What has been fixed?
- Stabilized the vote site settings and /vote menu
The vote sites GUI and textual /vote command have been rewritten. Sites can now be simply edited in the /votesettings without any problems!
- Added migration so all your sites are available in the new way
- The original textual /vote command message is hidden, but can still be used by turning on 'Vote Command Override' in the /votesettings
- The /vote command is now generated with all url's to your vote sites!
WARNING: you will need to add info about your vote websites again in the Vote Site Editor. Go to /votesettings -> Messages -> Vote Sites.
WARNING: some messages should be configured again in the messages.yml. You can find them here:
Code (YAML):
: '&bVote for &dServerName &b!'
: '&b
: '&dVote for us at &a
- Fixed "Vote Crate reward comes out double"
- Fixed "'Always Reward' crate-option still produces no reward sometimes"
Other news:
- Vulnerabilities have been updated
- /votesettings -> Messages has been cleaned up