IMPORTANT: You must copy your config.yml values inside your "AntiPickDrop" folder to the new folder named "AntiDrop"
In this update I have completely recorded AntiDrop to improve its stability, performance and functionality.
- Changed the way that AntiDrop checks if the player drops a second time within the drop-delay to improve performance
- Changed player storage to a custom .yml file instead of .txt file
- Added specific-item support (More info below)
- Added enabled-by-default option
- Fixed a bug where AntiDrop's plugin name and folder was still AntiPickDrop
- Added Java unicode support (ex \u00BB will become »)
- Removed {RARROW} placeholder (replace with \u00BB)
You'll have to add the follow sections to your config:
Code (YAML):
# (true = Enabled on join if new | false = Disabled on join if new)
: true
# None of these attributes (name, data, enchants or lore) are required, but atleast one must be set
# If an item matches all the data below antidrop will be triggered
# Data of item (The number after the colon of an item's id) (if there is no colon this can be removed or set to 0)
: 14
# Name of item
: '&cIf an item has this name it will trigger &lantidrop'
# Enchants must be defined as named on the Spigot JavaDocs (link above)
# and the enchants must be defined as 'NAME:LEVEL'
# Lore of item
- '&e&lline 1'
Thanks to
@Shaun246 for the suggestion (specific-items)
If you have trouble configuring specific-items PM me. But please provide a
pastebin of your config and I'll be happy to help.