StackMob - Enhance your servers performance icon

StackMob - Enhance your servers performance -----

Enhance your server performance by 'stacking' or 'merging' entities, without breaking grinders.

Stacking stick, kill step dependant on damage and more.
It's been a long time coming, but here it is! StackMob 2.4 for Spigot 1.13 exclusively.

  • 1.13 support! (support for older versions has been removed)
  • Stacking stick, which can be obtained with the command '/sm stick.' and has several modes to modify entities.
  • New death mode, 'kill-step-damage', which decreases the stack by the amount that the damage given could kill. Leftover damage is then taken from the new mob.
  • Caching autosave every 2 mins.
  • noAI option for spawned mobs.
  • Permissions for each of the death modes.
  • WorldGuard 7.0 support (WorldGuard 6.0 is no longer supported.)
  • MythicMobs 'ALL' option for the blacklist to prevent all stacking.
  • Improved performance.
  • Duplication bug with items in hands (#92)
  • Skeletons phasing (#75)
  • Guardian loot not added to multiply-drops whitelist (#91)
  • Updater not working.
An issue in spigot has been found with villagers careers so it is recommended that you update spigot if you haven't done so recently.

Add the following to config.yml:
Code (YAML):
# Enables the requirement for a permission for use of 'kill-all' or 'kill-step'.
: false

# Add the leftover damage from the death of one entity onto another, and if the leftover damage could kill another entity the stack will decrease.
: false
    # DeathEvent reasons that shouldn't trigger kill-step-damage.
    # List of bukkit names for death reasons can be found at
       - ''
    # Entity types that shouldn't trigger kill-step-damage.
       - ''

# Disables the ai on entities.
: false
: false
       - ''
Add the following to lang.yml:
Code (YAML):
# The display information for the 'stick of stacking' which can be obtained with the command '/sm stick'.
: '&6The Stick Of Stacking'
       - '&eRight-click an entity to perform selected mode.'
        - '&eShift + right-click an entity to change current mode.'
        - '&bAvailable modes:'
        - '&dSTACK_ONE &7-&a Stack one entity.'
        - '&dSTACK_NEARBY &7-&a Stack all entities in the chunk.'
        - '&dUNSTACK_ONE &7-&a Removes the stack meta from one entity'
        - '&dUNSTACK_NEARBY &7-&a Removes the stack meta from all entities in the chunk.'

It would be best to however delete both configs so that they regenerate as several changes have been made.
----------, Sep 1, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 193,891
First Release: Oct 2, 2016
Last Update: Jul 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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