- Remove permissions in config file
- Remove online search mcleaks option
- Reorganisation of config file
- Add to blacklist on detected ip
- Add ban option on mcleaks
Make you sure you have this config.yml (a lot of change)
Code (Text):
#NoVPN [PREMIUM] by besuper_
#thanks for buying
debug: false
#kick when player use VPN
kick: false
#send alert VPN for all player with permission novpn.receive
notify: true
#ban player using VPN
ban: false
#for better performance (cache bad IP)
cache: true
enabled: true
#When player is kicked/banned for VPN
add-on-kick: false
add-on-ban: false
#Add when VPN is detected
add-on-detect: true
enabled: false
max-ip-check: false
ip_per_account: 2
antibot: false
#Enable mcleaks detection
enabled: true
#Kick when player use McLeaks
kick: true
#Ban when player use McLeaks
ban: false
#Player is automatically kick (can be bypass with : novpn.bypass)
enabled: true
message: '&cYour country is not allowed!'
- 'China'
message-kick: '&cYou have been kicked for using VPN.'
message-notify: '&c%player% (%IP%) tried to join using vpn!'
not_online: '&cThe player is not online.'
message-ban: '&cYou have been banned for using VPN.'
broadcast: '&7[&c&lNoVPN&7] &eThe player &l&a%player% &eis using &c&lVPN.'
blacklist-message: '&cYou are in the black list !'
addblacklist: '&a%argument% has been added to the blacklist !'
removeblacklist: '&a%argument% has been removed to the blacklist !'
already-blacklist: '&a%argument% was already in the blacklist!'
not-in-blacklist: '&c%argument% is not in blacklist!'
whitelist-message: '&cYou are not in the whitelist !'
addwhitelist: '&a%argument% has been added to the whitelist !'
removewhitelist: '&a%argument% has been removed to the whitelist !'
already-whitelist: '&a%argument% was already in the whitelist!'
not-in-whitelist: '&c%argument% is not in whitelist!'
bot-kick: '&c[Antibot] Wait for reconnect!'
mcleaks-kick: '&cMcLeaks account!'
mcleaks-ban: '&cYou are banned for McLeaks!'
mcleaks-check: '&7[&6%player%&7] &6McLeaks Account : &a%result%'
max_ip: '&cToo many account connected with one IP. (Max %max%)'