MobArena icon

MobArena -----

Become a mob-fighting gladiator!

Version: 0.109
This is genuinly an amazing plugin, it's easy to learn and use, while still having amazing customability, and even things that I wouldn't expect in such a plugin, while also having an easy to follow and understand documentation!

There is just one thing I'd love to get added, but it's understandable if it's not possible or very hard to do, so it's all good if it never will be a thing, but I'd love to see extra customization with the mobs using nbt tags (example : spawning zombies with full leather armor, skeletons without bows, drowned with tridents etc.). I've already managed to do those things with just command blocks in the past but like I said it's understandable if it isn't possible to do that. Great plugin either way, keep up the good work :)
Author's response

Mob customization is definitely something I've been wanting to do for ages, but it requires some pretty big changes to the code base, and in recent years I just haven't had much time for the plugin, let alone big reworks that will likely have breaking changes. I hope to get some dedicated time for it in 2025 though, so fingers crossed :)

Version: 0.108
Great plugin but i keep getting errors because it has not been recently updated...
Author's response

MobArena 0.108 has been tested and works as expected on all recent server builds, so I'm not sure what errors you're talking about. Hop on Discord for support :)

Version: 0.108
Awesome plugin, Awesome support, Awesome all round. Well worth putting this plugin on your server

Version: 0.108
Unfortunately for smaller servers this is an inappropriate plugin. It is extremely heavy on RAM, EXAMPLE: Server with 10 Gig RAM using only 2 Gig of RAM without MobArena and using 9.98Gig With MobArena.

Version: 0.108
I've been using this plugin for a few years now. I've created so much with it. It even inspired me to create a storyline for my server's MobArena maps and add many different characters to the storyline which might soon turn into an animated series, all because I downloaded this singular plugin. Amazing.
Author's response

Version: 0.107
I've been using this plugin ever since I started my server about 6 years ago. Works right out of the box! You know a good plugin when they don't have to update it all the time!
Author's response

Version: 0.107
It's a good plugin but what I would suggest is making a way for players to click the signs once in game without staff having to create a chest underneath the sign for the classes
Author's response

Version: 0.107
Author's response

Version: 0.107
Good plugin, has great addons. Only thing that could improve would be per arena, arena files to have a more visible way of editing arenas.

But overall, good work.
Author's response

Version: 0.107
Very good plugin and really fun... Will it also update to 1.20 that would be really cool
Author's response

Plugin works fine on 1.20 :)

Version: 0.107
i love this Plugin and used it since bukkit release :) a long time.
Thank you for this Plugin
Author's response

Version: 0.107
One of the good ol' classics. Beast of a plugin, features many customizable properties and adds a ton of fun for the players. Strongly recommended!
Author's response

Version: 0.107
its so good. I really appreciate the fact that you can simply just do /ma autogenerate
Author's response

Version: 0.107
I never do reviews, but this plugin just earned it dead on the dot. My server members were literally screaming at me and staff to open the game lol, thanks allot mate, God Bless you
Author's response

Version: 0.107
Great plugin, had a little trouble at first but the support helped me sort it out.
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Good plugin. no problems with this plugin ever .everything is easy to set up .thanks for the plugin
Author's response

Version: 0.106
The discord has been an incredibly helpful resource for this plugin, and the plugin has remained solid, steady, and damn near bug free for the decade or so I've been using it. The things you can do if you apply even a tiny bit of thought and creativity as a server owner are immense, and you can very easily hook in and adjust things to your personal needs if so desired. The code is unbelievably elegant and well written, and has frankly been an inspiration for better code practices in any custom things I've had written for my server. Cannot recommend enough!
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Best MobArena plugin around! Great and friendly developer and amazing support in the Discord! Been using this plugin for years, and more to come!
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Thanks for this Amazing Plugin, with it Players can enjoy my Server even if nobody is Online... Best dev ever and best "Single-Player" Plugin ever. But can you pls add that 1.9 and 1.10 is compatible on the Spigot Page, because for me it looked like i have to downgrade from 1.9 to 1.8 to use this Plugin, but it works for 1.9 too. Really love this and im very exited for the future of MobArena the 2. best Plugin on Spigot after Essentials
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Amazing plugin, works 10/10 And it's Free.
I don't usually do reviews, but this plugin deserves it.
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Amazing plugin with amazing support! The plugin is a lot of fun and gives you a lot of possibilities to customize the arena to your liking.
Author's response

Version: 0.106
really a very cool plugin , respect <3 :D But can you somehow set that as a reward also commands go ? e.g. end-Wave 10
Reward: [CONSOLE] money give %player 10
That would be totally cool :D
Author's response
Thanks for the five stars! <3 What you want is already possible. Check out the wiki for details! :)

Version: 0.106
I love it! me and my friends have hours of fun with this plugin, easy to setup and configure, dev i love you.
Author's response

Version: 0.106
can I use it for my survival server? it could be a good one, for all my players to make money
Author's response
Yes you can :)

Version: 0.106
This plugin is excellent.
Super fun, very pleasent and with a fantastic support on discord!
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Отличный плагин! Игрокам нравится, но вот проблема, в волну добавил разбойников pillager и они появляются без арбалетов и просто ходят не атакуя. Как сделать, чтобы они спавнились вооружёнными?
Author's response
Thank you for the four stars.

I don't speak Russian, but the issue with pillagers has been fixed, and they will work properly in the next release. We have test builds ready on Discord. Please feel free to join, but know that it's an English server :)

Version: 0.106
Muy divertido y altamente configurable! se recomienda bastante, lo tengo traducido al español si alguien quiere, le paso por discord
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Wait......... You are back!?
Finally, some good freaking food.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I used this plugin since 1.8 and can't find any good mob arena that was easier than this.
Recommended if you wanna let your player enjoy server more.
Author's response
Back? MobArena never left <3

Thank you for the kind words and five stars! Feel free to come say hello on Discord!

Version: 0.106
great plugin, only if you know how to set it up. the config/setup/permissions are confusing but that is the day and life of a developer.
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Been using this plugin since Minecraft BETA (somewhere in 2011) and it still rocks in 1.16.4 and onwards!!!
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Custom name rewards?
Perfect plugin, just need a custom rewards name D:
Author's response

Check out class chests and commands-as-rewards. One of those should help you do what you want to do :)

Version: 0.106
When I add new classes and I had some items. Some of the items don't get loaded even though I did it correctly.
Author's response
Thanks for the five stars, but sorry to hear you're having trouble with your configuration. Please hop on Discord for support :)

Version: 0.106
This is an amazing plugin, but sometimes it is removing me form the arena when fighting mobs randomly?
Author's response

Perhaps you need to expand your region.

Version: 0.106
It's Very nice plugin, but please tell me, how much waves are in this plugin? Thanks for reply
Author's response

As many waves as you want :) It's infinite by default, but you can set a final wave in the settings.

Version: 0.106
Best MobArena plugin. very fun and customizable. it couldn't have been better than this. Developer recently became very active and there is discord server for support. gameplay is very fun and intuitive!
Author's response

Version: 0.106
Happy 10th anniversary MobArena! If you haven't already tried this plugin, please do! It's great in itself, has a lovely community, great support and the best developer you could ask for!
Author's response

Version: 0.105
The plugin is easy to set-up, has a high range of customization and a lot of documentation to go with it.
Author's response

Version: 0.105
Great plugin, great community, great support, great everything. Can easily intergrate into different plugins for maximum optimization. Even supports MythicMobs :D
Author's response

Version: 0.105
So far the best mobarena plugin really recommend this one, support is really quick and accurate, easy configuration and lot of cool stuffs :)
Author's response

Version: 0.105
my favorite minigame <3 played for years, but is it possible to add mobs from other plugins like insane mobs to the arena without just command spawning?
Author's response

Version: 0.105
Only issue ive had is upon a server reload or server restart i have to setup all the arenas again
Author's response
This doesn't sound normal. Please hop on Discord and let's see if we can figure out what is going on :)

Version: 0.105
This plugin is awsome! very easy to set up and friendly staff & dev <3 :D
Author's response

Version: 0.105
This was my favorite resource growing up. Surprised it's not as popular anymore. Gotta bring it back
Author's response

Version: 0.105
good resource but can you add class can give kit to player? by commands?? please add it
Author's response

If I understand you correctly, what you want is already possible. Feel free to hop on Discord for help :)

Version: 0.105
thanks for updating. im using mobarena for years now and we still love it. great developer
Author's response
Thanks ScuroK! <3

Version: 0.105
this is an awesome addition to my server. for a suggestion, maybe you could add a graphical interface to add loot.
Author's response

Please feel free to hop on Discord or create a Github issue for your idea so we can discuss it further :)

Version: 0.105
I tried this plugin in the past, and the new update hopefully made it better! Here are some braces i removed from my code for you garbagemule! {} {}{}{} {} {}{}{}{}{}{{}}
Author's response
Thanks for the 5 stars, but please put those curlies back where they belong.

Version: 0.104.2
Wonderful plugin, and also wonderful author who's been very helpful with support and consistently updates the plugin!
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
Excellent plugin, thank you for keeping it up to date. I was wondering if there's a way to delay the /ma join command? On my survival server I want to prevent people from cheating their way out of a fight by just teleporting to the arena. I tried different things with permissions but nothing worked for me. Thanks again!
Author's response

Check out the join-interrupt-timer setting in the config-file :)

Version: 0.104.2
I've always loved this plugin.
I love the way you can control so much in it, and make it really enjoyable for all users!
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
Very good plugin but is there anyway to quit from arena to lobby, not to exit the whole game?
Author's response
Once the session has started, the lobby is closed. This is something that should be made more customizable in the future, though :)

Version: 0.104.2
There isn't enough space to write a review that would do this plugin justice. So I will leave you all with this simple message. If you aren't using this plugin for you're MobArena needs, you're a fool. Amazing developer behind the plugin, and amazing plugin. Thank you for everything you do!
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
Great addition to our 1.16.3 server! Surprising amount of customization and really easy to setup! Great examples on wiki to help setup also. Would highly recommend this plugin. Author is very helpful and kind. 10/10 Thank you for this plugin!
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
excellent plugin i've used before, but may I ask if this has been tested on 1.16.3?
Author's response
It should work just fine on 1.16.3 :)

Version: 0.104.2
[18:34:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Attila502 issued server command: /ma autogenerate Nether
[18:34:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'ma' in plugin MobArena v0.104.2
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnection.a( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(SourceFile:36) ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(SourceFile:9) ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$0( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask(SourceFile:144) ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext(SourceFile:118) ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.aZ( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.executeNext( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeAll(SourceFile:103) ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.v( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.lambda$0( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-ab38754]
at [?:1.8.0_101]
Author's response
Please come on Discord for support! :)

Version: 0.104.2
Spectacular plugin, works quickly, easily and out of the box with minimal setup. Works almost flawlessly takes care of all the things you didn't even think of when you planned to set up an arena. Best tech support for a product, let alone a minecraft mod, that I've ever seen. 5/5, best arena mod, would recommend.
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
I've been using this plugin since 2013 or 2014 now, and it's absolutely amazing. It just works and is highly configurable, easy to setup, good documented, and provides great gameplay to my server.

Thank you garbagemule for making this amazing plugin available for free.
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
Buen plugin el mejor para servidores survival, les dejo un tutorial en español:
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
This plugin is everything we needed. It's intricate yet easy to set-up, it does exactly what it says. The wiki is very detailed, and the support on Discord is amazing ! If you need a real Mob Arena plugin, that isn't too complicated and that works nearly out-of-the-box, look no further !
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
I've known about this plugin since I started playing multiplayer minecraft, and honestly it's stood the test of time. Everytime I come back to this plugin there is always more options and it's always just as fun! I recently started running a vanilla server and the players requested that we moved to spigot just so we could have this plugin. Thank you Mule.
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
A very great plugin. Good work! Our players have fun in the mob arena. Keep going that good work.
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
Fantastic monster arena plugin with an incredible codebase behind it. Quality has been impeccable since day 1 and continues to impress.

Works beautifully in 1.16, assuming you have the latest spigot version as of writing this review. Thanks to mule for continuing to update!
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
I really this plugin! This is exactly what my server needed! I have managed to tie Skript into it to make a menu item that shows the status of all of my arenas in a GUI! Please list as a server that runs your AMAZING plugin! OG Prison jus would not be the same without it!
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
doesn't load for me please help me

[07:20:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [MobArena] Enabling MobArena v0.104.2
[07:20:46] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MobArena v0.104.2 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Incompatible server version! This build does not work on 1.12.2. Perhaps you downloaded the wrong build?
at ~[?:?]
at com.garbagemule.MobArena.ServerVersionCheck.check( ~[?:?]
at com.garbagemule.MobArena.MobArena.onEnable( ~[?:?]
at ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.reload( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_222]
at [?:1.8.0_222]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at [?:1.8.0_222]
Author's response
Looks like you downloaded the build for Minecraft 1.13+

