chore: Fixed 1.21.3 and 1.21.4 support
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.10b2-SNAPSHOT
chore: Scheduled chunk refresh so not a bunch of chunk being sent at once
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b14-SNAPSHOT
fix: Fixed NPE on EntityExplodeEvent
feat: Added support to Asteroid Spoofer
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b13-SNAPSHOT
fix: Added support to CoordinateOffset
feat: Added no permission message customization
feat: Added support 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b6-SNAPSHOT
fix: Fixed block packet sending order
feat: Added Block Grouping, Third Person, Max Third Person Distance to antixray configuration menu
chore: Improved how sending block works
feat: Added option rotatingRate to entity culling
feat: Added option idleRate to entity culling
feat: Added antixray tps command
feat: Added blockGrouping option
feat: Added antixray check command for debug purpose
chore: Improved F5 for entity culling
chore: Moved thirdPersonSupport options to global config in main plugin
chore: Use max possible distance for entity tracker finding entities
chore: Entity culling should take care of xray bypass
chore: Improved performance of bypass toggling
chore: Added better native zoom support for 1.8 (more in the future) fix: Fixed 1.12.2 errors
fix: Fixed sneaking detection
fix: Entity entry map for Java 17
fix: Fixed entity culling didn't reset cache
fix: Fixed how vision works for F5 support
fix: Fixed entity culling doesn't have proper update for F5
fix: Fixed wrong config loading logic
fix: Fixed third person angle issue
fix: Ignore any error from getEntity at the moment
fix: Fixed third person calculation
fix: Fixed cancelling ChunkUnloadEvent causes issue
fix: Fixed entity tracker updating issue
fix: Fixed bypassing issues
fix: Fixed dependency issue for API
fix: Fixed chunk collection race condition
fix: Fixed minecart is weirdly rotated when visible
chore: Added trustedRange option
fix: Fixed error handling in config loading
fix: Use transaction packet to confirm before start raytracing
fix: Fixed nether warts cannot be obfuscated
We encourage everyone to backup configuration files before updating to this version!
chore: New configuration system with world filters.
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b4-SNAPSHOT.
The new configuration now no longer checks file name for worlds, we now has a dedicated option for world filtering, check documentation for further information:
chore: Optimized how raytrace block is stored, less memory usage and more efficient
fix: Fixed compatibility to Iris dimension engine (or world with datapacks in general), make sure to update fairy-lib-plugin!
chore: Performance improvement for Java 17, Java 17 is now recommend for all versions to use!
fix: Fixed deadlock in Folia environment
fix: Fixed equipment NPE
fix: Updated class_mappings.dat for 1.21.1
fix: updateEntity in Folia 1.21.1
fix: Fixed tile entities disappeared
fix: Fixed FakeChunk error on FastUtil
fix: Fixed Folia error on glowing
feat: Added blindnessShortenRange option to entity culling
chore: Improved how equipment sent
chore: Folia fix for StoredEntityData
fix: Strip tile entities data from chunk packet
fix: Fixed block behind fence or barrier etc. think it's not transparent
feat: Added showGlowing option to entity culling
chore: Warn user when aikar flag isn't used
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.8b7-SNAPSHOT
fix: Fixed fake chunk not working properly
fix: Reduced memory consumption with fake blocks
fix: Fixed random error with entity culling
fix: Clone chunk bulk packet on send (Fix ImanitySpigot3 compatbility)
fix: Fixed unnecessary object allocations
fix: Fixed SpigotConfig checker
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.8b3-SNAPSHOT
We are now introducing built-in configuration GUI for user to configure stuff in-game!
You can check it now using
/antixray command.
fix: Fixed incorrect reinitialization handling
fix: Fixed tile culled blocks being untracked on teleport
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.8b2-SNAPSHOT
fix: Fixed instant rejoin error
fix: Properly exception handling
Fixed 1.8.8 compatibility
Added FactionsKore compatibility
feat: Added WorldEdit compatibility
refactor: Refactored entire code base to be more readable
chore: Added independent single thread scheduler thread to synchronize changes before doing parallel tasks
feat: Added API to set bypass, add raytrace block, queue block changes etc
fix: Fixed WrapperPlayServerUpdateSign error
fix: Return air on id 51 (fire block) for now (1.8-1.12)
chore: Added checksum to libraries to prevent broken libraries
fix: Fixed 3.X ItemsAdder compatibility
fix: Fixed NPE in entity tracker
chore: Added debug message when obfuscated block failed to decode
fix: Fixed a crash
Fixed race condition NPE on change world
chore: Optimized updated queue
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.7b2-SNAPSHOT
fix: Fixed CME for raytrace block group
chore: Replaced with MetaStorage
feat: Added version matcher to addon->antixray and antixray->fairy-lib-plugin
chore: Removed that big bar message on startup
feat: Added stored entity data for entity culling, release packet sending from server thread.
feat: Moved a few settings into global config.yml for entity culling.
chore: Don't crash plugin when invalid obfuscated block is written incorrectly.
fix: Fixed 1.17 and 1.18 mountiplex template errors.
fix: Fixed an error on startup
Fixed incompatibility with 1.21 & 1.20.6 Purpur
chore: Use library loader to avoid potential plugin conflict for 1.17 and above
chore: Properly pre-initialize remapping classes
chore: Fixed some error when downgrade to lower versions
Fixed lag spike on huge amount of block updates
chore: Resend chunks on reload
chore: Properly reload obfuscated blocks
fix: Fixed 1.16.5 errors
fix: Fixed citizens not being visible properly
chore: Added option shouldTrackCitizens to entity culling config
chore: Pre-generate lazy methods to prevent sudden lag spike
chore: 1.21 Update
chore: ItemsAdder support (obfuscatedBlocks use "ia:REGISTRY_NAME")
chore: removed PaperLib
chore: Relocated Mountiplex
Make sure to update tile culling addon.
Added trace placed block support on tile entities
Fixed addons not working properly in legacy versions
feat: Added tracePlacedBlock option
The plugin now requires
fairy-lib-plugin at
0.7.4b1-SNAPSHOT, make sure to update it!
- Updated to 1.20.6. (We've internally tested quite an amount of times but if you face any issue be sure report it to us on Discord!)
- Fixed some issues with 1.12.2.
Fixed command permission requirement
feat: Added ability to reload
chore: Added InitialTickProcessor instead of scheduling
chore: Officially supported FartherViewDistance, utilizing FartherViewDistance chunk region loading for optimization.
chore: Added controllable and prioritized chunk loading.
chore: Moved obfuscation to independent thread pool (and configurable obfuscateThreads option).
chore: Removed Kotlin Coroutines.