This Plugin is no longer maintained and will not receive any feature updates for now. It will however still receive Version updates (for newer MC versions) and also bug fixes if necessary.
This Plugin needs Vault and an Economy plugin to work
Prefix: '&8[&bLottery&8] '
NoPermission: '&c&lYou dont have permission to do that!'
Buy: '&a&lSuccessfully bought &6%tickets% &aLottery Tickets!'
GlobalBuy: '&6&l%player% &abought &6%tickets% &aLottery Tickets!'
NoMoney: '&c&lYou dont have enough money to buy &6&l%tickets% &c&lTickets. You need
&6&l%money% &c&lMoney to buy &6&l%tickets% &c&lTickets.'
TicketLimit: '&c&lYou cant buy more Tickets!'
Cooldown: '&c&lYou are on cooldown! You can buy Tickets again in &6%time% &c&lSeconds'
Win: '&a&lCongratulations to &6&l%player% &a&lfor winning &6&l%money% &a&lMoney in
NoWinnerText: '&cNobody'
NoPlayers: '&c&lThere were no Tickets sold.'
FewPlayers: '&c&lThere were not enough players for Lottery to draw!'
NotOnline: '&c&lThe Winner %player% is not online and could not win.'
LoginWinMessage: '&a&lCongratulations! You won &c&l%moneygot% (Without Taxes %moneynotax%)
&a&lin the Lottery you last participated!'
BlockedWorld: '&c&lThe Winner %player% is in a Blocked World and could not win.'
BackToPot: '&6&lNobody won! &c&l%newpot% &6&lwas added back to the pot!'
Reminder: '&a&lLottery will draw in &6&l%draw% &a&lMinutes! In Pot: &6&l%pot%'
ToggleOFFBuyMessage: '&cYou wont receive any Buy messages from other Players anymore!'
ToggleONBuyMessage: '&aYou will now again receive Buy messages from other Players!'
ToggleOFFReminderMessage: '&cYou wont receive any Reminder messages anymore!'
ToggleONReminderMessage: '&aYou will now again receive Reminder messages!'
TimeTillDrawFormat: '&c%h%&8H &c%m%&8M &c%s%&8S'
WaitingForDraw: '&cWaiting for current Draw..'
- ' &b&lLottery'
- ' '
- '&aYour Tickets: &c%ptickets%'
- ' '
- '&aGlobal Tickets: &c%gtickets%'
- ' '
- '&aIn Pot: &c%pot%'
- ' '
- '&aDraw in: &c%draw%'
- ' '
- '&aLast Winner: &c%winner%'
- §7===================================
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery buy (Number)
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery status
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery gui
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery toggleremindmsg
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery togglebuymsg
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §7===================================
- §7===================================
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery draw
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery reload
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §8[§bLottery§8] §e§l§o/Lottery addpot <Number>
- §8[§bLottery§8]
- §7===================================