Grab the 1.12 build from Github :)

Version: 0.104.2
Very good Plugin BUT i cant use /l or /hub in the Game. In put that in allowed commands but dont works
Author's response
Please use Discord for support :)

Version: 0.104.2
I've been using the plugin for quite some time and its amazing. I had a bug going on and I literally got an answer within a minute. The developer helped even though it turned out to be a bug with a different plugin. I came with a bug of another plugin and got it working within 10 minutes thanks to the dev. Definitely worth it.
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
I've been using this plugin for so long and it's just great! However on my newest 1.15.2 paper server I continue bumping into a very strange bug which is not accompanied by any messages in the console at all: some players in the arena just suddenly being forced to leave the arena (they are not killed by the mobs, they are just kicked). Its like one moment the player is trying to slay some zombies and another moment they find themselves hitting the wall at the place from which they joined the arena. When that happens the kicked player receives a message in chat saying "leaving so soon?". I don't know whether this bug is connected to this plugin or not so I hope to get some assistance. It doesn't happen too often though
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words and the 5 stars!

That specific message means the players were outside of the arena region. Usually you can just expand the region out by a block or two and it'll fix it right up.

Feel free to hop on Discord if you're still having trouble!

Version: 0.104.2
На 1.15.2 работает стабильно. Большое спасибо! Легкое создание арены. Отдельный фаил с переводом.
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
Great resource. is there anyway to change scoreboard to make it work with InfoBoardReborn? pm me
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
<3 :)
beautiful, majestic, amazing, wonderful, awesome, superb, simply just great!
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
Good plugin! keep up the good work .
Author's response

Version: 0.104.2
legendary plugin! thank you so much for updating it over the years <3 <3 <3
we use it on 1.15.1
Author's response
Happy new year, ScuroK! <3

Version: 0.104
This excellent resource has unquestionably been the most versatile way to create and challenge arenas since the early days of Bukkit. Works great with the free module for the Quests plugin, which wouldn't be possible without garbagemule's excellent MobArena API. Easily a favorite!
Author's response

Version: 0.104
I ran this on my server back in 2013, and was super happy that it was still around. Most of my old configs even still work :) Great plugin. Thanks for bringing back great memories Dev!
Author's response

Version: 0.104
Great plugin for Survival servers! Working 100% in 1.14.4
Awesome dev/community support in discord!
Author's response

Version: 0.104
1.14.4 Update was hassle free and plugin works lawlessly. Thank you so much for keeping this resource updated.
Author's response

Version: 0.104
This plugin is just so good. Simple and easy to setup and configure. Everyone loves it. Having the mobs drop XP is perfect for our XP based economy. Thank you for keeping this updated all these years!
Author's response

Version: 0.104
thx for all your effort !!<3
Author's response

Version: 0.104
awesome developer! when i started minecraft mobarena was already there many years ago. thank you!
Author's response

Version: 0.103.2
Great plugin however i was wondering if there was a way to enable a timer inbetween mobarenas, for example so players cant join a mobarena constantly getting free loot, an example of this is like a 3/4hr delay until mobarena restarts
Shoot me a message on discord please!
Author's response
Thanks for the 5 stars! There is a discussion about "cooldowns" (and/or alternatives) over on github - feel free to chime in!

Version: 0.103.2
Amazing MiniGame Plugin!
Had this on a lot of servers over the years and never once had any problems, it was the Very First MiniGame plugin I even setup back in October 2011 on CraftBukkit 1.0, amazing to see how far its come and yet how its still so simple.
This plugin pretty much set the standards for MiniGames back in the day and I have yet to meet a player that doesn't like it for any good reason.
I've checked out the premium alternative and it is just awful compared to this.. And its Free! Defiantly choose this one if your undecided!
There's so much good things to say about MobArena I could go on for ages.. Defiantly one of the Best MiniGames Minecraft has ever seen!
Author's response
Always such a pleasure to hear from veterans! Thank you so much for the kind words <3

Version: 0.103.2
Por favor, actualice a 1.14 por favor :,3 Realmente lo apreciaría ¿o daría errores en 1.14?
Author's response
Funciona en 1.14. Por favor no escriba una reseña para pedir ayuda. Por favor considere cambiar su calificación.

Version: 0.103.2
MobArena is a really great and fun plugin for your server! You can do so much with it, and your players will love this plugin! Recommended for any type of server, survival or minigames. It's great.
Author's response

Version: 0.103.2
I used to use this plugin way back in the day. Makes me really happy to see that it's STILL being updated! This plugin in itself is a milestone of Minecraft plugin development. I've never had anything bad to say about it!
Author's response

Version: 0.103.2
God I've used this plugin so much on my servers over the years, its sickening how awesome this plugin is
Author's response

Version: 0.103.2
one of the best plugins of all time imo
11/5 Stars
Author's response

Version: 0.103.2
Great plugin suprised the developer is still active on it ... i've used this plugin in the past and never had any issues with it ... Good work with the plugin and being active! :)
Author's response

Version: 0.103.2
Can i use the current version of mob arena with the 1.14?
Author's response
Yep, 0.103.2 is compatible with 1.14 :)

Version: 0.103.2
I have been using this plugin since 2012! and still using it today! ^^
Keep up the good work. hope it soon update to 1.14.
Author's response
Thanks for the kind words! v0.103.2 is MC 1.14 ready, so you should be good to go. If not, please hop on Discord and let's figure out why :)

Version: 0.103.2
Excellent plugin, Great support, Easy to setup, Love it!
Thanks for hard work of author. :)
Author's response

Version: 0.103.2
Quite honestly one of the best plugins out there for simple, yet can be advanced, fun! My community enjoys it and loves when we have MobArena events. Plus the community surrounding this plugin is exemptional, especially the MobArena Jams. :)
Author's response

Version: 0.103.1
I couldn't ask for anything better. I run a multi game mode server with LOT'S of content, so I needed something I could control down to the last mob. With negating and the sane permissions the dev uses, doing this was super easy. Survival users can't earn SkyBlock arena rewards and so on. Whether you run 1 world or a million I HIGHLY recommend this plugin!

Also wouldn't mind seeing a premium version of this plugin! SO worth the money.
Author's response
It sounds like you might have some good ideas for the sessions rework. Feel free to chime in on github or Discord!

And thanks so much for the kind words! <3

Version: 0.103.1
This is a great plugin! I haven't found any issues and love how customizable it is making it really easy to set up your own classes and waves.
Author's response

Version: 0.103.1
wow, this plugin was (and still is) one of my absolute favs! please keep up that good work, trying to set up my first arena after long time rn:))
Author's response

Version: 0.103.1
I've seen this plugin on servers back in the days, what I want to know is if this support custom item, such as a plugin associated items, guns, etc.
Author's response
Should be possible if you use class chests :)

Version: 0.103.1
Absolutely amazing plugin, great support, and incredible Author. I had a few problems when I first downloaded it, but because of the amazing assistance and support from the author I realized it was my mistake all along (I had downloaded the wrong version). Highly recommend, if you're looking for a MobArena plugin this is definitely the way to go. 10/10.
Author's response

Version: 0.103.1
I have had this plugin for years and it is still pretty good. Only complain i have is about potions. There is no way to figure out how to add them without server complaining. I look forward for update that would make potion configuration easier. Thank you for great work.
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words! Potions are a little tricky, but if you run 1.13, I'm pretty sure the wiki explains how to configure them. Feel free to hop on Discord for some help :)

Version: 0.103.1
MobArena is a fun mini-game! The plugin works perfectly without any error. I asked the developer a question and he answered it very quickly. 11/10
Author's response
Thanks for the kind words! And I'm glad my playful response to your question about rewards was well met :D

Version: 0.103.1
excellent plugin, but I have a question, I have created NPCs for players to select their kits, but when the arena starts the NPCs disappear and the player dont have select the kits, how can I solve this error?
Author's response
You can put the NPC in a "booth" right outside the lobby region, like one block, and then open the wall so the players can interact with the NPC.

Version: 0.103.1
Ok. I have downloaded this plugin about a year and a half (ish) ago and had to recreate my server again. That means all my plugins were gone and I was back to the drawing board. I forgot about most of the plugins I had used before and found new ones to try. Then I was searching on spigot a few days ago and found this plugin. I put it back on my server and soon, me and my friends were fighting hordes of zombies, slimes and skeletons. We never had this much fun on Minecraft in a LONG time. Thank you SO much for making such an amazing plugin!

One thing I do ask: is there a way (if not then it's a good idea) to activate commands as rewards? that way if I want to give a player a crate for beating a wave then I can.

