⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics icon

⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics -----

Redefines Player-Staff Interaction; Fosters Disciplined & Quality Service!

7.0.0 - Major Release - A lot of changes
7.0.0 - Major Release
Finally, there is an update. :D

Upgrade Reminders
There is a huge difference between 6.0.0 and 7.0.0. My suggestion here is to delete your old config.yml and let it regenerate a new one for you. Don't forget to backup your old one if you have already changed a lot of settings there.

Added 1.13 - 1.14 Support
Added general support for 1.13.x and 1.14.x. Admin360-Reloaded 7.0.0 has undergone some comprehensive testing in spigot 1.7.9, 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13 and 1.14. It, therefore, should be able to run without major problems in spigot 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.x and of course the latest version 1.14.x as well. Feel free to submit a report in the discussion section of the project page if you have found any technical issues.

Dropped GUI modules
We have fully dropped support for the internal GUI in order to make things more simple and lightweight. In some of our previous updates, we have been adding a lot of GUI elements to the system, which makes Admin360 a bit buggy. Maybe a command line-based system would be far more efficient and clean, and we have removed all of them now. However, if you insist to use the internal GUI, you can either build a new one with the help of other major menu plugins such as chestcommand (which I am also using) and deluxemenu, or you can continue to use Admin360-Reloaded 6.0.0 (no more support for older versions). I highly recommend using chestcommand for making a simple GUI for your players.

More Configurable Messages
Messages are now 99% configurable. This's not a joke, it's finally a real thing. We did not try to hide any unconfigurable messages this time, which should be a piece of good news for you. We have actually managed to put most of the messages into the config file, except the lengthy command list (/admin360 help) and the little plugin info section (/admin360 info). We might, however, consider adding multiple-line support for a few message options in our future updates (maybe that will come with a configurable command list as well). Stay tuned.

Configurable Console Command Options
This is an experimental feature. Configurable console command is included in a few essentially used message options, which provides a way to trigger console commands apart from conventional text messages. They can be easily integrated with some of the trending title (e.g. Title Manager) and menu (Chestcommand) plugins to construct a better support experience. More and more options like this will be added to different parts of the config.yml in our future updates.

New Comand Syntaxes
/ticket, /ticket help, /admin360, /admin360 help (default)
/helpme [details], /ticket helpme [details] (admin360.player.helpme)
/ticket status (admin360.player.status)
/ticket count (admin360.player.count)
/ticket cancel (admin360.player.helpme)
/ticket yes (admin360.player.helpme)
/ticket no (admin360.player.helpme)

/ticker next (admin360.admin.respond)
/ticket close (admin360.admin.respond)
/ticket purge (admin360.admin.purge)
/ticket stats <player> (admin360.admin.stats)
/ticket leaderboard (admin360.admin.leaderboard)
/admin360 reload (admin360.admin.reload)

New Permission Nodes


admin360.admin.respond (Old: admin360.admin.aid)
admin360.admin.stats (Old: admin360.admin.adminstats)
admin360.admin.leaderboard (Old: admin360.admin.adminstats)
admin360.admin.reload (Old: admin360.reload)

Ultimate Performance
Admin360-Reloaded 7.0.0 has been tested thoroughly on a server with 100+ concurrent players without triggering a single performance and technical issue. The plugin, therefore, works flawlessly and efficiently on servers of any size.

Major Bug Fixed
/helpme [details] - The details will now be shown clearly and correctly.

Rewriting a large part of the code
The title has told you everything. We are rewriting a large part of the code, so you may consider this as a new plugin. You will need to delete your old config file when trying to upgrade from an older version.

Author Shift
Yes, you will have a more active developer now for this plugin.

UTF-8 Issue
If you are having issues with UTF-8 characters (i.e. special characters, chinese words etc...) in the config file, then you might try to use the following startup parameter for your server:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar server.jar
Most likely, this issue will only happen for Windows users. If you still encounter similar problems even after you have tried the above method, please inform us. We will try to see if we can fix the issue with some codings.

New Config
The whole config file is re-written with a refined use of language and grammar. We have also renamed all the settings identifiers, and that means you might really need to delete your old config.yml when trying to upgrade from an older version.

Code (Text):

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Notes                          | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#Version 7.0.0

#Whenever there is an new update available, read the update procedures as instructed on our spigot project page.
#If there is any changes made to this file, like an addition of new variables, then you might have to regenerate
#a new config.yml so that this plugin could function properly. Should you have any problems, please let us know.

#Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/admin360-reloaded.28285/

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                        Basic                         | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

permission_denied: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Insufficient permission. You do not have access to this command.'
incorrect_syntax: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Incorrect command syntax. Type &6/ticket help &7for more commands.'
is_player: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Only player is able to execute this command.'
reload: '&6Admin360 &f» &7The config file has been reloaded successfully.'

header: '&7&m---------------&r <title> &7&m---------------'
footer: '&7&m--------------------------------------------'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |               Creating Tickets (/helpme)             | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/helpme: Create a ticket.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /helpme.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.helpme.

#5 Cases:
#Case1 (helpme_status_inqueue) : The player has already submitted a ticket, which is pending in the queue. No new tickets will be created.
#Case2 (helpme_status_inprocess) : A staff is handling the case right now. No new tickets will be created.
#Case3 (helpme_status_feedback) : The player has not provided a valid feedback. No new tickets will be created.
#Case4 (no_admin_online) : There is no staff available at the moment. No new tickets will be created.
#Case5 (new_ticket) : Neither Case 1 to Case 4. A new ticket is created and is put in the next position of the queue .

#After a ticket is created, staff_online (with permission admin360.admin.respond) will be notified (notify_staff_new_ticket).
#If there is a reason specified by the user who opened the ticket, more details (notify_further_details) will be provided in the notification.

helpme_status_inqueue: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have already submitted a ticket. You are not allowed to create another ticket at the moment.'
helpme_status_inprocess: '&6Admin360 &f» &7A staff is handling your case right now. You are not allowed to create another ticket at the moment.'
helpme_status_feedback: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have not submitted your feedback yet. Was the staff helpful? (&a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7).'
no_admin_online: '&6Admin360 &f» &7There are no staff available at the moment. Please try again later.'

new_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have just created a ticket (Position: &c<queue>&7).'
#Use command? Example using title manager.
new_ticket_usecommand: true
new_ticket_command: 'tm msg <player> &6\n&6Ticket created (Position: &c<queue>&6).'

notify_staff_new_ticket: '&bA new ticket has been created by &a<player> &b(&a<queue> &btickets remaining).'
notify_further_details: '&bFurther details: &f<reason>'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Tickets Handling (/ticket next)           | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket next: Proceed to the next ticket.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /ticket next.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.respond.

#3 Cases:
#Case1 (next_no_ticket) : There are no tickets in the queue to be handled right now.
#Case2 (next_attending) : The ticket is not closed yet. Moving to the next case is not possible.
#Case3 (next_anti_staff_abuse) : A staff has opened a ticket and is trying to attend it himself.
#Please note that staff should not be allowed to farm tickets.
#You can negate the tickets creating permission for staff: -admin360.player.helpme
#so that they would not be able to open any tickets.

#Staff_online (with permission admin360.admin.respond) will be notified (ticket_staff_notify) when a ticket status is changed from pending to processing.
#The involved user who opened the ticket will be notified (ticket_user_notify) as well.

next_no_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7There are no tickets in the queue at the moment.'
next_attending: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You need to close the ticket first before handling the next case.'
next_anti_staff_abuse: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You are not allowed to handle your own ticket.'

ticket_user_notify: '&6Admin360 &f» &c<staff> &7is now handling your case.'
#Use command? Example using title manager.
ticket_user_notify_usecommand: true
ticket_user_notify_command: 'tm msg <player> &6\n&c<staff> &6is now handling your case.'

ticket_staff_notify: '&e<staff> &dis now handling the ticket submitted by &e<player> &d(&e<tickets> &dtickets remaining).'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |           Closing Tickets (/ticket close)            | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket close: Mark a ticket as completed.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /ticket close.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.respond.

#2 Cases:
#Case1 (close_not_attending) : No tickets would be closed because there is no ticket in progress.
#Case2 (close_ticket_closed) : There is a ticket in progress and the ticket is closed now.

close_not_attending: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You are not handling any cases at the moment.'
close_ticket_closed: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have successfully closed this ticket.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |          Tickets Feedback (/ticket yes or no)        | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket yes, /ticket no: Providing service feedback
#In this section, you can modify the messages and settings that are related to the command /ticket yes and /ticket no.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.helpme.

