feat: Added option rotatingRate to entity culling feat: Added option idleRate to entity culling
feat: Added antixray tps command
feat: Added blockGrouping option feat: Added antixray check command for debug purpose
chore: Improved F5 for entity culling
chore: Moved thirdPersonSupport options to global config in main plugin
chore: Use max possible distance for entity tracker finding entities
chore: Entity culling should take care of xray bypass
chore: Improved performance of bypass toggling
chore: Added better native zoom support for 1.8 (more in the future) fix: Fixed 1.12.2 errors
fix: Fixed sneaking detection
fix: Entity entry map for Java 17 fix: Fixed entity culling didn't reset cache fix: Fixed how vision works for F5 support
fix: Fixed entity culling doesn't have proper update for F5
fix: Fixed wrong config loading logic
fix: Fixed third person angle issue
fix: Ignore any error from getEntity at the moment
fix: Fixed third person calculation
fix: Fixed cancelling ChunkUnloadEvent causes issue
fix: Fixed entity tracker updating issue
fix: Fixed bypassing issues
fix: Fixed dependency issue for API
fix: Fixed chunk collection race condition
fix: Fixed minecart is weirdly rotated when visible