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MobArena -----

Become a mob-fighting gladiator!

Custom spawnpoint radius, tiered rewards, randomized waves


  • MobArena now properly supports Vault economy providers registered after MobArena has started. This should make it possible to use custom economy providers that aren't built into Vault, such as those created with Denizen.
  • New wave rewards section tiers allows for non-stacking reward tiers for beating certain waves. This allows for configuring reward sets that get "upgraded" as the waves progress, e.g. by granting a full leather armor set for beating wave 15, but beating wave 20 replaces that leather armor set with an iron armor set.
  • New per-arena setting spawnpoint-max-distance can be used to tweak how close to any player a given spawnpoint must be to be considered valid when spawning monsters. This should help reduce the amount of spawnpoints required, especially for larger arenas.
  • New per-arena setting spawnpoint-min-distance can be used to tweak how far away from all players a given spawnpoint must be to be considered valid when spawning monsters. This should help prevent monsters from spawning directly on top of players.
  • Recurrent waves can now be randomized. If two or more recurrent waves clash on wave number, frequency, and priority, MobArena will now randomly pick between them. This should make it easier to create more varied and interesting wave setups without having to resort to only massively randomized default waves.
  • Single waves can now be randomized. If two or more single waves clash on wave number, MobArena will now randomly pick between them. This means it is now possible to make randomly selected bosses for boss waves, for instance.
  • Slimes, Magma Cubes, Bats, Ghasts, Phantoms, and Ender Dragons now all target players in the same way other monsters do.
  • MobArena no longer throws errors when handling block explosions on Minecraft 1.21.
  • MobArena no longer throws errors during the automatic removal of spectators when using auto-leave-on-end: true.
  • The shuffle-positions ability now correctly shuffles the position of the boss as well if monster-teleport is set to false.
  • The obsidian-bomb ability no longer breaks boss waves.
  • Text on Arena Signs is no longer explicitly truncated. This fixes an issue where color codes would count towards the character limit, causing the text that would otherwise fit on the sign to be cut off.
  • Arena Signs can once again be destroyed, but it is necessary to break them while sneaking.
----------, Oct 13, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55,281
First Release: Jan 1, 2017
Last Update: Oct 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
156 ratings
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