After a long time from serious Lottery update, I am bringing brand new version with tons of new amazing features and new visual. Enjoy it!
What’s new?
- NPC LeaderBoard. Personal board and top players are reflected into NPCs.
- Sign LeaderBoard. Top players are displayed on signs, with skull holding texture of the player above the sign.
- Added support for 1.19 version
- Support of multi localization. Player can use different locale. (You just need to translate messages info new language and create new file. Check WIKI for more info.)
- Translatable commands.
- Filter at GUI where too much items were listed
- New placeholders
- Refactoring and reworked as a maven project
- Small improvements
- BugFixes
Idea “
Fully configurable
” has a much bigger meaning, now!
Before installing/updating this plugin, please ensure you have installed the latest version of TheCore and ProfileStorage!
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Development of spigot plugin is my huge passion. I am trying to do my best and fulfill you requests as much as possible. Also at supporting on Discord. If you appreciate what I am doing, please "Buy me a Coffee" at
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