Hello again!
Today, I am releasing a version of Elevators with a few little quality of life changes. First up, a new "action." Sound. In the past, the sound an elevator made on use was completely separate in the config. Frankly, this just took up space and required extra support in the code. I had changed it into an action to not only clean up the config a bit, but to also narrow down the plugin size, even if by a couple bytes.
The new format is as follows:
"sound: ENTITY_BLAZE_SHOOT pitch=2.0 volume=1.0"
While pitch and volume are stated above using the x=y format, the pitch and volume do have a default value of 1 if not stated. 'p' can also be used in place of the word "pitch" and 'v' or 'vol' can replace "volume." The actual sound name can be anywhere in the value, or can even be behind a "sound=" or "s=" if desired. The sound names can be found here:
Click me
The ConfigConverter is already setup to transfer your current sound settings into the Actions map.
This is to keep my word in the discussion forum when I stated I might have found a way to support CMI and PlotSquared.
CMI Hook: Short and sweet. Elevators should no longer be able to be opened as backpacks.
PlotSquared: A flag was introduced called "Elevators." It is set to true by default, and while it is enabled, guests can use elevators on the plot. If disabled, only trusted, owners, or members can use an elevator.
I plan to release a version of Elevators in the immediate future that supports PlotSquared V4 instead of just the premium resource that is V5; however, this current version will only support V5.