NickAPI | 1.8.8, 1.20.2+, 1.21 icon

NickAPI | 1.8.8, 1.20.2+, 1.21 -----

An api to nick player with a lot of features

Recommended update

This update contains a lot of bugfixes and changes

+ Added a "queue" system. It means that the NickAPI is gonna wait to the skin/uuid data until the method #refreshPlayer are gonna be called. It was necessary because of the mojang/minetools servers are answering too late
+ Added a possibility to switch between MojangAPI and Minetools. Of course you can use it within the API. You do not need to do anything in config.yml
+ Added
Code (Text):
    void resetFakeUUID( Player player );
    UUID getFakeUUID( Player player );
    void setFakeUUID( Player player, UUID uuid );
you do not need to nick yourself. You can just spoof your uuid instantly for other players

+ You can now access the UUIDGetter/SkinGetter. NickPlugin.getPlugin().getUUIDGetter() / NickPlugin.getPlugin().getSkinGetter()
* Fixed the problem that #isNicked does not answer the truth state instantly.
* improved a problem that the skin cannot be set instantly
* NickAPI does not use the unnick method asynchronous anymore. It solves a lot of problems AND it does not access external data. You should not worry about it.

- Removed support for vanish players on #refreshPlayer. Because of the feature uuid-spoofing, it is not easy to hide the player because of the spoofed uuid. I decided to remove the support due to mistakes it had.
If you vanish your player, use the #unnick method at first if he's nicked and after that you should hide him.

The NickAPI 4.0.0 comes with a ton of features. If you have problems with it, please report the bugs on our Discord server
----------, May 13, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 58,882
First Release: Jul 8, 2016
Last Update: Dec 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
44 ratings
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