Other than that GREAT JOB!!!!
Author's response
It always warms my heart to hear about MobArena veterans rediscovering the plugin. Thanks so much for the kind words, and please don't hold your suggestions back (Discord is a great place to discuss them, and Github is a great place to submit them).

Commands as rewards are indeed a thing. Check out the Item & Rewards Syntax page on the wiki :)

Version: 0.103
This plugin is error free and works in versions 1.8 - 1.12. Saving the arena works and restarting it gives me no errors. Great support from the discord. *cough* *cough*
Author's response

Version: 0.103
Author's response
I'm sorry you have had issues with the plugin. There is not a version for "1.8-1.12", so you probably did something wrong. Feel free to hop on Discord and ask for support once you have cooled down and are ready to talk in a normal, polite manner. The friendly, helpful people who devote their spare time to this project will be more than happy to assist you if they are around. Hundreds of servers run MobArena on a daily basis without issues - I'm sure you can figure it out too :)

Version: 0.103
Finally. A 1.13.1 minigame plugin that DOES work. Love this plugin man. Is there a way for me to add money rewards(from essentails plugin)?
Author's response
Glad to hear it! Check out the rewards section of the wiki on github for how to set up economy rewards. Note that they require Vault to work :)

Version: 0.103
Excellent plugin !
Working perfect in 1.13.1 !
Fully customizable !
Plugin messages in a file, can be translated !
Very great developer !
Absolutely recommended for servers !!
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 0.103
MobArena is a plugin that has been around since like forever. The developer is really great, fixes bugs og is awesome at helping. I've used this plugin since 2013 and will continue to do so. My players love the plugin and I see them asking if anybody wantes to join MobArena plenty of times everyday.
Need help? Post on github or jump onto discord(bring pizza) and you will find plenty of people wanting to help!

Also I will recomand this plugin to my worst ennemy
Author's response

Version: 0.103
This plugin is a wonderful addition to any server. I can't think of a server type that this would NOT fit in with. Players love it. The developer is very responsive, kind, and helpful. As garbagemule commented, lucky819 came onto Discord, asked for help (complaining about the server all the way), thinking for some reason that only the developer could be of use. He became very aggressive when members of the community were unable to make out his picture. He was swearing and very rude. (By the end, it seemed that we had been able to fix his problem after all. Before the developer got on. So I'm not sure what makes us unqualified) The developer cares about what the community wants in MobArena, and tries to implement things that make us happy. He is very friendly, and I would recommend this plugin to any server administrator who wants to add in a fun minigame.
Author's response

Version: 0.103
worst support ever discord without role unnable too find someone who is qualified too help i wont recommand that plugin to my worst ennemy
Author's response
This friendly little fella came on Discord and harassed everyone trying to help him. He earned himself a ban for being rude to the wonderful, helpful people of the community.

Version: 0.103
Hi, You'r plugin are so cool !
Je suis français, Je dois dire que j''utilise ce plugin depuis bien longtemps, j'ai toujours aimé celui çi. Vous êtes un bon développeur grabagemule. Je vous souhaite une bonne évolution. ^^

Version: 0.103
The amazing garbagemule has done it again. This update is long awaited, and I'm sure everyone is just as happy as I am to finally get a public 1.13 build for MobArena. Keep it up!
Author's response
You're too kind. Enjoy!

Version: 0.102
Amazing Plugin! Just please add support for 1.13! But besides that, great plugin. 5 stars!
Author's response
There is a release candidate for 1.13 available on Discord if you want to jump right in :)

Version: 0.102
Awesome Plugin, love the current leaderboard so you can see certain stats, but i think it would be really cool to see like a total stats. So people can see the highest round reached and stuff like most kills and total kills and stuff like that. If that can be done i will definitely add a 5 stars as my players are mainly asking for that kind of stuff.
Author's response
Persistent stats support is planned after the mobs/sessions reworks :)

Version: 0.101
Nice plugin and good Developer! Really good and fast Support / response!

Version: 0.100.2
Without a doubt an outstanding plugin for arenas. Around forever and has been continually updated to be better and better. In seeking support from the dev, they were incredibly helpful and responded quickly with a great explanation. We're very lucky it's a free plugin and donations are necessary to support the dev - so I'll be donating soon to say thanks for the great support :)
Author's response

Version: 0.100.2
One of the most entertaining out here!
Suggestion: Adding MythicMobs support would be awesome and could bring more custom mobs&bosses!

