What's new?
- New command to unlink map's figure from ArmorStand. /Parkour Map UnlinkFigure <MapName>
- Optional HotBar Items. Now you can customize, which items will be placed to player's inventory at Lobby/Map/SetUp-Mode
- New Permission Parkour.Map.List.Interact to open MapList using BotBar Items.
- Improved MapSorting. Previously Map1, Map2 and Map10 were in wrong order. (Map1, Map10 and Map2). Now it's fixed!
- BugFixes
- Respawning holograms caused problems
- MapTimer, Wrong displaying time at ActionBar when, user wanted to show hours
- BungeeCord at Disabling plugin caused problems
- Reloading Localization file was not working correctly
- Loading Stats of Map's Leader was not working correctly
- New stuff for upcoming updates
- Another improvements
Before installing/updating this plugin, please ensure you have installed/updated AdvancedDevelopmentLibrary the latest version!
If you think that plugin is better than before, please support me with
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