⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics icon

⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics -----

Redefines Player-Staff Interaction; Fosters Disciplined & Quality Service!

[Admin360] 1.12.2 Compatability and Urgent fix for Critical Bugs
Please UPDATE IMMEDIATELY! . Serious Bugs Fixed
After working for a couples of hours, The Urgent fix patch 6.0.0 is out, finally..... after endless waiting....... I am terribly sorry for my poor responsibility on maintaining this plugin for the past few months....
But anyway, I am very pleased that more and more servers were actually using this plugin! Please update immediately to fix the critical Bugs:
(Again,Sorry for the late updates.)

***Old Users Concern: Don't worry, nothing is changed for the config.yml for now from the previous version. Keep the old one. But you are reminded that there would be an big update soon......which requires changes to the config file.... Get prepared LOL***
What items have been fixed or added in this update?

1. Fixed Critical Bugs

A. Resolved critical bugs that have been reported by sir Silver750 and sir RaikenJenova which is much or less about the notorious glitching issus of the newly adopted GUI system in the previous versions. And guess what, it is all fixed......

We have been testing the latest ultimate solution for this glitching with the latest version of Admin360-Reloaded and not a single item from the GUI could be pulled out or even duplicated by a normal player or even a staff. (for example, The trick of using number pad or any other keys to get the apples from the feedback gui would no longer work. Thanks for your concern)

We have worked out to fix the problem of "Tickets Farming".... In the past, a staff could open a ticket, and to attend it by himself, giving himself a good feedback to earn honor points in an illegal way. This is dissatisfying....
Quick fix: To neglect the permission "-admin360.player.helpme" in the permission plugin for all the staff.

But it is not a compulsory, because now, even the staff has opened a ticket, he or she is not allowed to attend it by himself/herself. (Fixed)

This critical problem has been solved. We are very sorry for that. It is all our fault. We have just realized this problem and we are very sorry to bother you and your players....... :(:(:(Once again, Please update the plugins so that these kinds of bugs would not happen again.

B. Frequently Asked Questions and its Answers

Haha that is really nice of you xd. I would be very glad if you could help with the Chinese translation of this plugin. I could only type chinese at a very slow pace and I am not very used to it lol. I am very very sorry hahaha...

The problem you have mentioned might be fixed in this urgent update patch. Please try to update first and see whether the situation is improved. If not, please provide more details and I would be more than happy to make an makeup updates for you. Thank you.... And, if you think that the feedback system is so annoying, you could always nerf it by reducing the reminding frequency or even to stop the reminder from working.
showReminder:true ----> false
reminderFrequency:20 -----> somthing higher, may be 40, or even 100...

Quick fix: To neglect the permission "-admin360.player.helpme" in the permission plugin for all the admins.

2. No Changes for the Permission Nodes
3. No Changes for the Config.yml

The config.yml is completely the same with the one in the version of 4.4.0. But please be reminded that there would be a "relatively" big update "soon"...probably with changes required for the config.yml! Please be prepared!

Version 6.0.0 or 7.0.0 Outlook:
These items would be added in the next update:
1. Issue Tracker (Tags like [Hacking Report], [Request], [Closed], [Suspended].......I dk xd
2. Chinese support (And other languages)
3. MySQL support
4. PlayersControl: gui buttons execute a custom command
5. PlayersControl: add a confirm GUI with reasons
(Suggested by sir TheIntelloBox and SuperRonanCraft)

If you have encountered any kinds of problems, Please contact us immediately and we would immediately make an urgent update. Have a nice day and good luck to your server and your lovely players!!!!!

Best regards,
----------, Nov 6, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49,550
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
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