CitizensCMD icon

CitizensCMD -----

Add commands to a Citizens NPC.

2.6.0 - Not the final update
Hey guys, I've taken over the CitizensCMD project as a maintainer role, I'm not here to necessary add new features unless they are PR'd to the project but I'm here to fix major issues and keep the plugin working with future Spigot, Citizens and Minecraft versions for the foreseeable future™️.

Today's update is pretty heavy due to the big amount of internal changes to the plugin but updating from 2.5.1 shouldn't be a problem, I've personally updated with 46 NPCs in my saves.yml, all with cooldowns, left and right-click commands just updating the jar and nothing else.

- Updated a mass amount of dependencies, including 1.18.2.
- Changed all the old references from the old repo to the new one.
- Cleaned up a mass amount of internal code.
- The plugin now uses Adventure for all messages and added MiniMessage support for NPC messages and language messages. Turned off by default (See the config).
- Moved the config framework to a new one that can also handle Config updates from version to version and fixed issues with newer Spigot comment support.
- Fixed JSON issues.
- Moved the command framework to a new one.
- Fixed some shading issues where the libraries wouldn't get relocated into the CitizensCMD package.
- Added me (HexedHero) as an author/maintainer in the plugin.yml, startup and config header.
- Updated bStats to 3.0.0
- Fixed some issues viewing the plugin's page on dark mode (Changed image text colors to match the gradient of the image above it and the headers white background)

The increase of filesize is simply from the new dependencies used, the config, command framework and adventure especially are big libraries.
Please report any issues over on the GitHub issue page at:
----------, Mar 21, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 325,028
First Release: Oct 9, 2016
Last Update: Oct 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings