As an developer for my custom plugin server thing I am pleased to say it works flawlessly the api is great, saved a great hassle of creating banknotes. I recommend it for anyone.
Most of these reviews say the same thing Vault may have not been updated for a few years but still works fine don't let the version stop you from making your server!
fun reminder. if u read this, yes the plugin supports 1.20+ this plugin doesn't really need to be updated it seems so they don't bother. ignore the brain dead who don't know how to test a plugin lol
I love this plugin. It works fine on 1.20.4!
Ignore the one-star reviews below. Vault 1.7.3 works just fine on any minecraft version newer than 1.13.
Just because it doesn't have Mineccraft's latest version numbers slapped on it doesn't mean it doesn't work.
The things that Vault is used for does not require it to be updated to the latest Minecraft, Bukkit, Spigot, Paper, Purpur or whatever version. It is only needing to be updated if there are any major code-base changes.
The plugin itself supports the latest versions (1.20.x) as for now, don't listen to those kids screaming please update, there is nothing at all to update, probably only the spigotmc page lol
This is one of the most important plugins for me, I was able to use this plugin when updating to the new minecraft updates, but since in 1.20 they changed how signs function, it is unusable now... They updated how signs function, now you can right click to edit them and then the plugin doesn't understand what has happened and unlocks the locked sign. To whoever kept this plugin alive, please update it. Without updating this plugin all my servers chests will be opened and then everyone will have access to everyone's chests ):
This is a fantastic plugin. I use this plugin on my server (Currently running 1.19.3), HalfastMC (its a UHC SMP) and the players there love it. Thanks for making this!
Amazing plugin, it works on 1.19.3, i add this plugin because many other amazing plugins depend on it, so usually it's one of the first plugins i add to any server i make.
Amazing plugin, it has 2 million downloads, which doesn't include every single minehut server that downloads vault over the many years. millions and millions of servers use this plugin, as it is amazing.
Please add more permissions and more config settings)
i want to setup /sell command but i can't, i can't set prices for blocks/items, i can't deny sell some blocks. It's sad, i did tried to find plugins which can setup vault or add other selling command, i did'nt find anythin.(
How can you rate this anything but 5 stars! An absolute essential plugin for all Spigot/Paper servers (you can use pretty much any chat plugin and any permission plugin nowadays, etc.) Just wish the tested versions were updated since this works without fail on 1.18.
I'm sure I've already rated this plugin, but I'll do it again. The function is simple, it serves as an economy library and the truth is that it does it in an excellent way, it works correctly for the use that I give it on my server.
[Vault] Loaded class ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx from PermissionsEx v1.23.4 which is not a depend, softdepend or loadbefore of this plugin.
Seems to be working fine for me on 1.18.2. Someone complained that balances don't save on server shutdown, but I did not have that issue during my testing.
Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2 Please update to 1.18.2
This plugin is amazing. Some people say this plugin is not being updated here is why. IT DOESNT NEED TO BE. It works great on 1.18.1 and is an amazing plugin for all servers.
Why are people asking for 1.18.1 updates? Can't they just thank the developer for not making the plugin break with each Mojang update... I mean, that's what makes this plugin so unique.
This plugin (or library) is excellent, and quite useful for economy systems. In my case, as the owner of a Minecraft 1.12.2 server, I can say that it works perfectly and without any errors.
Hello!I like this plugin very much.
Can I share with you the forum in China
I will mark out your ( author's ) name
and Because Chinese can't Download to foreign Download link, repoint useless.
Can I create a Download link of China?
I hope at least it is working on the new version of plugin 1.17
Nice good job! I never see any problem with this plugin :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I have used this plugin on every server, which I have created and have never had any problems. Can only recommend, this is a must-have for every server.
I love Vault. I submitted an issue to the GitHub but it hasn’t been replied to yet. I do understand the Devs can be busy but I didn’t know if I needed to submit something in here as well. Thanks!
Likely the most necessary resource on the market. Rating this below a 5 star is honestly ridiculous. This API helps hundreds (and even thousands) of developers create economic-based servers, so there’s meaning to that server.
Even though this plugin doesn’t need a review, I personally think it does. The developers worked extraordinarily hard on the resource, in order to maintain a stable experience.