Version: 0.100.1
My server is about 7 years old now and we did use mobarena since the the very beginning. Its nice to see that its still beeing maintained, most other plugins dosnt live that long.

i hope its going to be another 7 years with mobarena ;P

Version: 0.100.1
will you add Customizable Scoreboard?
> Class :
> Wave :
> Kiled Mobs :
> Arena : (Arena-Name)
> PlayTime:
And /ma setup > Lobby-region kick npc from Lobby-region to spectator :( xD

Version: 0.100
Amazing Plugin but for some reason its not working im using 1.8 Spigot + MobArena 0.100 [1.8-1.11] Version / But Mobarena for MC1.3 Version Is working for 1.8 but there's not command rewards :!

Version: 0.100
Thanks to garbagemule for 7 years mobarena! Players still love it like they did back in the days :)
Author's response

Version: 0.99
This plugin has been around forever and still never ceases to amaze me! Its gotten my server a lot of players! One thing I would like to see is more mobs in the options, a built in store maybe doesnt even need to be fancy. A small peeve of mine is the scoreboard, I would love to see it laid out slightly better, and maybe the Level Bar showing the remaining round time! Love,


Version: 0.99
Good plugins.
Suggestion: Add bosses, classes with permissions, classes for $.
Special weapons will not be superfluous :)
Author's response
First three are already possible :)

Version: 0.99
One of my favorite plugins. But could you add a configurable bossbar for bosses and add to the scoreboard the rest of the living mobs from the wave?

Version: 0.99
This has been one of my must-have plugins, for a long time. One of my favorite arena games, especially because even a single player can have fun with it.

Version: 0.99
Good Plugin! Only feature missing for me is a SQL Support where you can store data like kills or played games. If this will be in an update I will definitley give all 5 stars :)

Version: 0.99
One of my favorite plugins. We put it on the server and made one new arena. Everyone was hooked immediately. Love it!

Version: 0.99
Amazing easy way setting me 5 stars for you. Hopefully the future will be no additional features - the features are more cool.

Version: 0.99
This is a very excellent plugin that is a great use as a side-minigame in game-modes like Prison, Towny, Factions, and so on.

I just wish it came with some pre-made arena's since I'm pretty awful at making them. As well as other pre-made mob waves. Would be cool if people could submit their map for review by the plugin dev - If it's great, then the dev could add it to a public repository of sorts

Might sound far-fetched but this plugin truly is great.

Version: 0.99
(Escuse me if I make mistakes of vocabulary, I am French)

Very good plugin! I find it just too bad that we can not make access to arenas other than by orders, by panels for example. Otherwise, this plugin is very useful and easy to use, and ... I do not know if it's possible or not, but would it be possible to make bosses with the MythicMobs plugin?

Version: 0.99
Very nice plugin, How ever my players cant use splash potions in the arena, How do i fix this?

Version: 0.99
Thanks alot for another nice update! TOP DEV since years!!
im using it tgt with mypet. :)
Author's response
Thanks for sticking with the plugin through these long periods of stagnation :) I hope I can bring a few more goodies in the next updates!

Version: 0.98.1
Can you please update it so players are able to unlock classes?
It works great btw, loving it!
Author's response
You should be able to do this with command rewards and permissions from next release :)

Version: 0.98.1
Seems to work real well for 1.12.2, but I don't see anywhere documentation on sign set up there are videos on youtube so it is not that big of a deal, but would think the dev would supply that info somewhere. It is no fun watching a video on something that should just have a text doc somewhere on it!
Author's response
Did you read the Arena Setup wiki page? It explains how you should build your arena, including the lobby and its class signs:

Version: 0.98.1
Plugin works as it should, but you can't edit the prefix................................

Version: 0.98.1
Good lightweight plugin. Unfortunately, the function lacks own (with custom / lore) items to distribute :(

Otherwise quite good!

Version: 0.98.1
2 good the plugin you add a GUI kit and shop
add crate on kit

Version: 0.98.1
Ich werde immer gekickt wegen :Flying is not enabled on this server :C
Ansonsten ganz gut

Version: 0.98.1
Without a doubt the best plugin Spigot has to offer. Very customizable and versatile, fits all of my needs for a PVE plugin and more. Highly recommend anyone and everyone to download this, AND IT'S FREE! =D

Version: 0.98.1
Works fine with 1.12
Players love it and it adds more fun to the server.
Can't wait for more updates

Version: 0.98.1
It will be cool if players can fight with mythic mobs in mob arena. Does Mob Arena have this feature?

