Better code optimization
Change load class on enable
Fix error in config
Better player loading
Make you sure you have this configuration :
Code (YAML):
#NoVPN [PREMIUM] by besuper_ #thanks for buying #You can find different language file in spigot page of plugin
#kick player using vpn kick: false
#send alert vpn for all player with permission novpn.receive notify: true
#ban player using vpn ban: false
#for better perfomance (cache bad ip) cache: true
enabled: true
add-on-kick: false
add-on-ban: false
enabled: false
only-player-inside-can-join: false
max-ip-check: false
ip_per_account: 2
antibot: false
antimcleaks: true
enabled: false
host: 'localhost'
bdd: 'my_database'
table: 'novpn'
user: 'root'
password: 'password'
bypass: 'novpn.bypass'
receive_message: 'novpn.receive'
check: 'novpn.check'
vpban: 'novpn.vpban'
vpkick: 'novpn.vpkick'
vpblacklist: 'novpn.vpblacklist'
vpwhitelist: 'novpn.vpwhitelist'
openconfig: 'novpn.config'
vpcheckleak: 'novpn.leakc'
vpreload: 'novpn.reload'
message-kick: '&cYou have been kicked for using VPN.'
message-notify: '&c
%player% (%IP%) tried to join using vpn!' not_online: '&cThe player is not online.'
message-ban: '&cYou have been banned for using VPN.'
broadcast: '&7
] &eThe player &l&a
%player% &eis using &c&lVPN.'
#Message for command /vp vpcheck_message1: '&6=========&6
vpcheck_message2: '&bName
: &a%player%' vpcheck_message3: '&bIP
: &a%IP%' vpcheck_message4: '&bCountry
: &a%country%' vpcheck_message5: '&bVPN
: &a%info_vpn%' vpcheck_message6: '&6============================'
blacklist-message: '&cYou are in the black list !'
addblacklist: '&a
%argument% has been added to the blacklist !' removeblacklist: '&a
%argument% has been removed to the blacklist !' already-blacklist: '&a
%argument% was already in the blacklist!' not-in-blacklist: '&c
%argument% is not in blacklist!' whitelist-message: '&cYou are not in the white list !'
addwhitelist: '&a
%argument% has been added to the whitelist !' removewhitelist: '&a
%argument% has been removed to the whitelist !' already-whitelist: '&a
%argument% was already in the whitelist!' not-in-whitelist: '&c
%argument% is not in whitelist!' bot-kick: '&c
] Wait for reconnect!'
mcleaks-kick: '&cMcLeaks account!'
mcleaks-check: '&7
%player%&7] &6McLeaks Account : &a%result%' max_ip: '&cToo many account connected with one IP.