! Heroes is a dynamic, flexible and highly configurable class, skill and experience system. Heroes itself is the hub of your players RPG experience, boasting classes, multi-tiering, and advanced skills. Along with classes, Heroes offers your players a new style of PvP & PvE through our well-developed skill system and our weapon + armor restrictions. No longer will your mages have the ability to use diamond swords, your rogues will no longer sneak around in their heavy diamond tunics and most importantly, you can now hurl fireballs and stun your targets. The best part of this? It's your choice how your Heroes is set up, don't want a certain skill, that's fine, you can just remove the skill and be done with it!
With Heroes, you can do almost anything you'd want to do on an RPG server. The main feature is our customizable tiered class system, which offers as much to the server owner as possible when tied with our skills and permission skills. Your Heroes could be totally unique to your server, it could be the reason players play your server over other servers. The same can be said about our skill system, it's unique to any of the other RPG plugins out there. Other plugins dub "Skills" as methods which you level up, this isn't the case with Heroes. Skills are abilities you can perform which are unique to your class. Some of our favorite skills are Fireball, Jump and Port. These are what makes Heroes unique.
Code (Text):
[SIZE=4][B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=black][SIZE=19px]Overview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Experience is how Heroes gain levels. Currently there are eleven different sources of gaining experience:
Skill experience is set per-skill in the skills configurations, and is usually not enabled, but can be enabled if you want specific skills to award or cost the player experience. PvP rewards are set under Killing as shown in the default configuration below.
Enchanting is required for a player to enchant items, as it will be used to deduct the exp cost from the heroes.
Questing & External require extra addons to be functional, they are not used internal to the Heroes plugin.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=13px]The experiences.yml file controls which experience types award experience and how much they award. Killing goes by entity names, while the other options go by block and item names[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=4][B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=black][SIZE=19px]General Commands[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
[*]/hero - /heroes
[*]/hero help
[*]/hero armor
[*]/hero choose <path>
[*]/hero prof <path>
[*]/hero paths
[*]Only shows those paths which are set as 'tier: 1' in their class file
[*]/hero reset
[*]resets the player to the default class and wipes ALL experience/levels gained
[*]/hero tools
[*]/hero spawnparticle
[*]/hero scroll
[*]/hero skills - /skills
[*]/hero specs
[*]/hero leaderboard
[*]/hero who <player>
[*]/hero verbose
[*]/hero suppress <skillname>
[*]/hero scroll
[*]/hero level - /level - /hlevel - /lvl
[*]/health - /hp
[*]/cooldowns - /cd
[*]removes a binding for the held item
[*]/bind <skill> [args]
[*]adds a binding for the item being held to the skill specified, if the skill requires arguments they can be supplied
[SIZE=4][B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=black][SIZE=19px]Admin Commands[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
[*]/hero admin class <player> <class>
[*]/hero admin prof <player> <profession>
[*]/hero admin exp <player> <class> <amount>
[*]class can also be 'prim' or 'prof' to give exp to a player's primary class or profession.
[*]/hero admin level <player> <class> <amount>
[*]class can also be 'prim' or 'prof' to give a level to a player's primary class or profession.
[*]/hero admin heal <player>
[*]/hero admin hp <player> <amount>
[*]/hero admin reload
[*]/hero admin saveall
[*]/hero debug dump
[SIZE=4][B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=black][SIZE=19px][URL='http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/heroes/pages/skills/'][COLOR=rgb(85, 85, 85)]Skill Commands[/COLOR][/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Andale Mono]/skills - /skilllist
/skill <skill> <args>[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=black][SIZE=19px][URL='http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/heroes/pages/parties/'][COLOR=rgb(85, 85, 85)]Party Commands[/COLOR][/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Andale Mono]/party invite <player>
/party accept <player>
/party leave
/p <message>
/mode +[option]
/mode -[option]
/party who[/FONT][/SIZE]
[B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=black][SIZE=19px]Permissions[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Heroes supports zPermissions and bPermissions[/FONT][/SIZE]
[*]Choose all classes that are tagged as 'wildcard-permission: true'
[*]Choose the specified class
[*]Allows the user to RESET and go back to default class
[*]Set a player's experience
[*]change Set a player's class
[*]Set player's level
[*]Heal a hero to full
[*]Set a player's health
[*]Reload configuration files
[*]saves all online heroes
[*]allows players to use Heroes /boost - cmd
[*]allows players to bind skills to items
Bonus % EXP Permission Nodes for Subscribers
[SIZE=4][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]Req only for Heroes 1.8.10 and below.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 128, 255)][URL='http://www.mediafire.com/file/rkazraaiics8c3e/legacy-commons-bukkit-1.8.4-SNAPSHOT.zip']COMMONS[/URL] ([URL='http://www.mediafire.com/file/lnahzc6ql4q2d94/legacy-commons-bukkit-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT.jar']1.10[/URL])[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[B]Plugins that support Heroes[/B]
[*]MobArena | EcoCreature | HeroTitles | Herochat
[*]Healthbar | PlaceholderAPI
[*][URL='https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/heroes-class-builder-gui.58538/']Class Builder GUI[/URL]
[*][URL='https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/heroes-scrolls.54553/']Heroes Scrolls[/URL]
[*][URL='https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/betonquest.2117/']BetonQuest[/URL] > [URL='https://docs.betonquest.org/DEV/User-Documentation/Compatibility/#heroes']BetonQuest Heroes Compatibility[/URL]
[spoiler=Full Translation support]
[B]-- **Full Translation Support** --[/B]
Attention all, drum roll please - Heroes now has **FULL TRANSLATION SUPPORT**. Pretty much every single message in Heroes is now translatable via a file created by the plugin called `translations.yml`! The only exceptions is that some commands are not translatable, the majority of the most used ones are! We will be finishing off the rest of the commands in future updates to come! This was a major undertaking, with the translation file featuring literally over 400 messages which used to be hard coded into Heroes, so understandably there may be some small typos or errors - please let us know if you come across any!
