You can now broadcast a message to players and spectators when the game ends.
Use the placeholder %winner% to get the winner.
Use the placeholder %coins% to get how many coins the player who is getting the message received from playing.
You can now set the egg throw sound.
The default sound is for versions above 1.9.
All default sounds is now for 1.9 or above, if you're using 1.8 make sure to check settings.yml.
Added a option for use chat per-game.
You can edit the chat format in settings.yml.
Placeholders: %playername%, %displayname%, %message% - Read about placeholders on main page.
Custom chat is enabled by default.
Added /splegg reload command.
You can now set a death-block.
If you don't want to use void, there's a new option in settings.yml that allows you to enable and check a block that players will be eliminated if they step on top.
Void death can't be disabled, players will still able to die to void.
The default death-block is bedrock, to edit the block you need to put the block in your hand and use the /splegg setDeathBlock command or set the block name in config.
Fixed a bug where players can get coins for death.
Fixed coins per participation.
Players need to stay in the game until the end to get those coins.