DeluxeMaintenance [Universal] [1.8.8 - 1.21.x ] icon

DeluxeMaintenance [Universal] [1.8.8 - 1.21.x ] -----

Manage your network or server maintenance.

Version: 3.2.0
Hola actualizacion para 1.20 porfavoraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Version: 3.1.6
The plugin does not work on Spigot servers 1.19.2. Absolute waste of money, author is not updating the plugin and it's unusable.
Author's response
The plugin if it is updating, please ask for support first.

Version: 3.1.4
The plugin does not work... this is the errow I get:

I am using Paper 1.19.2
Author's response
Fixed in the next version, thanks for reporting.

Version: 3.0.4
I loved it, excellent complement highly recommended for any server that needs to do maintenance and notify users

Version: 3.0.4
Amazing plugin! its work really good, I recommend this plugins! nice support!!!!

Version: 3.0.1
The best plugin ever, i am very choked, good work and good dev. In addition to that the plugin is really not expensive at all

Version: 3.0.0
Best plugin, best update the plugin have support for PaperSpigot 1.13.2? work perfect in Bungeecord last vereion
Author's response
if it is compatible

Version: 2.2
This plugin doesn't work in my eyes. I am sorry, because the developer has some very nice plugins. But I can not recommend the maintenance plugin.
Author's response
Why does not it work?

Version: 2.2
I was bought this plugin, but the plugin say use the new version but I use new version!
Author's response

Version: 2.1
Tengo una pregunta que los usuarios que no pueden entrar los deja entrar por unos segundos y se logean y se teletransportan eso como puedo evitarlo ?

Version: 2.0
Works like a charm, plug and play right out of the box! Amazingly useful if you run a bungee server with multiple servers needing different work done to them by your staff at once! I use bungeeperms to allow access to bypass the maintenance mode to my staff members :) thanks for a great plugin.
Author's response
Thank you

Version: 1.6
Exelente arreglaste el error de la consola cuando se colocaba un servidor en mantenimiento :3
Author's response
thanks, any suggestions for improvement?

Version: 1.5
Plugin not work in 1.8 Bungeecord when you use bungeecord 1.8 do not buy this plugins all Files of the plugin will not create and the plugin returns null on every command the plugin Ideea is not Bad but the Implementation is terrible

!!!!!Do not Buy Plugin not Work on Bungee 1.8 !!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Bungeecord 1.8 does not exist, I recommend that you review here all versions that are available, most users can enter using a 1.8 client. Download the latest version !!

Version: 1.5
buen complemento si le agregarias un couldown de segundos para que avise que entrara en mantencion seria bueno gracias.

Version: 1.3
Exelente plugin es lo que faltaba todos los plugin parecido no funcionan este sin duda está muy bien comprenlo
Author's response

Version: 1.0
Good job, thanks you for create this plugin, It helped me a lot in my server. this plugin is easy and simple to very work
Author's response
Thank you

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 145
First Release: Apr 1, 2017
Last Update: Oct 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings