⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics icon

⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics -----

Redefines Player-Staff Interaction; Fosters Disciplined & Quality Service!

7.0.2 - Minor Release - Major bug fixed with new options added in the config.yml
7.0.2 - Minor Update
Hey, this is probably the last update for this week!

Upgrade Reminders
Although the config file has undergone some minor changes, it is not a must for you to regenerate your old config.yml this time. In fact, in this update, we have just changed our directory from "plugins/Admin360/" to "plugins/Admin360-Reloaded/", meaning that you would have a completely new separate folder generated in your server plugins directory. Your old Admin360 folder would be kept untouched, and you can decide what to do with it. But don't forget to backup your old one if you have already changed a lot of settings there!

Plugin Directory Changed
As mentioned above, Admin360-Reloaded will now access "plugins/Admin360-Reloaded" instead of "plugins/Admin360".

Ticket Force-Remove Command
/ticket remove <name> is a staff command that allows staff to forcibly delete a player's ticket no matter it is inQueue, inProgress or AwaitingFeedback. A very powerful command indeed.

Added Admin_Online_Required Option
In the old version, the system requires at least a staff to be online for allowing ticket creation. However, in this update, you can turn it off right there in the config file, so that tickets could be created without any staff online.

New Comand Syntaxes
/ticket, /ticket help, /request, /request help, /admin360, /admin360 help, /admin360 info (default: no permission)
/helpme [details], /ticket create [details] (admin360.player.helpme)
/ticket status (admin360.player.status)
/ticket count (admin360.player.count)
/ticket cancel (admin360.player.helpme)
/ticket yes (admin360.player.helpme)
/ticket no (admin360.player.helpme)

/ticker next (admin360.admin. interact)
/ticket close (admin360.admin. interact)
/ticket purge (admin360.admin.purge)
/ticket remove <name> (admin360.admin.remove)
/ticket stats [name] (admin360.admin.stats)
/ticket leaderboard [#] (admin360.admin.leaderboard)
/admin360 reload (admin360.admin.reload)

Command Alias: /ticket = /request

Difference between /ticket purge and /ticket remove
Purge: a staff command, delete all "pending" (inQueue) tickets.
Remove: a staff command, forcibly delete a player's ticket no matter it is inQueue, inProgress or AwaitingFeedback. A very powerful command.

The system recognises staff as a player with the following permission node:
admin360.admin. interact

New Permission Nodes


admin360.admin. interact

Major Bug Fixed
After testing Admin360-Reloaded 7 on a server with more than 200 players online simultaneously, we have spotted a few bugs that might have affected you as well. We would like to address them immediately in this new update:

1. NullPointerException
This error is triggered when someone has left the server unexpectedly and the feedback reminder scheduler is still running for a null-pointed player, causing the error. This is a rare issue, but it is addressed in this update.
Code (Text):

[Admin360] Task #7313135 for Admin360 v7.0.0 generated an exception

2. Internal Exception: players are trapped inside a loop of endless feedback reminders even after they have submitted their feedback.
This error is triggered when a staff leaves the server after closing a ticket, and right before the player has submitted his/her feedback.
This issue is, however, addressed in this update.

It is believed that these errors will not crash your server, but you are suggested to update immediately so as to ensure the overall stability of the system and your service.

Optimizing Config
Changed a few default message options in terms of language, grammar, tone, and formatting.

Compatible with 1.7 - 1.14
Admin360-Reloaded 7.0.1 has undergone some testing in spigot 1.7.9, 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13 and 1.14. It, therefore, should be able to run without major problems in spigot 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.x and of course the latest version 1.14.x as well. Feel free to submit a report in the discussion section of the project page if you have found any technical issues.

Tested on Big Server
Admin360-Reloaded 7.0.1 has been tested thoroughly on a server with 100+ concurrent players without triggering a single performance and technical issue. The plugin, therefore, works flawlessly and efficiently on servers of any size.

New Config
Added a few new options and changed some messages to support multiple-line layouts.

Code (Text):

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Notes                          | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#Version 7.0.2

#Whenever there is an update available, read the upgrade procedures as instructed on our spigot project page.
#If there are any changes made to this file, for instance an addition of new settings, then you might have to
#delete the old config file and retrieve a new one to ensure proper functioning of the updated version.
#Should you have any problems, please let us know. by kay.

#Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/admin360-reloaded.28285/

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                         Basic                        | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

permission_denied: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Insufficient permission. You do not have access to this command.'
incorrect_syntax: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Incorrect command syntax. Type &6/admin360 help &7to display a list of commands.'
is_player: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Unsupported command sender. This is a player-only command.'
reload: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have successfully reloaded the config file.'

