Slot Machine is focused on being a highly customizable casino plugin with a user-friendly UI. Slot Machine also supports other economy and alternate-economy plugins (Like votes or custom points plugins)
Right click with a a
Blaze Rod
(You can change the item used in the config.yml file)
any Entity or Block to bring up Slot Machine's UI. From there you can create a machine and then customize it to your needs by opening that menu again.
Add items to the machine by dragging and dropping them when you're in the Machine's Items category.
Slot Machine also supports different layout, including a vertical one-line layout.
Combining Slot Machine and other plugins like ItemsAdder and PlaceholderAPI, you can even fully customize your machine, look at what our community created :
Slot Machine allows you to customize a lot of parts that players can see, including customizing the layout and background of your machines as well as its rewards through a user-friendly UI :
- Vault (If you wish to use money as a currency)
- Any Economy Plugin that works with Vault (like Essentials) (If you wish to use money as a currency)
Supported Plugins :
- GamePoints : GamePoints is supported as a currency (will only show up after the plugin is installed)
- TokensManager : TokensManager is supported as a currency (will only show up after the plugin is installed)
- VotingPlugin : Voting points from VotingPlugin are supported as a currency for Slot Machines (will only show up after the plugin is installed)
- PlayerPoints : PlayerPoints is supported as a currency (will only show up after the plugin is installed)
- Citizens : To create machines on Citizens NPCs
- PlaceholderAPI : Use any Placeholder in various places of the UI
/openmachine <Player Name> <Machine UUID>
Opens a Slot Machine for a Player using the Machine UUID (Available in the Machine's UI).
/tpmachine <Entity UUID>
Teleports a Slot Machine to your location. The Entity UUID can be found in the Machine's UI
/givetokens <Player Name> <Amount of Tokens> [Token ID]
Gives a Player the amount of Token using the Token's name, use `
/slotmachinetoken list` to manage tokens and see their names
/slotmachinetoken list
Opens a the list of all your tokens and allows you to manage them
/slotmachinetoken add <unique name (lower case, no space)>
Adds the currently held item as a new Token, use
default as name to replace the default token
Reloads machines and tokens from the disk
/smcooldown <player/@a(only online)/@everyone(all players)> <slot machine uuid/all> reset
Resets the cooldown of the Player or multiple players for a machine or all machines
Forces the plugin to make a backup of your machines, this backup will be in the plugin folder under the name
Forces all changes, statistics and player data to be saved, otherwise the plugin saves data every minute
Updates your currently selected language with the latest community translations from Crowdin (
Permission to edit Slot Machines (with a Blaze Rod)
Permission to play with Slot Machines.
You can also set noPermissionNeededForDefaultAccess to true in the config file to allow all players to play with machines with default permission
Permission to play with machines that have customized permission.
Where X is the permission name.
Permission to use the /givetokens command
Permission to use the /slotmachinetoken command and its subcommands
Permission to use the /smcooldown command
Permission to use the /smsavetodisk, /smreload, /smupdatelanguages and /smbackup commands
Slot Machine supports multiple languages out-of-the-box with over-the-air updates from our community translations done on Crowdin (
You can also create your own language files easily ! Simply head to the SlotMachine/langs folder, you will find a readme.txt and a to help you get started on making your own translation for your server. You can translate only the sentences that you need.
Natively Supported Languages :
- English (en)
- French (fr)
- Simplified and Traditional Chinese (zh-CN, zh-TW)
- German (de)
- Russian (ru)
- Hungerian (hu)
- Italian (it)
- Czech (cs-CZ)
- Spanish (es-ES)
- Korean (kr)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)
- Turkish (tr)
- Hungarian (hu)
- Vietnamese (vi)
- Italian (it)
- Japanese (jp)
- Romanian (ro)