#Set it to true if you would like your players to be reminded for
#giving a feedback right after their tickets were marked as Completed (closed).
showReminder: true

#If the above (showReminder) is set to true,
#A timer with an interval measured in seconds is set to remind your players
#for completing the feedback in case they have kindly forgotten. (This could
#be disturbing for players if the frequency is set to a relatively lower number.
#But then, they would be forced to submit a feedback.)
reminderFrequency: 20

#feedback_required: Players are invited to give feedback after a staff has completed their requests.
#feedback_not_required: Feedback is not required because that player did not open a ticket or that player has already submitted a feedback.
#feedback_received: Feedback received.
#notify_point_received: If the player has up-voted the service, the staff handling the case would be given an honor point.

feedback_required: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Your ticket is now closed. Was the staff helpful? (&a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7).'
feedback_not_required: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You are not required to give a feedback at the moment.'
feedback_received: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Thank you for your generous feedback. Good luck and have a nice day.'
notify_point_received: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have just received an honor point.'

#Use command? Example using chestcommand.
feedback_required_usecommand: true
feedback_required_command: 'chestcommands open feedback.yml <player>'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Tickets Status (/ticket status)           | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket status: Display your ticket status.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /ticket status.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.status.

#4 Cases:
#Case1 (status_no_ticket) : You have not submitted any tickets yet.
#Case2 (status_inqueue) : You have already submitted a ticket, which now is on the queue.
#Case3 (status_inprogress) : A staff is handling your case right now.
#Case4 (status_feedback) : Your case is closed but you have not submitted any feedback yet.

status_no_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have not submitted any tickets yet. Open a ticket via &6/helpme [details]&7.'
status_inqueue: '&6Admin360 &f» &7Your ticket is now in position &c<position> &7of the queue. Please be patient.'
status_inprogress: '&6Admin360 &f» &7A staff is handling your case right now.'
status_feedback: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have not submitted your feedback yet. Was the staff helpful? (&a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7).'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Cancel Tickets (/ticket cancel)           | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket cancel: Cancel your ticket.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /ticket cancel.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.helpme.

#4 Cases:
#Case1 (cancel_no_ticket) : You have no tickets opened. There is no tickets for you to cancel.
#Case2 (cancel_cancelled) : You have cancelled the ticket successfully.
#Case3 (cancel_inprogress) : You cannot cancel the ticket because a staff is handling it right now.
#Case4 (cancel_feedback) : You cannot cancel the ticket because you have not answered the feedback.

cancel_no_ticket: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have not submitted any tickets yet. Open a ticket via &6/helpme [details]&7.'
cancel_cancelled: '&&6Admin360 &f» &7Your ticket has been cancelled successfully.'
cancel_inprogress: '&6Admin360 &f» &7A staff is handling your case right now. You cannot cancel your ticket.'
cancel_feedback: '&6Admin360 &f» &7You have not submitted your feedback yet. Was the staff helpful? (&a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7).'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Counting Tickets (/ticket count)          | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket count: Display the number of tickets.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /ticket count.
#This is a player command with permission node admin360.player.count.

count_title: '&6Counting Tickets'
count_message_inqueue: '  &c<inQueue> &7ticket(s) in the queue.'
count_message_inprogress: '  &e<inProgress> &7ticket(s) in progress.'
count_message_completed: '  &a<completed> &7ticket(s) awaiting feedback.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Purging Tickets (/ticket purge)           | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket purge: Remove all the tickets from the database.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /ticket purge.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.purge.

purge_title: '&6Purging Tickets'
purge_message: '&7Purged &c<purged> &7tickets.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |  Leaderboard and Stats (/ticket leaderboard, stats)  | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#/ticket leaderboard, /ticket stats: Honor points leaderboard and statistics.
#In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to the command /ticket leaderboard and /ticket stats.
#This is a staff command with permission node admin360.admin.leaderboard and admin360.admin.stats.

leaderboard_title: '&6Staff Leaderboard'
leaderboard_message: '    &6<name>: &f<points> &7honor points'

stats_message: '&6Admin360 &f» &c<name> &7has &6<points> &7honor points.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                      Final Notes                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#Admin360-Reloaded is now maintained by PPT_T, KaytlynJay and tortoise_32 from Hong Kong.
#If you have any problems or suggestions, please let us know. We are more than happy to know your situation!
#Have a nice day with this plugin, and good luck to your server. Thank you for choosing us.

# End of file <-- You're done with the configuration.
----------, May 29, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49,550
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings