5.1 build 615
This build contains one new feature (IP whitelist) and bugfixes.
Special thanks to Elguerrero & MastoryMd5 for their contributions to this update
Change log
- Fixed permission check issue with /plan unregister that allowed anyone to unregister any user by if they knew their username.
- Fixed these commands from executing database queries on server thread:
- /plan players
- /plan network
- /plan register
- /plan manage raw
- Fixed /plan inspect throwing an NPE when a player tried to view someone elses profile without 'plan.inspect.other' permisison
Error Handling
- Crash due to OutOfMemoryException should now be resolved (The error handling should no longer consume so much memory)
Added IP Whitelist
Config now contains Webserver.Security.IP_Whitelist and Webserver.Security.IP_Whitelist.Whitelist settings for whitelisting IP addresses that can access the webserver.
- The whitelist is disabled by default
- Default whitelist has IP addresses for local machine
- When enabled all requests from non-whitelisted IPs will be forbidden (403)
- Denied attempts are logged.
- MySQL Launch Options setting now has &serverTimezone=UTC by default (not added to existing settings automatically)
- Spanish locale updated by Elguerrero
- Italian locale updated by MastoryMd5
- Fixed an NPE when a plugin gave PlaceholderAPI a null Player that was passed to Plan.