Hello again, it's that time for another release!
The changelogs are always bigger than I thought they would be.
The main appeal I have for this update is spamming update protocollib messages.
If your disguises work fine, you have nothing to worry about. 1.16 users though..
- Newlines are no longer saved improperly to the custom disguises file
- No longer sends unneeded custom name packet changes on a disguise
- Did some bug correctin for multi-line names
- Did a fix for player disguises sometimes being invisible
- Did another fix for player disguises sometimes being in the wrong spot
- Added missing ravager & pillager sounds
- Fixed ocelot type not being usable due to it being old
- Fix /ld logs - Not working on 1.12
- Fixed blockdata parameter not working if capitalized
- Fixed exp orb disguise being assumed a self disguise
- Fixed an extreme lag spike in a custom spigot fork with packets not handling raw values
- Update messages for ProtocolLib if outdated, are now even more extreme. Also spams normal users! And on command usage!
- Added "updatepl" and "protocollib" as aliases for the update command
- Fixed ghosts armor for player disguises when they first spawn
- Fixed odd self disguise behavior when nearby other disguises
- Fixed player disguises not disappearing from tab if killed instantly on spawn
- Added cooldown for /ld logs
- Added ability to set deadmau5 ears, they will be black however as it requires a special skin only deadmau5 has
- Update checking now takes longer if there's a rate limit problem, or longer by default
- Basic obfuscation for giggles on some internal files
- Added MineCart sounds, dunno if it works
- Fixed SoundGroup being broken for defining own sound groups.