When **[B]configuring[/B]** the translations. There are few little tricks you can do to further customize Heroes;
- For many translations, mainly those which are sent to the player as a message, if you configure the translation such that `some-translation: ''` (such that it's empty), this will mean that the message simply will not be sent! This means for example for those of you which don't use races or don't use secondary classes, you can simply set those options to an empty string and then those messages won't be sent. For example, see the below translations which are used mainly for the /hero info command.
[spoiler=Mythic Skills]
[B]Scriptable Skills (Mythic Skills)[/B]
Added Mythic Skills which means Heroes now FINALLY has scriptable skills! You do require MythicMobs for this to work as it essentially casts a MythicMob skill as a Hero. You can configure stamina, mana, reagent costs - cooldowns, delays and all! At the moment, the one limitation is that Mythic Skills do not support increases per attributes unfortunately since Mythic Mobs is what handles the damage calculations. (This could be solved with a custom Heroes damage mechanic, but maybe thats for later). A new file called script-files should be generated after booting your server with this update. There are 3 examples in there of Mythic Skills with an in-depth explanation of how it works.
[B]Custom Heroes Mythic Mechanics and Conditions[/B]
Since we are dealing with Mythic Mobs more directly in Heroes, we have added 1 condition and 4 new mechanics for your usages.
The [B]condition[/B] 'heroestarget{type=?}' should be used on mythic skills to help mythic target the correct mobs. This is explained further in the script-skills.yml file.
The ? can be replaced with either ALLY, ENEMY, SELF, or ALL.
The [B]mechanic[/B] 'drainstamina{amount=50}/drainmana{amount=50}' will drain the target's stamina/mana if they are a player by the specified amount. This can be used in mythic skills or by a mythic mob.
The [B]mechanic[/B] 'drainstaminaovertime{amount=20;duration=6000;period=1000}/drainmanaovertime{amount=20;duration=6000;period=1000}' will drain the target's stamina/mana by the specified 'amount' if they are a player for every 'period' over the specified 'duration'. This can be used in mythic skills or by a mythic mob.
[spoiler=Misc Changes]
[B]Custom Health Regen[/B]
A new section has been added to the config.yml called 'health'. This should automatically generate after booting your server with the new update. This will add a constant static regeneration effect to all players, similar to how mana and stamina generate. You can customise how often it regenerates, a regen-multiplier when in combat. You can even make it so it only regenerates when food is full. These can be configured by default in the config.yml or individually in classes, and support regen increases per level just like the other stats. As usual, by default this is turned OFF, simply set enabled: true in the health section to enable the feature.
[B]Default Max Stats and Regen[/B]
Added a config option to set the default max health, stamina and mana. Similarly a default regen for health, mana and stamina has also been added to config.yml. These values will be used if NO stat is configured in the class.yml file.
[B]Heroes Food Change[/B]
Changed the time-multiplier setting in config.yml to be read as milliseconds instead of seconds so that this is consistent with literally all the other config settings. If this value is set to less than 100, you'll get a warning saying you have set it incorrectly, and Heroes will convert the value into milliseconds for you.
[B]MMOItems Additions[/B]
Added a heroes-health-regen stat to MMOItems to match with the mana and stamina ones. Added an optional stat to MMOItems called penetration. You can choose to use this in the experimental-features tab. If you set use-mmoitems-penetration to true, then the amount of penetration a weapon will do will now be dependent on the MMOItem's penetration stat on the weapon NOT what is configured in the config.
[B]Heroes API[/B][/SIZE]
We have finally updated our public repository for Heroes! This current version includes the latest API changes and is the same as the free version of Heroes available. You can setup a maven dependency as such.
[B]FAQs / Untested / May have Issues
[COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)]Q:[/COLOR] [/B] Does Heroes work with Citizens?
[B][COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)]A: [/COLOR][/B] Sorta.- [URL='https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/citizens.13811/']Citizens [/URL]- (NPCs loaded as playerObjects cause some conflicts - contact Citizen for possible fixes) Full support would require a major rewrite of Heroes Framework on how we load/save classes. [B][COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]Avoid using Citizens named as players on your server.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)]Q:[/COLOR] [/B]Can I use /reload or reload plugins with Heroes Premium?
