40+ big networks (with 1000+ online players) trust in MultiLobby!
Active development & support since 2014! 160+ plugin updates!
MultiLobby is a lightweight solution allowing you to have multiple lobby/hub servers on your BungeeCord. MutliLobby will be automatically balancing your players between the servers. It is possible setup multiple balancing groups of servers, not just lobby servers. MultiLobby provides you with many utilities like /lobby or /hub commands, or /glag which shows some basic information about your bungee instance like used RAM, Uptime, players and if you are on linux it also shows "open files" (opened/max).
- MultiLobby is stable standalone and bug-free plugin that is balancing hubs since 2014!
Velocity support version here:
- MultiLobby allows you to have multiple lobby/hub servers
- Setup multiple balancing groups with different settings
- Compatibility with all lobby selector plugins
- Works with mutli-bungee setup
- Offline & full server detection!
- Server crash protection (players will not even notice something crashed)
- Shared chat between servers in the same group
- Custom glist format
- Specify servers to config using regex (NEW!)
- Redirect players to groups based on permissions!
- KickMove (aka MoveMeNow) feature included with kick reason blacklist!
- Dynamic MOTD (you can change your motd without restarting your bungee)
- Anti-bot: server switch limits
- SlashLobby system use /<lobby_server_name> to teleport to specific lobby/hub server
- Per-server command blacklist - deny certain Bungee/Bukkit commands on any server connected to bungee from one place
- This plugin was tested on a BungeeCord instance with 3600 players online!
- Compatibility across all BungeeCord versions
- Compatibility with all kinds of modded clients (Technic, FTB... etc.)
- UltimateFriends support
- Party and Friends support
- Fast discord support with over 150 members.
My other plugins:
MultiLobbyM - Modular version of MultiLobby with Velocity support!
MultiLobby MatchMaker - Reduce minigame start-up times significantly! Fill your servers with players quicker!
ConnectorSigns - Powerful plugin for Lobby servers to let your players join to minigame servers in their available phase with full customizable Sign Format with placeholders.
Shows some basic info about your bungeecord instance. This command will also list your lobby servers and its status.
System load shows you how much busy your system is, there are 3 statuses in MultiLobby:
Critical system overload! => Load is higher than your available CPUs
System works under pressure! => Everything is ok, but your system is stressed
System runs smoothly and clearly! => You have a lot of power to spare
You should keep the system load as low as you can for the best BungeeCord performance.
Command that tells you the server where the specified player is playing, it works like tab-complete, so you can write just
/player a and it will find all players with nicks that contain "a".
Shared chat:
MultiLobby contains a shared chat across your lobby servers, so friends can chat even if they are not in the same lobby.
The format of the shared chat can be set in config (colors, server prefix, names etc),
Now with LuckPerms Prefix & Suffix support!
Custom /glist
You can also specify how the /glist command will look like, this option can be enabled or disabled.
How to setup custom glist:
1. delete cmd_list.jar from "modules" folder
2. remove the line "- jenkins://cmd_list" from the modules.yml
3. Enable it in MultiLobby config.yml (custom-glist: true)
/lobby or /hub - Teleports you to a main lobby (or sublobby, if you have multiple fallback layers)
/lobby <number> - Example: You have 4 lobbies and you want to get to the first one so you write /lobby 1 (requieres permission
ml.admin / multilobby.directjoin)
/glag - Shows basic bungee info (requieres permission
ml.admin / ml.glag)
/glag <group> - NEW: Check specific group!
/player <name> - Tells you on which server the player is
- Custom format (can be enabled/disabled)
/gsend <player> <server> - Teleports player to specified server (requieres permission
ml.admin / ml.gsend)
/ggsend <player> <group> - Teleports player to specified server group (requieres permission
ml.admin / ml.ggsend)
/forcesend <player> <server> - Forcefully send player to the specified server
/gsay - Broadcast message over all servers connected to current BungeeCord instance (requieres permission
ml.admin / ml.gsay)
/mlreload - Reloads the config (requieres permission
ml.admin / ml.reload)
/mldebug - Enables debug mode (only for testing) (requieres permission
ml.admin / ml.debug)
ml.admin - grants you full access
ml.bypass - bypasses the command spam block feature
ml.gsend - access to the command /gsend
ml.ggsend - access to the command /ggsend (group gsend)
ml.forcesend - access to the command /forcesend
ml.gsay - access to the command /gsay
ml.glag - access to the command /glag
ml.mlreload - access to the command /gsend
ml.debug - access to the command /mldebug
ml.player - access to /player command
multilobby.directjoin - access to /lobby <num> and /hub <num> commands
Code (Text):
Lobbies: #your group name here
balancing: true #Is this group automatically balanced ?
internal-balancing: false #If you enable this, lobby selector plugins wont work
clear-chat: false #Clear player chat before joining this group
is-main: true #Your main hub/lobby group - can be only one
is-login-group: false #If true, newly connected players are send to this group, only 1 group can have this value set to true
fallback-group: "Lobbies" #where to send players if the server crashes
shared-chat: false
servers: #server names must match exactly (it is case-sensitive) your server names in bungee config
- Lobby1
- Lobby2
Auths: #If you dont have separated auth servers just delete this group
balancing: true
internal-balancing: false
clear-chat: false
is-main: false
is-login-group: true
fallback-group: "null" #Ignored value if this is your login/main group
shared-chat: false
- Auth1
- Auth2
balancing: true
internal-balancing: false
clear-chat: true
is-main: false
is-login-group: false
fallback-group: "Lobbies"
shared-chat: false
permission-redirect: #List of reidirecs. Player must have the specific permission to be redirected to a different balancing group
permission: "vip.player" #Permission
targetGroup: "PremiumSkyWarsHubs" #Balancing group where player will be redirected. Target group must have balancing: true otherwise redirect wont work.
- SWHub-* #"Ends-with" regex will add all servers with names that start with "SWHub-" so for example: "SWHub-01", "SWHub-02", "SWHub-03"
- "[SWHub1-99]" #Full Java Regular expressions here
balancing: true
internal-balancing: false
clear-chat: true
is-main: false
is-login-group: false
fallback-group: "Lobbies"
shared-chat: false
- PremiumHub
- PremiumHub2
#Players will be forced to your logingroup of servers after they join your bungee, disabling this will disable logingroup option in the section above, this is useful when you want to just balance your lobby servers and you want that players stays on server where they last logged off or you want to control this feature with another plugin (like BungeeAuthentificator)
force-login-group: true
#Can change this if you have more plugins sending players to different servers on the bungee-side
#For ViaVersion on bungee-side this must be set to HIGHEST
multilobby-priority: HIGHEST
#Detect if lobby server is offline and redirect players to other lobby which is online (this feature may take additional resources especially RAM, by default this feature is disabled)
#You might experience some issues if you use multi-protocol servers or fake offline detections, just keep it disabled, players will be still able to connect if 1 of your lobby servers goes down, dont worry.
offlinedetection: false
#How often should MultiLobby check the lobby servers if they are online or offline, the interval is in secs. (By default there is an interval 25 seconds, this means that MultiLobby pings all of your lobby servers every 25 secs, if lobby server does not respond to the ping = server is down and MultiLobby will no more be sending players to this server). If there is no online lobby, all players that are trying to connect will be kicked
detectioninterval: 25
#Socket timeout for offline detection or external lobby status in miliseconds. Do not touch this value util you have problems with pinging. If you have higher ping between bungee and lobby machines raise this value 2x higher than the ping value between lobby and bungee machines. Default is 100.
socket-timeout: 200
#Allows your players use "slash-server-commands". So if your lobby server is called "Lobby2", you can use /Lobby2 to teleport to Lobby2! (it works only for lobby servers).
