ProJackpots [1.7 - 1.21] [60% OFF CHRISTMAS SALE] - Keep players engaged! icon

ProJackpots [1.7 - 1.21] [60% OFF CHRISTMAS SALE] - Keep players engaged! -----

Give players a chance to enter and win jackpots with completely customizable rewards!

1.13 & 1.13.1 Support
This is a BETA version and has little to no testing performed on it. I disclaim any responsibility and liability to any issues which may arise from running this version. It is NOT RECOMMENDED you use this in a production environment.

This update simply adds support for 1.13 & 1.13.1.
----------, Oct 18, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 84
First Release: Jul 28, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 4:31 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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