Hi all! Christmas is fast approaching and to get into the Christmas spirit I've loosened the strings of my purse a little for a 2-3 day sale before the plugin is once again, 99% free again.
Just a note!
There will be no Christmas sale, I'm not that generous!
It's worth noting that 9.7.1 will be released in a few days when the plugin is free again. Namely to remove a check in the jenkin builds and maybe even a bug fix!
- Redone the permission system, it now supports inheritance! You can also require explicit permissions on your disguise users! More info should be in config. The old system was kind of insane... There's a few config options, or one. For it!
- Fixed a rare disguise saving issue for premium users
- Removed old code for disguise construction, only splash and paintings allow numbers now. FallingBlock and Item disguises can accept material types.
- Fixed self disguises not displaying properly for large teleports
- Fixed rare join error for saved disguises
- Fixed typos in the config
- Added DisguiseInteractEvent which is fired on self-disguise interaction
- Added UUID v3 support for Chinese servers
- Added config option to disable commands
- Improved quoted string splitting
- Fixed bounding boxes
- A little more info on startup for those premium users!
- Better errors for errors when using commands to create disguises!
- Renamed AnimalColor.Silver to Gray!
- Added isBeingReplaced() to UndisguiseEvent to inform devs if there's a new disguise or not.
- Fixed block disguise not... Working... How did I not notice!
- Fixed velocity while flying sometimes sending your disguise flying
- Redone the disguise command parsing system, to include more information and usability!
- DisguiseHelp is now a more readable command!
- Updated error and debug output to use an approved system
- Updated default metadata to better reflect what a real entity looks like. No, the average player does not have 4 arms and a tail.
- Fixed arrows gaining particles
- TippedArrows now have a random color
- AreaEffectCloud now has a random color
- Added new way to change the particle color on a disguise!
- Fixed particle potion effect being uh, broken
- Renamed SeeFriendlyInvisibles config option to be more accurate
DisableFriendlyInvisibles. Honestly I don't know what it means right now, so I failed.
- Added a new feature to warn about potential scoreboard issues (Getting pushed around)
- Improved config loading and saving, with a feature to tell you just how much you need to regenerate your config
- Improved scoreboard handling to properly unregister and register their teams
- More 1.8 Java calls
- Removed messy code and replaced with soapy fresh code
- Updated disguises.yml to reflect changes in items
- All items must now be constructed using the names of materials, numbers will not work.
- Changed how sounds are stored
- Added all those new disguises (Don't think anyone cares about this part)
- Updated a few messages to be more helpful and informative on where you went wrong. My code was perfect, so it wasn't me.
- Allow more types of disguise options like banner patterns and dye colors
- Add ability to make items glow
- Added 1.13 support (Might remove this in future versions)
- Removed Hermione, she was talking my ear off.