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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

1.6.2 Update - Compatibility with 1.13, bug-fixes, some features
This update adds full support for Minecraft 1.13, and remains backwards compatible with older versions.
This is build 191.

Most of the other updates in this version are bug-fix focus, though there are some small new features (eg squad targets, new combat AI functionality, new config options, primarily to deal with bugs caused by out-of-Sentinel issues - ie that Sentinel can't fix, but can work-around).

Also, note that the GitHub repo moved to: (previously was under my personal GitHub account mcmonkey4eva).

As an additional announcement regarding the next update coming:

If you have a plugin that integrates into Sentinel, be aware that Sentinel 1.7.0 (build DEV-192+ on ) has had its API layout heavily changed, and your Sentinel-API-using plugins may need to be updated to work with it - primarily, a lot of the code in the SentinelTrait class has been moved out to Helper objects (due to that class becoming too huge when it's all in the one class). The biggest benefit of this is a clean, well documented API - you can browse JavaDocs here: - ... as a user/server-owner the main benefits you get are: a better, more well-optimized project (less resource-intensive on your server!), likelihood of better feature development in the future (as I can more readily work within the codebase myself, and other developers are better able to contribute to the project!), and better availability of connected plugins (other developers can more easily write plugins that integrate into Sentinel).
----------, Oct 9, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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