To keep players playing the game, added a Leveling system, you can give custom awards to your players.
Note: System is disabled by default.
If you choose to use this, update the plugin, start and stop the server, set
Options.Leveling-System.Enabled to true and start the server again. The plugin needs to update your database and set up the file configuration so you can't use the config and/or reload command to enable this system.
Another important thing is the option
This will give the players exp according to their status if you don't want the old players to start from 0 while having game wins and such.
Exp can be gained by getting checkpoints, winning and playing the game, you can set the amount of exp for all those methods in settings.
Also, "rank" and "levels" are the same thing, as you can do both ways it doesn't matter, we are using levels placeholders for constancy.
Levels.yml example:
Code (Text):
exp: 0
display-name: "&6Level 1"
prefix: "&6[1]"
commands-to-execute: [ ]
level-up-message: [ ]
exp: 10
display-name: "&6Level 2"
prefix: "&6[2]"
- speedrun coins add %player% 100
- '&7&m--------------&7[&6&lSPEEDRUN&7]&m--------------'
- ''
- '&a&lLevel Up &e&l%level%'
- ''
- '&9Next level: &b%next_level% &7(%until_next_level%/%next_level_exp% EXP)'
- ''
- '&7&m-------------------------------------'
exp: 20
display-name: "&6Level 3"
prefix: "&6[3]"
- speedrun coins add %player% 100
- '&7&m--------------&7[&6&lSPEEDRUN&7]&m--------------'
- ''
- '&a&lLevel Up &e&l%level%'
- ''
- '&9Next level: &6&lMAXED'
- ''
- '&7&m-------------------------------------'
Other changes:
- Updated HolographicDisplays Placeholder system, make sure to update your HolographicDisplays if your version is using the old Placeholder system.
- Added Levels Placeholder and Leaderboard.
- PAPI: %speedrun_exp%, %speedrun_level%
- HographicDisplays Leaderboard: {speedrun_level_NUMBER}
- Stats message: %exp%, %level%
- New Leaderboard message type:
- Fixed some Database back-end problems.