- Added former movement location. Uses the getFrom() in the on any movement that never existed.
Code (skript (Unknown Language)):
([the] (past|former) move[ment] [location]
- Added settable relative option to the time relative syntax.
Code (skript (Unknown Language)):
(relative|player) time of %player% [with relative %-boolean%]
%player%'s (relative|player) time [with relative %-boolean%]
- Fixed Time Relative throwing null when trying to reset
- Fixed the where filter expression not working. (Throws some errors if the predicate contains an unknown expression/value. Looking into fixing that.)
- Fixed some minor bugs.
Example script:
Code (skript (Unknown Language)):
function isInSwamp(p: player):
loop all players where [distance between {location} and {_p} <= 10]:
message "&2Get out of my Swamp!" to loop-player
command /where:
loop all players where [player input is "LimeGlass" parsed as player]:
message "&aOh hi there Lime" to loop-player
function flyingEntities(empty: boolean = false) :: entities:
return all entities where [ground state of entity input is false]
function betterContains(objects: objects, contains: object) :: boolean:
if {_objects::*} where [object input is {_object}] is empty:
return false
return true
command /test:
set {_objects::*} to "Stuff", "Test", "Skript" and "Testing"
if betterContains({_objects::*}, "Testing") is true:
broadcast "yes"
broadcast "no"