NoteBlockMusicPlayer icon

NoteBlockMusicPlayer -----

Official music player for NoteBlockAPI

Version: 1.8.2
Not working for version 1.20.4. Even other plugins for music are not working, seem to be out of luck.

Version: 1.8.2
Has some quirks in some features but it's good. Would be perfect to have a simple command that just plays a single song from the songs folder for the whole server.

Version: 1.8.2
Incredibly confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it this is awesome! Exactly what I wanted for my server :)

Running on a 1.18.2 Spigot server.

Request: I would love it if the author could add the ability to have multiple radios at once, with a player toggle to switch between them. Also, multiple position radios would be awesome if they could be added for symmetry for a spawn, so the radios can play in sync but have the holograms still (And also would solve the player hearing music only in one ear if placed to side.)

Version: 1.8.1
Great plugin, I don't usually write reviews but developer was very helpful in support and it's just a must-have plugin! 1.17.1 works great with the dev build.

Version: 1.8.1
I don't know how to use it.
I just wanted some fun playing music in Minecraft but i don't unterstand how it works. I created the .nbs file and put it in the songs folder.
But how can i play it??
Author's response
Hi! Please don't ask quastions in reviews. Write me a PM or join my Discord and I'll explain you how the plugin works.

Version: 1.8.1
Can anyone tell me how to play more than one music on more than one playlists?
When I somehow gives more than 1 music, nothing works
Author's response
Hi! I am not sure what are you trying to do. Send me a PM or join my Discord server and I'll do my best to help you.

Version: 1.8.1
Still working great for 1.16.3 - just disable the title bar and u'll be fine :)

Version: 1.8.1
Wonderful fun plugin. Works very well!

I've noticed a recurring error with 1.16.1 you may already be aware of. Let me know if I can help with further info.

[22:07:31 WARN]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PacketPlayOutChat.<init>(net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IChatBaseComponent, net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.ChatMessageType)
Author's response
Hi! Thanks for the review! The error is caused by change in ActionBar's code. As a temporary workaround you can disable them to get rid of the errors. I'll try to make the fix update prove.

Version: 1.8.1
This plugin is, well not working. I tried doing a command to create a playlist, then add a song to the playlist but it said the playlist I JUST MADE DIDN'T EXIST! EVEN THOUGH THE PLAYLIST WAS IN THE FILE!
also, I made no modifications, used it out of the box
Author's response
Hi! There is a bug in playlist create command which doesn't add playlist to list of loaded playlists which cause the issue you have. I'll fix it soon. Next time please contact me using PM or Discord.

Version: 1.8.1
Play lists don't work test playlist too. When i text /nbmp playlist songs test_playlist its says Playlist "test_playlist" was not found. But When playlist dont work dont work enything. Whate a Heg?
Author's response
Hi! Playlist can be successfully loaded only if at least one of its songs can be loaded. Obviously if all playlists are not loaded properly then the plugin has nothing to do. Contact me using PM or Discord and I'll help you with the configuration.

Version: 1.8.1
The developer was very helpful when trying to solve an issue. The plugin works nicely and is very simple to follow.

Version: 1.8.1
Great Plugin! Made a YouTube Tutorial on it, this plugin is amazing and works!

Tutorial -

Version: 1.7
The plug said to me that there were some errors and hoped to support 1.14.X

Version: 1.7
Very useful for spawn musics and in pvp arenas. Thanks for the great plugin! Dev is also helpful in fixing errors ^^

Version: 1.7
Its working perfect, i like it so much thanks for the plugin! :D i recommend it to everyone

Version: 1.7
Exactly what I was looking for in a music player! Quick response from the dev to both fix an error and make it more user friendly. Now, if I could only find some good quality NBS compositions... the hunt continues.

Version: 1.6
Almost all commands entered result in
"An Internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
I'm entering them exactly as listed; some of them start working when I restart the entire server (reloading config either does nothing or produces a similar message that the plugin could not be reloaded.

I've wasted hours of time and unless the author can point out what I am doing wrong, I recommend anyone try to work with icJukebox before using this plugin. Proper radios are enabled in config, it's just not working.
Author's response
Please don't use reviews as issue tracker. Send me PM and I will help you.

Version: 1.6
Great plugin, nice updates - author listens to ideas given by users :D the possibility to change volume is great!

Version: 1.5
Good plugin for .nbs, but, how to add more Radios, playlist via Config?
But, good plugin for servers.
Author's response
To add another radio or playlist just copy test_playlist (or what name do you have) and paste it as another child of playlists. Change name and parameters. Same for radios.

Version: 1.5
Very Great Plugin

and fast Support thanks
Good Developer
......................(100 Letters)

Version: 1.5
Cool plugin! Does what it is ment to do! I have translated it to Bosnian!

Version: 1.4
Plug-in didn't work for me, but with a fast-responding author, he was able to fix the problems that came with Spigot 1.12!!! Tysm!

Version: 1.4
Good Plugin !

I translated your plugin into french :)

Good jobs guys

Version: 1.4
Great Plugin!
btw i translated the messages to german

Author's response
I'm glad you like the plugin and thanks for translation.

Version: 1.0.1
Just like the old version it does like described, great plugin! Also some nice bugfixes making the plugin even better :)

Version: 1.0
Awesome! Thanks for making the idea come true :D
Plugin does exaclty whats described, very easy to setup and light to use.
Playlist can become very handy in case u want to make multiple places where different music plays (when u have a different theme or something)

Version: 1.0
Here's a good suggestion, that probably a few people will ask.
Why have a playlist, when you can just put the .nbs files in a subdirectory? You could create playlists in game, and add songs to them. For example:
- /nbmp playlist <create|list|remove|add> [playlist] [song]

[song] would be the song, without the .nbs extension.
Author's response
Thanks for suggestion. I can separate playlists in config so you will be able to multiuse them and also add command to edit these playlists, but I don't thing that just putting it to subdirectory is good idea. You will loose ability to sort them and you will have to have song saved multiple on disk in case that you want to have one song in several playlists.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,967
First Release: Mar 4, 2017
Last Update: Dec 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
26 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings