IMPORTANT: If you haven't read the update description below yet, make sure you do!
In this update I have slightly changed how specific-items are defined but it is very important and if you don't convert your current items to the new format the plugin will error.
- Added antidrop death protection for specific-items that have drop: false as an attribute
- Added boolean value in config that sets if players can toggle antidrop death protection
- Fixed bug where you could only have one specific item defined per material (due to key names being materials)
You'll have to add the follow sections to your config:
Code (YAML):
# If true then when a player has antidrop disabled their antidrop items (with drop: false) will still drop (and wont if enabled), if false antidrop items (with drop: false) will never drop
: true
Thanks to
@Shaun246, for the antidrop death suggestion
To properly convert your specific-items, add a new variable named "item" and make the value the item material (the parent-key of the item) and then change the parent-key to something unique (all parent-keys must be different)
Still confused? Watch this
GIF, or
PM me