Best plugin ever with ranks, just needs something to work with papi, that %vault_prefix_color% doesnt work. Please fix and then this would be 5 stars! [Im using vault, papi, lp]
Thanks for keeping this updated ! a lot of plugins depends on this one ! it's really important, just add this plugin, before adding any other plugin, for peace of mind.
Used on the biggest and the smallest servers. Remarkable resource. Never, have I seen one issue with this resource before. If an issue appears with a new version, the developer takes the time to repair and fixate any of these degrading problems.
Reviews aren’t necessary on this resource, since it’s used everywhere; however, it’s just a reminder that you should consider contributing to this developer, so that they can continue to enhance the resource, even though it’s probably at its best.
Works really well, using it my own plugins and also on many servers I launched. Also really impressive that this plugin basically connects all economy and permission plugins with all other plugins
Great work, I always use it on all my Servers, I certainly do tutorials on YouTube about plugins and these topics ... could you add my video to your page? The language of the video is Spanish
Thank you so much for this little "miracle" plugin. I guess I could say Vault works in the background, keeping the server glued together, quite literally!
As a developer myself, Vault is a huge time saver for Spigot developers, and a staple for any new server.
I agree with Squidgie, who doesn't use this? It's basically absolutely needed. If there is an issue with a plugin using it, it's usually because that plugin needs to fix something itself to work with this version of vault.
I do use LuckyPerms, and it seems to work great with it, as well.
Please stop asking for updates, this plugin proves its own compatibility by not needing to update for every version. What would you rather have? a plugin that need upgrade every few days or a plugin that functions for years before update.
Great plugin please support 1.15, thanks
Will this plugin be updated?
Great plugin. I can confirm it works or 1.15. I'm just scared that one day a minecraft update will break it, I don't know if the devs are still alive ._.
Great and useful plugin. I ask you to upgrade to 1.15
Sorry, im new in this of servers and plugins so i need help, i need to know how add the current /balance of vault in my case i use jEssentials like economy plugin into the ScoreBoard Reborn plugin v1.14.4, when you use this and you watch the scoreboard at the right side you can see that it says:
&7%vault_rank% in the rank line
&7%vault_eco_balance% | Normal
&7%vault_eco_balance_commas% | Separators
&7%vault_eco_balance_fixed% | Fixed
&7%vault_eco_balance_formatted% | Formatted
in the coins or balance line, please i need help i want that the /balance of jessentials be showed in the scoreboard.
Works fine as far as I can see. To those saying "please update" They update when it needs an update. It doesn't need an update right now because it works fine, hell same goes for something like Plugman... that stuff worked fine on 1.13.2 and hadn't been updated since 1.10, because it still worked.
Seems to do okay on 1.14. Haven't had an error yet, am using luckperms and essentials. I've never seen vault before I opened my second server a month ago, previously back in 2016. Don't know much about it but my plugins that "need it" work. Haven't tested without vault but would appreciate an update even quarterly or bi annually. Thanks for your groundwork, would like to follow this for my server.
Functionally fantastic.
Note for the developer, please add in Prefix support for the plugin "UltraPermissions" by TechsCode. This is just a suggestion, my server needs this feature for the plugin to be able to function properly, but in all other areas, the plugin works excellently. Would recommend.
Vault is awesome... except that so many plugins stop working correctly because vault is often loaded after them when the server starts... So they do not find vault... I've had this problem for years and have never found a solution other than reloading plugins that depend on vault after a server restart which at times causes more problems
What the hell is with the people posting stupid reviews? I don't get it. This plugin is awesome. There is no other way to explain it. Bugs are fixed quickly, and this plugin is very compatible. That's it. no other words needed.
The supported list is for plugin connectors maintained by Vault.
Version: 1.7.1
Thanks so much for updating Vault again, Its the most amazing and work relieving plugin every developer needs, Awesome job and i hope to see many more updates in the future for the next generation of Spigot!!
No improvement whatsoever, what is the point of this release? Just because it has some typo fix, jerkin build fix and you have to re-release with a more recent version number? We all can all still use old release from Bukkit.
Very nice resource. I want to hook my permission plugin into it. I have created basic setup in plugin. Can you please add my plugin in this API? Please PM. Thanks! :P
Nice to see this still being developed as it's an essential for almost all servers. Everything works on latest version! Keep it up! Appreciate all the work