Added %state% and %capitalize_state% for Lobby Scoreboard:
%capitalize_state% return the Game state -> Waiting
%state% returns the Game state -> WAITING
Added SQLite support.
Recoded storage sysem.
Added log while loading storage system.
Added a command to made In-game changes.
Added a negative coin system, you can remove player money using negative numbers.
Added a Checkpoint-Velocity-Booster option.
Added Always-Update-Scoreboard option.
If enabled will update the scoreboard in every situation.
If disabled will "nerf" the "score" line updates, updating only when the player get a checkpoint or die.
We're using a new storage system from my newest plugin (that will be realesed soon)! Give some feedback on storage system, not fully tested yet.
Added Grace-Time:
Gives invisibility for all players and movement is disabled during this period.
Added a way to send all yaml data to MySQL or SQLITE:
If there's any player online without the permission '' this process will be cancelled. Kick all players from the server before start the process.
If you want to work with leaderboards and don't want to lose the player data, just use /sp switch MySQL or /sp switch SQLITE.
This process has not fully tested with a full database yet (I don't have a public server to test it), but if didn't work correctly just let me know, you don't wanna lose any data.
This cannot be undone for now, there's no arguments to send the data from MySQL or SQLite to another location.
If needed, I can made something to get the data between from MySQL/SQLITE and YAML.
Remember, you can download or upload a .db file to MySQL.
Re-Added leaderboards:
Works with MYSQL or SQLITE only.
There are two types of leaderboard: Wins, checkpoints.
Re-Added a new file to work with sings: leaderboardSigns.yml
The system is now supported again.
Removed MySQL option:
Replaced by StorageType.
Storage Types: MYSQL, SQLITE, YAML
e.g: StorageType: SQLITE
Removed ArenaEditor menu.
Not useful.
Never tested plugin in 1.7, but if was working, we've dropped the support due compatibility reasons.
Removed all Incoming Channels registers from the plugin.
Fixed GamesPlayed something shows 0 in-game stats using MySQL.
Fixed GamesPlayed saves with wrong name in MySQL.
Fixed BungeeCord mode not sending players back to spawn and stucks the Game-State.
If you had negative numbers after the game start count, your server version isn't compatible with the plugin or you're using incorrect names in settings.yml
Now we're checking if the number is negative and start the game anyway, but you probally are getting console errors.
The plugin was only tested in 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 and 1.11.2. If you are using a supported version you can fix this issue yourself: Go to settings.yml and edit the sound names accoding the version, in 1.9 or above the sound name has changed, be sure to check this!
Fixed config not saving onDisable.
Fixed signs not updating.
Fixed players not getting losses.
Fixed ParticleEffect not supporting lasted versions, recoded somethings on the class, should be work for any future version.
Fixed Rewards for position 2.
Fixed Rewards for position 3.
Fixed players can join in full games with join command.
Fixed players can join in running games with join command.
Fixed sign not updating with join command.
Extra info:
Code (Text):
Sound system:
- To set a sound, use {SOUND_NAME}:{PITCH}
- To send the data from YAML to SQLITE or MYSQL use /sr switch MySQL or /sr switch SQLITE. [(Read more here)]
- To access the new SPAPI use "API api = SpeedRun.getAPI();" or just pick the method "SpeedRun.getAPI().yourmethod".
- To made in-game changes use /sp config set <path> <value> --> /sp config set Advanced.Restore-Log false
Flickering Scoreboard:
- Can happens somethings if your server don't have a stable TPS, not only because of this but the scoreboard is updated so many times per second.
- I have some plans to fix this, updating the "score" line only when you get a checkpoint or die will fix the problem, it's the solution for now.
- Added a option in settings.yml to enable or disable this (Options.Always-Update-Scoreboard, if enabled will update the scoreboard in every situation), check out and let me know what you think.
Test something new... If you have/you are a developer, you can use Checkpoint-Velocity-Booster to work with Elytra:
- That's easy, use GameStartEvent to give a elytra to the players and enable Map.Check-Y in your arena.yml, the player will be teleported safly to the checkpoint if the Y coordinate is above the Map.Check-Y coordinate.
- I've removed the AIR check (don't wanna change anything, don't worry) if someone want to do something that.
- I was thinking to add this as Game-Mode, but is not the plugin focus.
- If this system works, let me know.
Please don't update the plugin on your server yet! The config has renamed options, new options and more.
The priority of this update was bugfixes & reworks for the future, I'm planning something to work with the time: Player Record System:
For each map your time will be saved on your data, when you breaks your own record you can get rewards!
Map Record System:
Player Record, but with global numbers.
We can have this right now due recent system rework, planned for soon.