With the latest release of an aforementioned Spigot fork, I was able to complete a successful compilation of Elevators for 1.16.2
This version of Elevators also supports a fix for placing Elevators via Dispensers found by
I was holding off on this update for ensuring the quality, but thanks to the recent 1.16.2 update, I get to announce today that I have created a somewhat baseline API for Elevators
The class name is "ElevatorsAPI" in the package "com.cultivatemc.elevators" and it contains methods ranging from checking if shulkerboxes or itemstacks are Elevators to registering new "actions" for elevators on use. While the "ElevatorClass" object can be retrieved using the API methods, I can not ensure the methods in the "ElevatorClass" class will remain the same in the next update as I hadn't gotten around to cleaning it up before posting this. I hope to get more info regarding this available on the main page soon, and possibly soon introduce a github.
Thanks for supporting my plugin thus far
If you have any suggestions or any problems with the plugin, please feel free to DM me or mention it in the resource discussion forum.