NickAPI | 1.8.8, 1.20.2+, 1.21 icon

NickAPI | 1.8.8, 1.20.2+, 1.21 -----

An api to nick player with a lot of features

NEW METHODS + bugfixes
The last update was pretty stable. This update should be more stable. If you find new bugs, feel free to report it to me on my discord server and use the build before if the bug didn't happen there.

Version 3.2.2:

+ added # setDefaultValue and # setDefaultSignature. If your changed skin does not belong to a minecraft account, it will automatically use these values & signatures instead. (No steve skins anymore)

+ added a delayed asynchronous scheduler (3 ticks) in the API methods. I did it because of people nick the player after he joins. It caused errors (multiple names, skin isn't being changed etc.)

* after sending RespawnPacket, the player will hold the item slot he had before nicking

* Added a method that throw an exception, if player nicks the player on PlayerLoginEvent. NEVER do it! Use PlayerJoinEvent instead.

* # setTabCompleteStatus and # getTabCompleteStatus are deprecated now and will be probably removed. Use # setGameProfileName instead

* removed a lot of unnecessary codes

- NickAPI is no longer compatible with reloads.
----------, Jan 10, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 58,882
First Release: Jul 8, 2016
Last Update: Dec 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
44 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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