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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

2.3.5 Update - 1.17.1 And A Pile Of Little Improvements
Sentinel version 2.3.5 build 424

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8.8 up to 1.17.1

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Updates That Deserve Long Descriptions

- Native combat driver: in a recent update, native combat for Skeletons and Zombies doing melee attacks was added. In this update, that extends to a more common NPC type - Players! There is now a direct NMS-driven attack handler for when a player-type NPC is attacking something. This new attack handler only applies when: It is a melee attack (fist/sword) AND the NPC is player-type AND your server version is at least 1.17 AND "/sentinel damage" is set to -1 (the default value) AND you don't disable native attacks in the config. If all of these are true, the native attack handler will be used - this applies the actual internal/vanilla attack logic, including all enchantments and anything else vanilla does with the held item. If any of them are false (you set a custom damage value, you're on an older server version, you have a mob-typed NPC, the NPC is using a ranged or special attack, or you set the new native attack config option to 'false'), the pre-existing attack in Sentinel handler will be used. If you have player type NPCs and after this update something goes wrong with melee updates, change the 'native attacks' config value to 'false' and please report what went wrong on GitHub or Discord.

New Stuff

- Bumped build target to 1.17.1
- added some API convenience methods ('removeTarget')
- NPCs with 'fightback' now can get angry at players outside their aggro range when attacked (based on Discord discussion)
- tweaked the default reach to 4.5 to match vanilla survival player reach - only applies to new config files

Things Fixed

- Fixed the broken 'drops' command (thanks to GitHub issue #368)
- added some protection against NPC groups clumping together (based on Discord discussion)
- The sentinel config defaults to having 'speed: 1.5' but this got misinterpreted as '1.0' due to a lil typo in the code (the value was rounded), this means NPCs weren't sprinting while attacking by default even though they were meant to be - they now will sprint when attacking as intended. If you prefer the accidental slow NPCs, you can just change the default speed value in the config to '1' or use '/sentinel speed 1' on any NPC.
----------, Aug 13, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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