slash-lobby: false
#Command blacklist (from here you can deny some commands on certain servers, there are 2 examples, if you have auth servers, then you probably do not want to let players teleport to lobby without logging-in. If you want to use this feature font forget to change option enabled: true!
enabled: false
- /lobby
- /hub
- /lobby
- /hub
#Should command /glag show you local or external number of player connected to lobby servers ? (false=internal bungee status)
glag-external-status: true
#Motd can be easily edited from here (if enabled) without having to do /greload which is dangerous command and can lead to serious problems, this motd can be loaded by /mlreload command:
motd: "&6My Super Network"
motdenabled: false
#If server is closed should be the player moved to the fallback group of servers ? If disable player will be kicked out of the network
enabled: true
allow-on-login-group: false
#If the kick reason contains one of the following phrases or words, player will be kicked out of the network instead to a lobby server (works only if the kick-move is enabled)
- "ban"
- "kick"
#Reasons that will be ignored by multilobby means default behavior for your network for kick events
- "Maintenance"
#gsay prefix:
gsay-prefix: ""
#Shared chat:
enable-shared-chat: false
shared-chat-format: "&7[&e%server%&7]&f %prefix% %playername% %suffix%: %msg%"
#Force the shared chat format even on the same server as the message sender is on
shared-chat-force-format: false
shared-chat-debug: false
shared-chat-ignore-list: #ignore shared chat when message starts with one of these characters or strings
- "@"
- "$"
#To use the custom glist you have to disable module "cmd_list" in your bungeecord in modules.yml (delete the line) and delete the file cmd_list.jar from "modules" folder located also in your bungeecord folder.
custom-glist: false
glist-format: "&a[%server%] &f(%numplayers%): %playerlist%"
glist-total: "Total player online: %totalnum%"
- MySuperSecretServer1
- MySuperSecretServer2
#Enable /player command
player-enabled: true
#Enable debug:
debug: false
#print all info available - warning: this can be log heavy and should be used only when analyzing config errors
extradebug: false
#Protect MultiLobby commands againts abuse
cmdcooldown: true
#Enable /lobby and /hub command
lobbycommand: true
#Always send your players to the fallback groups when /hub or /lobby commands are executed
always-force-fallbacks: false
#Every x seconds prints info about server status into console (players, server load, allocated RAM), this feature is great if you are trying to analyze Bungee-side lags.
printinfo: false
#print interval in seconds
printinfointerval: 5
#limit maximum number of player server switches
limit-max-rejoins: true #enable/disable this feature
max-rejoins: 4 #max server switch count per clear-interval
clear-interval: 10 #clear interval in seconds - meaning player can make only 5 server switches per 10 seconds, after that he will get kicked out
limit-exceeded-message: "You are switching servers too quickly!"
enablekickmsg: false
kickmsg: "You have been moved to fallback server: &reason"
spamblock: "Blocked as a spam!"
alternatives: "Alternatives"
playernotfound: "Player not found!"
ison: " is playing on "
badarguments: "Bad arguments"
name: "name"
noperm: "You do not have permission to perform this command!"
wrongnumber: "Wrong lobby number! Use: /lobby <number>"
cmdblock: "You cannot use this command here!"
noonlinelobbyfound: "No online lobby at the moment, please try again later!"
#Do not touch the version
version: 5
Developer API:
Dev API will allow you to add groups and servers to them dynamically during runtime. They are not persistent, meaning next restart you will default to your config. You can also send player directly to a specific server without balancing with this API.
Code (Text):
MultiLobbyAPI api = MultiLobby.getInstance();
Download from discord server:
Contacts & support:
If you want to contact me or get fast support, please write me a private message. I am able to respond PM within 48 hours.
Or you can add join discord:
(I am online during business days: 16:00 - 23:00 CEST).
You can use MultiLobby with Waterfall but you will get no support from me, since waterfall is full of bugs and you should really avoid this platform at all costs.