Version: 0.98.1
We are using mobarena for a couple of years now and its still a nice plugin to have on our server. Not the easierst one but your players will appreciate it.

Works fine with 1.12 as far as i can tell, but im always eager to see new improvements ^^

Version: 0.98.1
Nice plugin, but lacks the information on how to setup. I need help plz then I change this review. I have no idea how to setup so u can select a class and I have no idea how to do join signs please help
Author's response
Hi, have you read the wiki over on github? It should contain all the information you need to get started :) Join signs are not currently supported natively, but any command sign plugin should work.

Version: 0.98.1
Best ever!!!

Version: 0.98.1
oh, you are alive <3 best plugin ever, config is a bit hard to make classes, but with chests under signs everything is possible <3

Version: 0.98.1
This is one of the best minigames to have in survival, thanks for continuing to maintain this plugin!

Version: 0.98
Me sale este error YOU HAVE ERROR cuando pongo /ma como puedo solucionarlos? y me saca un link.......

Version: 0.98
Excellent Plugin, very configurable and it fixes all the problems for you.
The problem though is I want the mobs to drop a certain items and so players can pick them up and buy items in game.

Version: 0.98
I think this is an good mobarena plugin but it wont load on my server. Could you please help me? Error:
Author's response
I think you grabbed the wrong build of 0.98. There is one for 1.11+ and one for 1.8 :)

Version: 0.98
Really awesome plugin, I love it and we're implementing it in our server to make some really interesting arenas. I do have one question though, maybe I'm not posting this in the right place but I've been looking everywhere online and can't find an answer. We're looking to have boss drops with custom names (like when you rename an item at an anvil) in order to make keys for redstone gates, custom arena rewards, etc. This is possible for classes using class chests, but I haven't found a way to do it for rewards or drops in the config file. Is there a way to do this? What would the syntax be? Thank you, again I really love the plugin and the modular approach <3

Version: 0.98
By far the best mobarena plugin! I found payed resource but they are just bad copies of this one!
This is the one and only plugin of its kind!

Version: 0.97.5
Amazing plugin, I was using it for a few years (and still using) and I'm glad this plugin is still alive - big up, keep doing your work :)

Version: 0.97.5
Really love this plugin, wish the two block plants would be fixed for protection, but i have one question

How do you assign wave types for certain arenas?
aka. test1= all zombies arena test2= all spider arena?

Version: 0.97.5
Best MobArena ever thanks for updating please make a tutorial for configuration :D.....................

Version: 0.97.5
AMAZING to see mobarena is back !!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Thank you!
<3 <3 <3 <3
Author's response

Version: 0.97.5
I don't even use this or plan to use it. But, it is a classic just like essentials. Very little to no bugs. Highly recommend it for anyone. We should make this plugin as famous as it used to be. Now a days people don't like this as much because it just seems kind of dull and now it's more about custom bosses, custom enchants and such because of popular servers having these.
Author's response
I have some grand plans for a rework towards greater flexibility and extensibility in terms of "special mobs" and abilities. Hopefully that will help bring some novelty back to PvE in Minecraft :)

Version: 0.97.5
do you have a tutorial on it?? i want to watch a tutorial of it so i can set it up on my server :) please upload a video :D
Author's response
I'll see what I can do. The information in the old tutorial video is very outdated. Time for a new one :)

Version: 0.97.5
Great update! Also, its good to see you update this! Thanks for your dedication to this plugin and all of your hard work!
Author's response
Thanks for the kind words. They're very motivating :) Big shout out to slipcor as well for helping out!

Version: 0.97.4
Best plugin since 1.14, Useful on every server, makes it more interesting Author is helpful and friendly too!

Version: 0.97.4
The Plugin is good, it working like in 1.8.9 But because of the new combat update, it's have been more difficult to play the game...

So i hope that maybe you could add so you can change the Attack Speed on Swords

Best regards

Version: 0.97.4
Since many many years MobArena is the ONLY plugin solution for smooth pve arenas! And it is free! Dont buy any bad copies of this awesome plugin! LOVE MOBARENA <3

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55,281
First Release: Jan 1, 2017
Last Update: Oct 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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