- Added %pos_x% placeholders for Scoreboard, position calculated by score.
- You can modify this placeholder.
- Example: %pos_1%
- This placeholder is limited to another option:
- Options.Position-Placeholder-Limiter, default is 3, that menas you can only get %pos_1%, %pos_2% and %pos_3%. Increase to enable more placeholders.
Here's a config example
Code (Text):
Game-Title: '&e&lSPEEDRUN'
- ' '
- 'Your timer: &a%timer%'
- ' '
- '1: %pos_1%'
- '2: %pos_2%'
- '3: %pos_3%'
- ' '
- 'Checkpoints: &b%checkpoints%&r/&a%all_checkpoints%'
- ' '
- 'Score: &b%score%'
- ' '
- 'Map: &b%mapname%'
Position-Placeholder: '%player% &7- &b%score%'
Note that score is not the measure that SpeedRun uses to get the winner of the game, so values may be wrong depending on your map structure.
Score is just the distance between player location and spawn.