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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

1.9.5 Update - The Specification Update!
Sentinel version 1.9.5 build 281

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8 up to 1.14

If you want to talk about Sentinel or get help with it, join the Discord!
If you want to support my work, I have a patreon:

Updates That Deserve Long Descriptions

- Added "event:eve" for mobs attacking mobs! This means that you can have a "shepherd" NPC for example - ie one that literally protects your sheep farm by attacking wolves that attack your sheep, but won't attack innocent wolves just passing by (letting you tame them).
- Added special prefixed event targets - that is, "event :pv:<entity>" and "event:ev:<entity>" - that is for a player attacking an entity of a type (eg "event :pv:chicken" fires for players that attack chickens) or mobs attacking a specific type of entity. This update also incorporates the old "event:message,<message>" target into "event:message:<message>" (ie switch to a second colon instead of a comma - this should update itself for existing saves) (Thanks to GitHub issue #297)

New Stuff

- Clear license for the source code added! Doesn't affect end-users, but is handy to anyone who wants to contribute to Sentinel or fork it.
- "/sentinel" commands can now use "--id [id]"... that is, if you have a Sentinel NPC with id 9, you can do "/sentinel info --id 9" to get the info for that specific NPC, even if it's not selected.
- Can now shoot fireworks from bows or crossbows (only for Spigot 1.14.4+, using an API added Aug. 2nd - make sure your Spigot build is updated if you want to use this!) (based on Discord discussion)
- Added ability to guard NPCs in addition to players (use "/sentinel guard npc:[id]") (Thanks to GitHub issue #294)
- Added ability to target anything a guarded player attacks (even if it doesn't fight back) (use "/sentinel addtarget event:guarded_fight") (Thanks to GitHub issue #303)
- Event target inputs are now at least partially validated.

Things Fixed

- Arrows fired by Sentinel NPCs were possible to pick up on 1.14.x - fixed that. (Thanks to GitHub issue #299, also thanks to Spigot forum posters)
- Limit rate of fire damage to Sentinel NPCS - though it will still visually be damaged at super rapid rates for some reason (based on Discord discussion)
- Fixed an error message that would appear sometimes when NPCs generate knockback on players
- Fixed broken messages from Sentinel integrations that have no target help
- Fixed avoiding events
- Fixed event :pvp/etc not requiring a player be the attacker
- Fixed it so that NPCs will not avoid anyone on the 'ignore' list
----------, Aug 13, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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