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&6Usage&f:'
- ''
- '&6/helpme &e[details]              &fSubmit a support request.'
- '&6/request &ecreate [details]   &fSubmit a support request.'
- '&6/request &estatus               &fCheck your request status.'
- '&6/request &ecount                &fCheck overall request status.'
- '&6/request &ecancel               &fCancel your request.'
- '&6/admin360 &einfo                 &fAbout admin360.'
- ''

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&cUsage&f:'
- ''
- '&c/request &enext                 &fProceed to the next request.'
- '&c/request &eclose                &fMark a request as completed.'
- '&c/request &epurge               &fPurge all the requests.'
- '&c/request &eremove <name>     &fRemove a specific request.'
- '&c/request &estats [name]       &fHonor points statistics.'
- '&c/request &eleaderboard [#]  &fHonor points leaderboard.'
- '&c/admin360 &ereload             &fReload the config file.'
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |              Creating Requests (/helpme)             | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/helpme: Create a support request.
#In this section, you can modify messages that are related to /helpme.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.helpme.

# 5 Cases:
# 1 (helpme_status_inqueue) : You have already submitted a ticket. No new tickets will be created.
# 2 (helpme_status_inprocess) : A staff is handling your case right now. No new tickets will be created.
# 3 (helpme_status_feedback) : You still have not provided a valid feedback. No new tickets will be created.
# 4 (no_admin_online) : There are no staff available at the moment. No new tickets will be created.
# 5 (new_ticket) : Not 1 - 4. A new ticket is created and is put in the next position of the queue.

#After a ticket is created, staff_online (with permission admin360.admin.interact) will be notified.
#If there is a reason specified by the user who opened the ticket, more details will be provided in the notification section.

helpme_status_inqueue: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have already submitted a request.'
helpme_status_inprocess: '&6Admin360 &f» &7A staff is now handling your request.'
helpme_status_feedback: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You still have not submitted your feedback. Was the staff helpful? (&a/request yes&7, &c/request no&7).'

#If it is set to true, players will not be allowed to open any requests if there are no staff available online.
admin_online_required: false
no_admin_online: '&6Admin360 &f» &7There are no staff available at the moment. Please try again later.'

new_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have just submitted a request (Position: &c<queue>&7).'
#Use command? Default example using title manager.
new_ticket_usecommand: true
new_ticket_command: 'tm msg <player> &6\n&6Case Created (Position: &c<queue>&6).'

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&a<player> &bhas created a new case &b(&a<queue> &brequests remaining).'
- ''

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&a<player> &bhas created a new case &b(&a<queue> &brequests remaining).'
- '&bFurther details: &f<reason>'
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |             Cases Handling (/request next)           | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request next: Proceed to the next case.
#In this section, you can modify messages that are related to /request next.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.interact.

# 3 Cases:
# 1 (next_no_tick et) : There are no tickets in the queue to be handled right now.
# 2 (next_attending) : The ticket is still not closed yet. Proceeding to the next case is not possible.
# 3 (next_anti_staff_abuse) : A staff has opened a ticket and is trying to attend it himself.
#Please note that staff should not be allowed to farm tickets.
#You can negate the case opening permission for staff: -admin360.player.helpme
#so that they would not be able to exploit the loopholes.
#Since 7.0.2, the plugin itself will not allowed staff with permission admin360.admin.interact
#to do /helpme.

#Staff_online (with permission admin360.admin.interact) will be notified when a ticket status is changed
#from pending to processing.
#The user who opened the ticket will be notified as well.

next_no_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7There are no other cases in the queue at the moment.'
next_attending: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You need to close the current case first before proceeding to the next one.'
next_anti_staff_abuse: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You are not allowed to process your own case.'

#This option support multiple lines.
- '&6Admin360 &f» &c<staff> &7is now handling your case.'

#Use command? Default example using title manager.
ticket_user_notify_usecommand: true
ticket_user_notify_command: 'tm msg <player> &6\n&c<staff> &6is now handling your case.'

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&e<staff> &dis now handling &e<player>&d''s case &d(&e<tickets> &drequests remaining).'
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Closing Cases (/request close)            | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request close: Mark a request as completed.
#In this section, you can modify messages that are related to /ticket close.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.interact.

# 2 Cases:
# 1 (close_not_attending) : No tickets would be closed because there are no cases currently in progress.
# 2 (close_ticket_closed) : There is a case in progress and it is closed now.

close_not_attending: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You are not handling any cases at the moment.'
close_ticket_closed: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have successfully marked this case as completed.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |           Cases Feedback (/request yes or no)        | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request yes, /request no: Providing service feedback
#In this section, you can modify messages and settings that are related to /request yes and /request no.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.helpme.

