.6
Un bon plugin pour les quêtes qui est fait fait par un développeur français et ça c'est cool

Version: 0.6
Super plugin de Quête et je remercie surtout Ender_Griefeur99 de m'avoir aider pour le plugin

Version: 0.5
Très très bon plugin. J'aimerai que tu rajoute un système d'hologram au dessus des npcs avec marquer Quest NPC ou alors qu'on puisse customiser celui ci dans le dossier config ^^ . (Si possible) PS: j'en rêve
Author's response
Pourquoi pas, ce n'est pas une mauvaise idée? Je l'ajoute à ma liste, merci !

Version: 0.5
Je ne sais même pas où commencer tellement ce plugin est... GENIAL !
De 1, développé par un français ! Comme quoi nous avons également des génies ! :D
De 2, facile à utiliser, en français, avec Citizens, MythicMobs...
De 3, fonctionne en 1.12 !

Merci pour ce plugin, excellent travail !!!!

Sparryx *o*
Author's response
Merci ! <3

Version: 0.4
So i have a question when i try to edit the quests its a bit buggy and then when i exit the edit menu i cant do commands
Author's response
Hem... normally, you are not allowed to edit quests, the system isn't finished. I'll send you a message.
And, the rewards system is not for reporting bugs ;-)

Version: 0.3.1
Very helpful. This author helped me on why this plugin wasn't working (as well as many others). The plugin is also amazing! Give it a go!
Author's response
Heyhey thank you!

Version: 0.3.1
Nice!, please make a command to show de progress of the mission. (and the scoreboard, of course)
Author's response
For the command, somebody has already give me the idea, and I am work on. And the scoreboard is already present in 1.11 and 1.12.

Version: 0.3

Please let me be your eternal slave for doing since today my best spigot plugin ever behind WorldEdit. 6/5 stars if possible!
Author's response
Thank you very much guy ! But my plugin is not finished, if you react like this on the version 0.3, you will die when the 1.0 will get out ! ;-)

Version: 0.2.3
Ce plugin est un excellent plugin mais, il est inutilisable pour mon serveur minecraft MMORPG car il donne de l'experience mais cette experience est de l'experience de minecraft de base donc non compatible avec RPGPlayerLeveling. Si ce plugin était compatible avec ce plugin, ce serait le meilleur plugin de quetes :).
Author's response
Ah, je ne connaissais pas ce plugin de levels... je vais ajouter une compatibilité dans la prochaine mise à jour, je vais essayer de te tenir au courant !

Version: 0.2.3
nice plugin! but i hope the plugin can fully supported version 1.8, 1.9 or 1.10!
Author's response
Thank you !
Right, maybe I will add a compatibility with the 1.8, but not for the 1.9/1.10, because these two versions are very little used by the Minecraft servers.

Version: 0.1.11
[Texte écris avant le test du plugin]

j'apprécie l'effort de créer un plugin de quête GUI j'ai un projet de quête (400) commencer justement avec le dit Plugin Quests
et j'aurais deux ou trois demandes ^^
LA première qui Faciliterais Surement les Gens passer de Quests a Ton plugin serais d'ajouter un Convertisseur personnellement je n'Est pas envie de recréer TOUTES les quêtes que j'ai déjà créer .......

ensuite est il possible de Donner une Commande comme récompense ?
comme sur Quests ou des permission temporaires ou permanentes ??

Sérieusement je serais pret a passer sur ton plugin a partir du moment qu'il y auras

-->Le Convertisseur de Quests
-->Les commandes Libre en Récompense
-->Mcmmo (je sais pas trop xD) ?

(n'as pas eu le temps de testé le plugin)
je serais tres heureux que tu entre en contacte avec moi si sa t'intéresse . $$

Passe une Bonne Journée :)

A plus !!
Author's response
Merci de ton avis, je vais t’envoyer un message pour te demander quelques trucs par rapport à ce que tu as dit.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 127,621
First Release: Apr 11, 2017
Last Update: Oct 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
213 ratings
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