Change log 3.4.0 This update brings a new Html Export system, data anomaly removal & various small improvements.
The Html export system can be used to export the Html files to a folder used by another webserver running on the server. This is a better solution than the API previously provided.
In more detail:
Added new Html Export system: - Off by default - Can generate the html to any folder, just define the full path in the config. (Default /plugins/Plan/Analysis Results) - Uses same html file as the webserver (Supports HtmlCustomization). - Only exported after analysis, takes about 25 seconds/1000 files.
Added Unique Users & Average Unique Users / Day below the Player graphs
Added outlier removal to Player activity graph & Punchcard. - Attempts to remove big spikes with standard deviation analysis. - Can be disabled in the config
Last refresh clock now counts up from the moment of last refresh. (Instead of only changing on refresh)
Added Last refresh clock to Inspect pages.
Removed Gender Pie from the Analysis page due to terrible accuracy (5/1097 players identified)
Optimized PluginData code for Advanced Achievements v.5.2.0 & above
Fixed Jobs PluginData related NPE when player had not played after Jobs was installed.
Fixed Essentials & Towny showing blank on inspect page when player had not played after the plugin was installed.