This update brings some improvements and bugfixes to bugs that slipped into 4.5.0 release.
Special thanks to
@Fuzzlemann and
@Sprungente for contributions!
- H2 database support by Fuzzlemann, you can use /plan m move sqlite h2 to migrate your current database.
- German locale improvements by Sprungente
- Small performance improvements to decimal formatting & medians by Fuzzlemann
- Large performance improvements to /server/raw/ (Server data JSON) by Fuzzlemann
- Fixed issues with logging in on servers when Plan and ViaVersion were both installed on BungeeCord
- Fixed issue where TPS was 0 on Spigot & Bukkit
- Fixed sessions not being saved on server shutdown
- [Unit tests] Several issues with test flakiness (JVM crashing / flaky db test) fixed by Fuzzlemann.
If you get any errors or have issues don't be afraid to join the
Support on Discord or
report the issue (This one is easier for me). Cheers!