ProVotes [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player voting! icon

ProVotes [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player voting! -----

Increase your servers visibility by rewarding users for voting for your server!

VoteParty Additon
After a number of requests for a global party once a number of votes have been reached I have decided to implement one. A new party.yml file will be generated on restart and there you will be able to define the settings for the parties.

Code (Text):
# ======================================================
# ProVotes Version: 1.3 build: 0
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# Party File
# This is the party file where all party data will be saved and stored. You can
# edit all of the settings pertaining to the parties here such as the required votes,
# actions, and other party related settings.
# ======================================================
# Settings:
# Whether or not you want to use the party system
# use_party: true
# The current counter for amount of votes
# global_counter: 0
# The amount of votes required for the party to start
# required_for_party: 10
# The delay between party reward actions in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
# delay_between_actions: 20
# The amount of times to cycle through the chance rewards for each player
# chance_attempts: 5
# The maximum amount of chance rewards a player can receive from a party
# max_chance_rewards: 20
# The delay before the start of the party in seconds
# start_delay: 10
# The list of actions to execute once the required votes has been reached
# pre_party_actions: []
# The list of actions to excute after the start delay
# start_party_actions: []
# The list of actions to execute once the party has ended
# end_party_actions: []
# ======================================================
# Party Reward Actions:
# The party reward actions use the same format as regular actions however
# chance actions require a chance to be specified at the start of the string.
# Guaranteed actions will be executed at the start of the party no matter what
# wheras chance actions give players a chance to have the action executed.
# The actions that will always be executed for each player
# guaranteed_actions:
# - '[GiveItem] DIAMOND;64'
# The actions that players have a chance of being executed for them.
# chance_actions:
# - '[50%][GiveItem] EMERALD;64'
# ======================================================
# Placeholders:
# There are a bunch of placeholders built into the plugin that can be used in messages or
# item names, lore etc. These can all be found on the plugin page.
# ======================================================

  use_party: true
  global_counter: 0
  required_for_party: 10
  delay_between_actions: 20
  chance_attempts: 5
  max_chance_rewards: 5
  start_delay: 10
- '[TitleBroadcast] &aVoteParty;&7A VoteParty will begin in 10 seconds!'
- '[Broadcast] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[Broadcast] &aA VoteParty will begin in &710 &aseconds!'
- '[Broadcast] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[TitleBroadcast] &aVoteParty;&7The VoteParty has started!'
- '[Broadcast] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[Broadcast] &aA VoteParty has begun!'
- '[Broadcast] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[TitleBroadcast] &aVoteParty;&7The VoteParty has ended!'
- '[Broadcast] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[Broadcast] &cThe VoteParty has ended!'
- '[Broadcast] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[GiveItem] EMERALD;16'
- '[GiveItem] DIAMOND;16'
- '[GiveItem] GOLD_INGOT;16'
- '[5%][GiveItem] EMERALD_BLOCK;16'
- '[10%][GiveItem] DIAMOND_BLOCK;16'
- '[15%][GiveItem] GOLD_BLOCK;16'
- '[25%][GiveItem] EMERALD;64'
- '[50%][GiveItem] DIAMOND;64'
- '[75%][GiveItem] GOLD_INGOT;64'
There have also been 2 new actions added:
  • [TitleBroadcast]
  • [ActionBarBroadcast]
----------, Aug 3, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 737
First Release: May 30, 2016
Last Update: Dec 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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