MobArena icon

MobArena -----

Become a mob-fighting gladiator!

Bugfix bonanza and rectified server version check (aka "hello 1.14")
Note: For 1.8-1.10 and 1.11-1.12 builds, visit github releases

  • MobArena no longer touches the flySpeed player attribute when players join an arena. This should fix issues where a crash would result in players being "locked in the air" when trying to fly outside of the arena. It also introduces compatibility with plugins that use flight to augment player abilities.
  • Fixed a bug introduced by a breaking API change in Spigot where a player with a nearly full inventory might cause item rewards to change stack amounts.
  • MobArena no longer uncancels teleport events that occur outside of its own context when players have the mobarena.admin.teleport permission. This fixes a bug where the permission could override the cancellation of events that weren't related to MobArena.
  • When resetting player health, MobArena now uses the player max health attribute base value rather than a fixed value of 20. This fixes crashes associated with max health values lower than 20, and ensures that players always get a full heal with values higher than 20.
  • The server version check on the main build (currently for 1.13) now explicitly looks for incompatible versions rather than compatible versions. This brings back the "works unless otherwise specified" nature of the plugin, and thus a MobArena build for Minecraft 1.13 should (knock-on-wood) work on 1.14.

Thanks to:
  • minoneer for help with fixing and testing the teleport bug
----------, Apr 23, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55,281
First Release: Jan 1, 2017
Last Update: Oct 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
156 ratings
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