[B][COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)]A: [/COLOR][/B]"/reload" [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]will cause instability[/COLOR] with the class manager. Do not use /reload. Spigot recommends not using it ever.
[COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)][B]Q:[/B][/COLOR] What permission systems do you use or recommend?
[B][COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)]A:[/COLOR][/B] We recommend using[COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)] [B]LuckPerms[/B][/COLOR] or [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)][B]zPerms[/B][/COLOR]. GM & PEX permission systems are untested/unsupported, YMMV.
[COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)][B]Q: [/B][/COLOR]Can I use other RPG systems (like Mcmmo) with Heroes?
[COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)][B]A:[/B] [/COLOR]Most plugins will load and not cause errors, there may be some philosophical overlap due to both being "RPG" plugins.
[COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)][B]Q:[/B][/COLOR] Does 1.7 and 1.8 versions work on Heroes Premium
[B][COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)]A: [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]1.7 and 1.8 [/COLOR]may have some issues. The more advanced skills may not function properly unless compiled against these versions. 1.8.8 is the only supported 1.8 build.
[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)]Q:[/COLOR][/B] Is Bukkit Supported?
[B][COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)]A: [/COLOR][/B]Craftbukkit is NOT supported. You should use [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]Spigot [/COLOR]or [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]PaperSpigot[/COLOR].
[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)]Q: [/COLOR][/B]Is there a language file with Heroes? Can you translate it
[B][COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)]A:[/COLOR] [/B]We [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]DO[/COLOR] have a full language file, [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]these sections can be customized in (translations.yml) [/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)]Q:[/COLOR][/B] Can I localize the skill descriptions?
[COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)][B]A: [/B][/COLOR]Yes. You can do this in [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]skills.yml [/COLOR]by editing the Description section.
[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)]Q:[/COLOR][/B] Can I turn off stamina and use the food system?
[COLOR=rgb(166, 255, 77)][B]A: [/B][/COLOR]Yes. You can do this in [COLOR=rgb(255, 77, 255)]config.yml [/COLOR]by editing the appropriate section.
[B]Have an Issue/Question?[/B]
[*]PARSE your CONFIGS before posting ERRORS. - [URL='http://hc.to/yml']Online YML Parser[/URL].
[*]Please include [B]SERVER VERSION, HEROES VERSION [/B]and [B]SKILL VERSION [/B]with a paste2.org of any error on our [URL='https://gitlab.com/herocraft/Heroes/-/issues?sort=created_date&state=opened']Issue Tracker[/URL]
[*]Ask questions on [URL='https://discordapp.com/invite/QyewjmH']Discord[/URL]
[*]By purchasing this resource you are gaining the right to use this plugin on a server you own, manage or work for for as long as you are in contact with the actual Minecraft aspect of the server and as long as the following conditions aren't violated.
[*]By purchasing this resource, only you will have support access for the duration of the project.
[*]You are not allowed to distribute this plugin in any form to anyone who has not obtained the right to use the plugin himself for example by purchasing it from this resource page.
[*]You cannot refund your purchase after already acquiring the resource. It should work as described and if you have problems contact us and we will to do our best to resolve them! [B]Opening a chargeback will have your access revoked immediately and permanently.[/B]
[*]You are allowed to modify this plugin as long as you follow the previous terms.
[*]All of the rights given to you can be revoked at any time by the author, especially in the case that the terms were violated.
[*]By downloading you accept the previous terms and that this resource is distributed without any (not even implied) warranty or liability by the author.
[CENTER][B][SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]DO NOT LEAVE BUG REPORTS IN RATINGS DIRECT TO [URL='https://gitlab.com/herocraft/Heroes/-/issues?sort=created_date&state=opened']ISSUE TRACKER[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[URL='https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9A%94-heroes-the-most-powerful-class-race-and-skill-rpg-plugin.24734/download?version=255012']LATEST LEGACY 1.12 VERSION[/URL]
[B]requires Vault 1.6 or lower
Skills require 6.2 of [URL='http://jenkins.elmakers.com/job/EffectLib/182/de.slikey$EffectLib/artifact/de.slikey/EffectLib/6.2-SNAPSHOT/EffectLib-6.2-SNAPSHOT.jar']EffectLib[/URL][/B]
[B][SIZE=6]Please [URL='http://paste2.org']paste2.org[/URL] your start-up log and any error that's relevant! Include server/heroes version.[/SIZE][/B]
[B]NEW Review [/B]--- [B]Spigot is REQUIRD[/B]
Minecraft RPG plugins created for [URL='http://herocraftonline.com/']http://herocraftonline.com[/URL] > ([B]play.hc.to[/B])
Still not convinced? >>> Check out the Legacy (free) version [URL='https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/heroes-legacy.305/']here[/URL]!
[SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]♥[/COLOR] Enjoy? Write me a ☆☆☆☆☆ review! It's super simple! [COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]♥[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
✫ Magic Skills (NOT 1.15+ COMPAT)✫