+ Added clear old player file cache
+ Added api-version in plugin.yml
+ Use logger instead of java default print
+ Added more debug
+ Configurable /nvp message
+ Added console filter
+ Added on/off command for VPN check
+ Added IP cleaner for max IP check
* Fixed spaces in nvp and nvp checks commands
* Fixed file cache saving when blacklist is enabled
* Fixed VPN was not checked after re-login
- Some code cleaning and optimizations
Config file changed! Check the new config on the plugin description.
Added config:
Code (YAML):
#Clear player file/sql entry after a fixed time (in seconds) #604800 = 1 week #-1 to disable it clear-cache-delay: 604800
console-filter: true
nvp-message: |-
&a/nvp check <player> &7| &6View player info
&a/nvp verify <player> &7| &6Re-check a player
&a/nvp on/off &7| &6Enable/disable VPN check
&a/nvp blacklist <add/remove/list> <IP/Username> &7| &6Add ip or username in blacklist
&a/nvp whitelist <add/remove/list> <IP/Username> &7| &6Add ip or username in whitelist