The last update was in January. Almost 5 months have been passed and now here it is. A huge update of the plugin.
Please read carefully the changelog! PLEASE delete your config.yml if you already installed the earlier 4.0.0 version. Added new entries.
+ added
1.7 support (the plugin can be used with 1.7.10 with(out) protocol hack)
+ nicked players won't get a random uuid anymore. They will get the uuid of nicked player.
+ you are able to nick the player and give him another uuid. Take a look at the new api methods
+ NickAPI will create a config.yml now where you can enable/disable some features
+ restored the main functions of api#setTabCompleteStatus
* changed to ProGuard obfuscation due to the rules
* optimized code a bit, using abstraction for better structure
CRACKED servers can use the plugin now (set uuidspoof to false in config.yml)
New api methods:
Code (Text):
void nick( Player player, String toNick );
void nick( Player player, String toNick, String toUUIDByPlayerName );
void nick( Player player, String toNick, UUID toUUID );
boolean nickExists( String name );