Change log 4.4.3
- Added JSON Export to /player/<name>/raw and /server/<name>/raw - Get raw link with /plan m raw <player> or /planbungee raw <player>
- Simplified Chinese Language finished by f0rb1d
- Added bStats to Bungee and Sponge
- Improved /debug page with tabs, and added Cache information
- [Major] Fixed thread and socket leakage with proper timeouts
- Fixed false negative on /plan m setup
- Fixed inspect page head not displaying sometimes
- Fixed nickname data truncation
- Fixed NPE on disable if plugin failed to enable
- Fixed Nickname LastSeen Patch Application
- Attempt to fix player registration issues
If you get any errors or have issues don't be afraid to join the
Support on Discord or
report the issue (This one is easier for me). Cheers!