#Set it to true if you would like your players to be reminded to give
#a feedback right after their requests were marked as Completed.
showReminder: true

#If the above (showReminder) is set to true,
#A timer with an interval measured in seconds is set to remind your players
#for completing the feedback in case they have kindly forgotten. (This could
#be disturbing for your players if the frequency is set to a lower number.
#But then, they would be forced to submit a feedback.)
reminderFrequency: 20

#feedback_required: Players are invited to give feedback after a staff has completed their requests.
#feedback_not_required: Feedback is not required because that player did not open a ticket or he/she has already submitted a feedback.
#feedback_received: Feedback received.
#notify_point_received: If the player has up-voted the service, the staff handling the case would be given an honor point.

feedback_required: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Your case is now closed. Was the staff helpful? (&a/request yes&7, &c/request no&7).'
feedback_not_required: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You are not required to submit a feedback at the moment.'
feedback_received: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Thank you for your generous feedback. Your support is our motivation to work better.'
notify_point_received: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have just received an honor point.'

#Use command? Default example using chestcommand: Opening a feedback gui with buttons triggering /request yes and /request no.
feedback_required_usecommand: true
feedback_required_command: 'chestcommands open feedback.yml <player>'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Requests Status (/request status)         | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request status: Display your request status.
#In this section, you can modify messages that are related to /request status.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.status.

# 4 Cases:
# 1 (status_no_ticket) : You have not submitted any requests yet.
# 2 (status_inqueue) : You have already submitted a request, which is in the queue now.
# 3 (status_inprogress) : A staff is handling your case right now.
# 4 (status_feedback) : Your case is closed but you still have not submitted any feedback.

status_no_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have not submitted any requests. Open a ticket via &6/helpme [details]&7.'
status_inqueue: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Your case is now in position &c<position> &7of the queue. Please be patient.'
status_inprogress: '&6Admin360 &f» &7A staff is now processing your case.'
status_feedback: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You still have not submitted your feedback. Was the staff helpful? (&a/request yes&7, &c/request no&7).'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Cancel Requests (/request cancel)         | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request cancel: Cancel your submitted request.
#In this section, you can modify messages that are related to /request cancel.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.helpme.

# 4 Cases:
# 1 (cancel_no_ticket) : You have no opened requests. There are no requests for you to cancel.
# 2 (cancel_cancelled) : You have cancelled your submitted request successfully.
# 3 (cancel_inprogress) : You cannot cancel your request because a staff is now processing it.
# 4 (cancel_feedback) : You cannot cancel your request because you still have not submitted a feedback.

cancel_no_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have not submitted any requests. Open a ticket via &6/helpme [details]&7.'
cancel_cancelled: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have successfully cancelled your submitted request.'
cancel_inprogress: '&6Admin360 &f» &7A staff is now processing your case. Request cancelling is not possible.'
cancel_feedback: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You still have not submitted your feedback. Was the staff helpful? (&a/request yes&7, &c/request no&7).'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Counting Requests (/request count)        | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request count: Display the number of requests.
#In this section, you can modify messages that are related to /request count.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.count.

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&7&m--------------&r &6Counting Requests &7&m--------------'
- ''
- '               &c<inQueue> &frequest(s) in the queue.'
- '               &e<inProgress> &frequest(s) in progress.'
- '               &a<completed> &frequest(s) awaiting feedback.'
- ''
- '&7&m--------------------------------------------'
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |        Removing Requests (/request purge, remove)    | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request purge, /request remove: Purge all or remove part the requests from the database.
#In this section, you can modify messages that are related to /request purge and /request remove.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.purge and admin360.admin.remove.

#Purging Requests: Remove all tickets.
#Removing Request: Remove a particular ticket. Only for ticket in queue.

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&7&m--------------&r &6Purging Requests &7&m--------------'
- ''
- '                &fPurged &c<purged> &fpending requests.'
- ''
- '&7&m--------------------------------------------'
- ''

remove_message: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have successfully removed <player>''s case.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |  Leaderboard and Stats (/request leaderboard, stats) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/request leaderboard, /request stats: Honor points leaderboard and statistics.
#In this section, you can modify messages and settings that are related to /request leaderboard and /request stats.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.leaderboard and admin360.admin.stats.

#default_leaderboard_output: Set the number of records shown.
default_leaderboard_output: 5

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&7&m-------------&r &6Staff Leaderboard &7&m-------------'
- ''

leaderboard_message: '    &6<name>: &f<points> &7honor points'

#This option support multiple lines.
- ''
- '&7&m--------------------------------------------'
- ''

stats_message: '&6Admin360 &f» &c<name> &7has &6<points> &7honor points.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                      Final Notes                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# End of file. You're done with the configuration.
----------, Jun 1, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49,550
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings