I just finished setting Splegg up on a spigot server. ( spigot-1.12.1-20170809a.jar)
Floodeer is what made it happen. His support was very very good, even going so far as to address an issue I found and pushed out a fixed, working, build within just about 30 minutes!
The version in Version History is a zip file with a stock map and WorldEdit Schematic for those not wishing to build an arena right off.
Having not played Splegg before myself, I was a bit unsure about what a "Good Map" was. This feature allowed me to get it up and running straight away.
( I did add a glassed in area above the playfield to serve as the waiting lobby, but otherwise it was "Paste", setup, and play.)
Which, was totally awesome. :)
The menus and GUI make play and the shop inside the game very easy to use and understand.
Very simple to customize and add perm based perks for Donor or VIP Ranks.
All in all, good value for the cost. If you are like me, its the support you pay for, as much as the product. I have found, over the past day or so, BOTH are worthy of the cost of the plugin. So getting both for the cost of one is like getting the game at 50% off!
Or something like that.. Cheers!